10th class SA1 Question Paper 2017: Download

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The 10th class SA1 Question Paper 2017(Download), conducted by CBSE, stands as a pivotal reference for students aspiring to excel in their secondary educational evaluations. In this segment, we will provide a comprehensive overview, elucidating the general blueprint and composition, the array of subjects encompassed, and the crucial facets of temporal allocation and marks dispersion.

Overview: 10th class SA1 Question Paper 2017

The 10th class SA1 Question Paper 2017 serves as a pivotal reference for students aspiring to surpass expectations in their secondary educational evaluations. In this segment, we shall present an all-encompassing overview, elucidating the general blueprint and composition, the array of subjects encompassed, and the crucial facets of temporal allocation and marks dispersion.

General Blueprint and Composition:

The 10th class Question Paper 2017 adhered to a meticulously structured format designed to appraise students across diverse academic domains. Typically, the document featured segments corresponding to the individual subjects, each housing a series of inquiries ranging from objective-type to more intricate descriptive responses. The overarching design aimed at scrutinizing students’ grasp, analytical acumen, and subject-specific acuity.

Subjects Encompassed:

The 10th class Question Paper 2017 embraced a spectrum of disciplines, offering a holistic assessment of students’ scholastic proficiencies. The fundamental subjects typically encompassed Mathematics, Science, English, Social Studies, and indigenous languages. Each subject presented distinct challenges, assessing students on various cognitive realms and subject-specific adeptness.

Temporal Allocation and Marks Dispersion:

Effective time administration holds paramount importance in any examination, and the SA1 2017 Question Paper exemplified this necessity. The exam duration varied, with each subject allotted a specific timeframe. Students needed to judiciously distribute time to each section based on the marks allotment, ensuring comprehensive addressing of all queries within the stipulated temporal confines.

Download: 10th class SA1 Solved Question Paper 2017

 10th class SA1 Solved Question Paper 2017 PDF Download
Paper TitleYear of ExamQuestion Paper
English 2017Click Here
Math 2017Click Here
 Science 2017Click Here
 Hindi 2017Click Here
 Social Science 2017Click Here

10th class SA1 Question Paper 2017: Subject Schema

The deleted syllabus of Class 10 is reduced by 30% for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 sessions. Here’s a summary of the deleted topics across major subjects:

TypeSubject Name

Language 1

Language 2



Social Science


Skill Subject

Language 3

Any Academic subject other than those opted for above

Internal Assessment

Art Education

Health and Physical Education

10th class SA1 Question Paper 2017 Deleted Syllabus

In Class 10, students have a specific set of subjects to study. There are 5 subjects that everyone must take, 2 optional subjects for students to choose, and 2 subjects that involve internal assessment.





Real Numbers

Euclid’s division lemma, 

the decimal representation of rational numbers as terminating/non-terminating recurring decimals.

Coordinate Geometry

Area of a triangle.


Proofs of some theorems.


Entire chapter deleted.

Trigonometric Identities

Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles.

Surface Areas and Volumes

Frustum of a cone.



Chemical Substances

Nature and Classification: Need for classification, 

early attempts (Dobereiner’s triads, Newland’s Law of Octaves), 

modern periodic table, 

gradation in properties, valency, 

atomic number, 

metallic and non-metallic properties.

Chemical Reactions and Equations

Balancing of chemical equations.

Life Processes

Processes in nutrition, respiration, 

Transport in animals and plants (diagrams and details not needed).

Control and Coordination

Nervous system – different types of neurons and functions.

How Do Organisms Reproduce?

Modes of reproduction (asexual and sexual) with examples.

Our Environment

Different forms of energy, conventional and non-conventional sources of energy (details not required), 

Management of natural resources (only for internal assessment).

Social Science


Introduction to the Sources of History, 

The Indus Valley Civilization.


Drainage System, 

Manufacturing Industries, 

Life in Villages and Towns.





The Executive, 

The State Legislature, 

Local Self Government, 

Electoral System.



Poem – Dust of Snow, 

Prose – The Sermon on the Mount.


Poem – The Lake Isle of Innisfree, 

Short story – The Luncheon.



Poem – बुझती हुई दीवार, कहानी – नशा.



Poem– रोज, कहानी – बूढ़ी ककड़ी.



Ratnavali: Act 1.

Tips for Good Preparation

  • Learn Syllabus Carefully: Learn every topic covered in the syllabus, including the chapters, poetry, grammatical rules, and composition subjects. Make sure you are prepared for the exam.
  • Concentrate on Writing: Writing abilities should receive particular attention because they are essential to achieve high exam scores. Write stories, letters, and essays as practice to get good marks in the writing section.
  • Solve Previous Year Question Papers: Examine past year’s question papers to gain insight into the format and nature of the questions. It will also assist you with time management.
    Revise Often: To help you remember material and enhance your comprehension, go back and review chapters, poetry, and grammar rules on a frequent basis.
  • Remain Positive and Confident: Remain upbeat and assured of your skills. Have faith in your readiness and in yourself.
  • Maintain Your Health: Make sure you’re eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising on a regular basis. A sound body promotes a sound mind, which is necessary for studying for exams.

Common Challenges: 10th class SA1 Question Paper 2017

Starting an educational path frequently means facing typical obstacles that learners face. Identifying these obstacles is the first step in creating winning plans to get over them. Here, we examine a few common issues that students encounter:

  • Time management: It might be difficult to strike a balance between extracurricular activity and academic obligations. It can be difficult for students to set aside enough time for each topic or to stick to a regular study schedule.
  • Procrastination: The propensity to put off work can make progress difficult. Procrastination frequently stems from a lack of drive or a sense of overwhelm, which makes it difficult to make the most of study time.
  • Subject Comprehension: It might be difficult to understand complicated ideas, particularly in areas like science or mathematics. Inadequate study materials or unclear teaching strategies could be part of the problem.
  • Exam Anxiety: People frequently struggle with anxiety and nervousness before exams. Stress levels can rise as a result of performance pressure, exam format confusion, or fear of failing.
  • Distractions: Social interactions, technological diversions, or a disorganized study space can take attention away from concentrated study periods, which can affect focus and productivity.
  • Lack of Resources: Insufficient study materials or restricted access to resources may make thorough preparation difficult. Students that encounter this obstacle could find it difficult to locate additional resources or different teaching aids.
  • Peer Pressure: Study habits might be influenced by the desire to live up to peer expectations. It becomes essential to find a balance between social and intellectual obligations.
  • Taking Notes Effectively:
    The difficulty of learning effective note-taking techniques has an impact on the caliber of revision. It could be difficult for students to succinctly summarize material.
  • Motivation and Burnout: It might be difficult to maintain motivation for an extended amount of time. Burnout is a condition marked by physical and mental tiredness and can be brought on by persistently demanding academic work under pressure.

FAQ's: 10th class SA1 Question Paper 2017

The question paper typically follows a structured format, with sections dedicated to different subjects. Each section contains a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, short answer, and descriptive questions.

Subjects covered in 10th Class Question Paper 2017 are:

  1. English
  2. Hindi,
  3. Maths
  4. Science
  5. Social Science

You can check out this blogs Download Section there you will get every paper of Class 10th.

  • Plan a realistic study schedule that allocates sufficient time to each subject. Break down study sessions into focused intervals to maintain concentration.
  • Prioritize subjects based on your strengths and weaknesses. Allocate more time to challenging subjects while ensuring you cover all topics within the stipulated timeframe.
  • Incorporate short breaks between study sessions to avoid burnout. Physical activity during breaks can refresh your mind and improve overall productivity.
  • Set daily or weekly study goals that are achievable. Celebrate small victories to stay motivated and maintain a positive mindset throughout the preparation period. 

Previous year question papers provide insights into the recurring themes, question patterns, and the overall structure of the exam. Understanding these trends helps you tailor your preparation. 

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