Psychometric tests: which one is suitable for you?

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Psychometric Test has come as a true gift of modern technology for the new generation. Especially for the students of Class X to determine which stream they should take after giving their board exams and students of Class XII to decide on which career path they want to move ahead. Also, it can be used to identify a suitable job profile for applicants applying for jobs in both the public and private sectors. Here’s are psychometric tests: which one is suitable for you.

If you’re looking to get a comprehensive education in culinary arts, enrolling in a culinary arts program would be a great step to take. There are many options available, including certificate programs, associate’s degree programs, and bachelor’s degree programs. Certificate programs typically take less time to complete and provide students with a focused education in cooking techniques, kitchen operations, and food service management. Associate’s degree programs typically take two years to complete and provide students with a more comprehensive education in culinary arts, including a wider range of cooking techniques, food science, and business management.

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Why Is Psychometric Test Important For Students?

In order to know themselves better and to get a correct evaluation of their skills and abilities, every student must take up a psychometric test

  • The test consists of physical and mental assessment intended to know the conditioning of the student better.
  • The test focus on revealing the psychological capacity of a student before taking to making educational or career decisions.
  • It helps the student to reveal the suitability of the student to a particular field of study.
  • Taking up a psychometric test would also benefit the student to know in which field they should pursue or start a career.

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How Are The Psychometric Tests Conducted?

Nowadays with the help of the internet and advancement of technology, we can take up psychometric test online sitting at your home at any hour of the day on every device. The test consists of a questionnaire and is usually a multiple-choice format through which you can measure the skills, personality and aptitude of the student.

You will be given limited time to answer each question depending upon the structure and skills being assessed in the question. An average test would take up to 15-20 minutes of your time to complete. Psychometric test is also conducted offline. If you opt for an offline test, you will be allotted a centre and venue where the test will be conducted. You will be provided with a pen and paper and given a limited time to complete the test. Due to COVID-19 pandemic psychometric test is conducted online everywhere. It is important for the student to answer the questions honestly to get a true and fair evaluation from the test. Providing wrong information will adversely affect the student in knowing their true potential.

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Types Of Psychometric Test

Taking up a psychometric test can help you to understand the different dimensions of your personality, skills and aptitude. Here are the types of psychometric test available for you on

Ideal Career Test

An Ideal Career test helps the student to evaluate their personality and interest and can help you find an ideal career for you. This test has especially been set up by professionals and one of the most accurate tests suitable for you to kick-start your career.

The Ideal Career test comprises 4 sections:

  • Motivation,
  • Aptitude,
  • Interest
  • Personality section.

Once you finish the assessment you will be able to decide a suitable career for yourself.

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Skill-Based Career Test

    • As the name suggests, a skill-based career test is a skill and interest-based test on RAISEC theory which will help you to determine which career will keep you engaged in your work and motivated in the long run.

If you’re looking to get a comprehensive education in culinary arts, enrolling in a culinary arts program would be a great step to take. There are many options available, including certificate programs, associate’s degree programs, and bachelor’s degree programs. Certificate programs typically take less time to complete and provide students with a focused education in cooking techniques, kitchen operations, and food service management. Associate’s degree programs typically take two years to complete and provide students with a more comprehensive education in culinary arts, including a wider range of cooking techniques, food science, and business management.

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Stream Selector Test

Stream selector test is mainly for class 10thstudents to determine which is the right stream for them. This test is also based on RAISEC theory to help you discover your interest and aptitude. Stream Selector Test will measure your interest and aptitude and is divided into 4 sections

  • Mathematics,
  • Biology,
  • Commerce
  • Humanities

This test will take approx. an hour to complete. At the end of the assessment, you will be able to make the right choice on what stream you want to select.

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Professional Skill Index Test

A professional skill test is for candidates who are applying for a job. This test will help you find out your professional skills and qualities. This test helps the employer to identify the right candidate for the right job profile. Professional Skill Index Test will examine your presence of mind, real-life work situations and personality required for the given post. In addition to these, there are 3 streams-specific tests for class 12thstudents to determine their career path in which they can flourish. Engineering branch selector test Commerce career selector test Humanities career selector test

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Psychometric test is the key for the students’ bright future as they connect the bridge between finding their real career inclinations with actual career decisions. Also, psychometric test not only helps students in finding the right career path for them, but also they get to know their skills, interest, hobbies and their aptitude ability which help them later in the future to excel in life.

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