10th Maths Model Question Paper Download PDF

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10th Maths Model Question Paper : With the help of our website, which has an extensive collection of Previous Paper of Class 10  CBSE Board, you may successfully prepare for your Class 10 CBSE Board Exam. Get access to a large selection of past exam questions that have been carefully chosen to cover subjects related to the  Class 10 CBSE Board course . Download practice tests in several formats, such as multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and descriptive questions, to help you prepare for exams and increase your confidence. With the help of our platform, you can revise with concentrate and recognize important themes and question formulation trends. Get ongoing help and direction to help you prepare for and pass the CBSE Board Exam.

Introduction : 10th Maths Model Question Paper


Class 10  Mathematics within the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) syllabus stands as a pivotal subject, setting the groundwork for intricate mathematical ideologies and problem-solving acumen.

Curriculum Substance:

The educational schema of X Group Mathematics encompasses a vast array of themes, spanning from Numeric Constructs, Algebraic Structures, Geometric Notions, Trigonometric Fundamentals, Mensurational Conceptions, Statistical Analytics, to Probabilistic Inferences.

Educational Aims:

Via these facets, scholars delve into quandaries, scrutinize datasets, and formulate mathematical resolutions. The pedagogical design aims to augment scholars’ discerning faculties, rational ruminations, and analytical proficiencies.

Empirical Utilizations:

In addition, X Group Mathematics accentuates empirical utilizations through exercises, ventures, and exploratory endeavors. Pupils are enjoined to immerse themselves in tactile learning exploits, fostering a visualization of mathematical abstractions and cultivating stratagems for quandary resolutions.


On the whole, X Group Mathematics bears considerable weight in honing scholars’ mathematical adeptness, laying the groundwork for higher academia pursuits and prospective professional pathways. It instills a profound admiration for the elegance and utility of mathematics, empowering scholars to emerge as self-assured and adept quandary solvers.

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Syllabus : 10th Maths Model Question Paper

Number Systems
    • Real Numbers: Euclid’s division lemma, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, and Rational and Irrational Numbers.
    • Polynomials: Zeros of a polynomial, Relationship between zeros and coefficients, and Division algorithm for polynomials.
    • Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables: Pair of linear equations in two variables and graphical method of solution.
    • Quadratic Equations: Standard form, solutions of quadratic equations, and nature of roots.
    • Arithmetic Progressions: nth term of an AP, sum of first n terms of an AP, and application in solving daily-life problems.
    • Triangles: Congruence of triangles, Criteria for similarity of triangles, Pythagoras theorem, and Applications.
    • Circles: Tangent to a circle, Number of tangents from a point on a circle, and Properties of tangents.
    • Constructions: Construction of bisectors of line segments and angles, Construction of a triangle, and Construction of tangents to a circle.
    • Introduction to Trigonometry: Trigonometric ratios of an acute angle, Trigonometric identities, and Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles.
    • Heights and Distances: Angle of elevation, Angle of depression, and Problems related to heights and distances.
    • Areas Related to Circles: Area and circumference of a circle, and Areas of sectors and segments of a circle.
    • Surface Areas and Volumes: Surface areas and volumes of combinations of solids such as cuboids, cones, cylinders, spheres, hemispheres, and frustums.
Statistics and Probability
    • Statistics: Collection and presentation of data, Mean, median, and mode of grouped data, and Histograms.
    • Probability: Random experiments, Outcomes and sample spaces, Events, and Probability of an event.
Coordinate Geometry
    • Coordinate Geometry: Distance formula, Section formula, and Area of a triangle.

Exam Pattern : 10th Maths Model Question Paper

The Class 10 CBSE Mathematics exam follows a structured pattern designed to assess students’ understanding of mathematical concepts and problem-solving abilities. Here’s an overview of the exam pattern:

Type of QuestionsNo. of QuestionsMarks
1 Mark2020
2 Marks510
3 Marks618
4 Marks312
5 Marks420
Internal AssessmentMarksTotal Marks
Pen Paper Test and Multiple Assessment (5+5)1020 marks
Lab Practical (Lab activities to be done from the prescribed books)5

Significance of 10th Maths Model Question Paper

The significance of 10th Maths Model Question Paper lies in their ability to serve as valuable study resources for candidates preparing for the CBSE Board examination. Here are some key reasons why these question papers are important:

Exam Blueprint Revealed:

The actual exam is modeled by these papers. You can learn a lot about the arrangement of the questions, the relative importance of the various areas on the syllabus, and even the degree of difficulty by carefully examining them. This enables you to customize your study and give priority to the subjects that need greater attention.

Improving Your Skills:

Using past year papers for practice is similar to taking practice exams in a real exam setting. You get to put your speed, accuracy, and conceptual understanding to the test in a virtual setting. This assists in determining your areas of strength and weakness prior to the exam, enabling you to improve your strategy and reinforce your comprehension of important subjects.

Building Exam Stamina:

The Class 10 CBSE Board exam may have a time limit, therefore success depends on your ability to manage your time well. You can improve your endurance and time management abilities for the test by using previous year’s papers. You can learn to pace yourself, prioritize questions, and stay away from becoming bogged down on any one problem by practicing in a timed environment.

Increasing Confidence:

Completing last year’s papers successfully boosts your self-assurance and eases exam anxiety. Observing that you can appropriately respond to questions validates your understanding and inspires you to keep trying. Your overall exam performance is significantly impacted by this positive reinforcement.

Finding Recurring Patterns:

Although the precise questions won’t be asked again, reviewing previous exams frequently identifies patterns in the subjects and question types that are asked again. This enables you to create focused strategies for answering the kinds of questions you might encounter on the actual exam by anticipating their types.

It’s like having a secret weapon when you use the 10th Maths Question Paper in your preparing approach. They sharpen your abilities, give you confidence boosts, and offer priceless insights, all of which considerably raise your chances of succeeding on test day.

Tips for Good Preparation : 10th Maths Model Question Paper

Recognize the test and syllabus:

Visit the CBSE Board website to download the official announcement and curriculum.
Recognize the format of the exam (number of sections, weighted scores, time allotment).
Learn everything there is to know about the subjects included on the curriculum for each area.

Create a Timetable and Study Plan:

Make a realistic study schedule with time allotted for each section based on the syllabus and your preferred method of learning.
Establish study times on a daily or weekly basis, and try your best to maintain them.
Be adaptable and make necessary changes to your plan, but consistency is essential.

Establish a Robust Base:

Pay close attention to the fundamental ideas in each area, paying particular attention.
Learn the fundamental, shortcuts, and approaches to solving problems.

Make Use of Educational Resources

Make use of top-notch study resources, such as online courses, textbooks, and coaching materials (if necessary).
Exam patterns and time management exercises can be learned by looking at previous year’s question papers and practice exams.

Consistent Practice:

Every day, complete practice questions from different sources.
Prioritize precision while progressively picking up speed.
Examine your errors and determine what needs to be improved.

By following these tips and dedicating yourself to consistent preparation, you can significantly increase your chances of success in the 10th Maths Model Question Paper With Answer. Remember, the key is to start early, work hard, and stay focused on your goal.

FAQs : 10th Maths Model Question Paper

Q1: What is the syllabus for Mathematics in Class 10 CBSE Board Exam?

A1: The syllabus includes topics like Real Numbers, Polynomials, Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic Equations, Arithmetic Progressions, Triangles, Circles, Constructions, Trigonometry, Statistics, and Probability.

Q2: How should I prepare for Mathematics in Class 10 CBSE Board Exam?

A2: Understand the concepts thoroughly, practice regularly, solve previous years’ question papers and sample papers, focus on important topics, and seek help from teachers or tutors if needed.

Q3: Are there any tips for scoring well in Mathematics?

A3: Practice solving problems regularly, understand the steps involved in solving each type of problem, make use of formulas and theorems effectively, manage your time during the exam, and review your answers before submission.

Q4: Is there any choice in the Mathematics paper?

A4: Yes, there is usually internal choice provided in some questions of the Mathematics paper to enable students to choose questions they are more comfortable with.

Q5: What are the common mistakes to avoid in the Mathematics paper?

A5: Some common mistakes to avoid include misinterpreting the question, skipping steps while solving problems, not showing proper working, and careless errors in calculations.

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