Biological Classification Neet Questions: Download pdf, FAQs

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Biological Classification Neet Questions, encompassing the categorization of organisms based on similarities and differences. NEET questions regularly focus on the 5-country classification, traits of different kingdoms (Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia), and concepts like taxonomy, nomenclature, and hierarchy. Students need to apprehend the distinguishing features of each group, their evolutionary relationships, and examples. A strong hold close of those standards is crucial for scoring properly within the biology phase of the examination.

Introduction: Biological Classification Neet Questions

Biological type is a fundamental concept in biology that involves organizing dwelling organisms into hierarchical corporations primarily based on their similarities and differences. This systematic categorization enables scientists and college students understand the relationships between distinctive species and their evolutionary history. NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) regularly includes questions about biological class, focusing on diverse taxonomic ranks, which includes kingdoms, phyla, instructions, and species. It covers critical subjects like the characteristics of the five kingdoms—Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia—and the distinguishing capabilities of various phyla and instructions. Preparing for NEET questions about biological category calls for a thorough understanding of taxonomy principles, binomial nomenclature, and the criteria used to classify organisms. Mastery of those subjects is critical for NEET aspirants to excel inside the exam’s biology phase and secure an awesome rank for admission to clinical and dental faculties.

Biological Classification Neet Questions

Importance of Biological Classification in NEET

  • Understanding relationships: Taxonomy helps us understand the evolutionary relationships of organisms.
  • Organism Identification: Provides a framework for identifying and naming organisms.
  • Studying species: Taxonomy helps to understand how different organisms have adapted to their environment by studying the life forms on earth.
  • Predicting symptoms: Knowing how an organism is classified can help predict its symptoms.

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Kingdom Monera: NEET Questions and Key Concepts

Characteristics of the National Monera

  • Prokaryotes: Organisms in Kingdom Monera are prokaryotes, meaning they lack nuclei and membrane-bound organelles.
  • Unicellular: They are unicellular organisms.
  • Microscopists: Most of the members of the Monera team are microscopists.
  • Cell walls: They have cell walls that provide structural stability.
  • Asexual reproduction: Monerans reproduce asexually mainly by bifurcation or branching.
  • Cell diversity: They exhibit a wide range of physiological processes, including autotrophic and heterotrophic modes.

NEET Sample Questions for Monera

  • Which of the following cells belongs to the Kingdom of Monera?
    a) Amoebae
    b) Written by Euglena
    C) Escherichia coli
    d) Paramecium
  • The bacterial cell wall consists mainly of:
    a) Cellulose
    b) Chitin synthesis
    C) peptidoglycan
    d) Silica oxide
  • Which of the following is a characteristic of prokaryotes?
    a) The presence of a nucleus
    b) Absence of membrane-bound organelles
    C) The presence of a cell wall
    d) All of the above
  • Asexual reproduction in bacteria is called:
    a) Simple mitosis
    b) Simple meiosis
    C) Bicyclic fragmentation
    d) Sprouting
  • Which of the following bacterial groups fixes nitrogen?
    a) Rhizobium
    b) Lactobacillus
    C) Salmonella
    d) Clostridium


C) Escherichia coli
C) peptidoglycan
b) Absence of membrane-bound organelles
C) Bicyclic fragmentation
a) Rhizobium

Kingdom Protista: NEET Questions and Exam Tips

Type and Classification of Protista

  • Eukaryotes: Protists are eukaryotic organisms, meaning they have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
  • Diversity: They are a diverse group of organisms, varying in size, shape, and lifestyle.
  • Unicellular or multicellular: Some protists are unicellular, while others are multicellular.
  • Autotrophic or heterotrophic: They can be autotrophic (produce their own food) or heterotrophic (obtain food from other organisms).
  • Classification: Protists are generally divided into groups based on their diet, cell structure, and mode of reproduction.

NEET Frequently Asked Questions on Protista

  1. Which of the following is a characteristic of protists?
    • a) Prokaryotic cells
    • b) Absence of membrane-bound organelles
    • c) Eukaryotic cells
    • d) All of the above
  2. The pseudopodia of an amoeba are used for:
    • a) Movement
    • b) Childbirth
    • c) Breathing
    • d) Disposal of materials
  3. Which of the following protists is a photosynthate?
    • a) Euglena
    • b) Amoeba
    • c) Paramecium
    • d) Trypanosoma
  4. Malaria and:
    • a) Plasmodium
    • b) Trypanosoma
    • c) Leishmania
    • d) Entamoeba
  5. Which of the following Protists is a member of the kingdom Protista?
    • a) Yeast
    • b) Bacteria
    • c) Euglena
    • d) All of the above


  • c) Eukaryotic cells
  • a) Movement
  • a) Euglena
  • a) Plasmodium
  • c) Euglena

Exam Pattern

Question Type Number of Questions Marks per Question Total Marks
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 10 4 40
Assertion-Reason Questions 5 4 20
Total 15 60

Kingdom Fungi: Key Points for NEET Preparation

Structure and Classification of Fungi

  • Eukaryotes: Fungi are eukaryotic organisms, meaning they have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
  • Heterotrophs: They are heterotrophs, obtaining their nutrients by absorbing organic matter from their environment.
  • Cell Wall: Fungi have a cell wall composed of chitin.
  • Mycelium: The body of a fungus is made up of a network of filaments called hyphae, which collectively form a mycelium.
  • Reproduction: Fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually.
  • Classification: Fungi are classified into different groups based on their reproductive structures and characteristics.

NEET Questions Focusing on Fungi

1. The cell wall of fungi is primarily composed of:

  • a) Cellulose
  • b) Chitin
  • c) Peptidoglycan
  • d) Silica

2. The body of a fungus is made up of:

  • a) Roots
  • b) Stems
  • c) Leaves
  • d) Hyphae

3. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of fungi?

  • a) Autotrophic nutrition
  • b) Heterotrophic nutrition
  • c) Photosynthesis
  • d) All of the above

4. The process of asexual reproduction in fungi is called:

  • a) Mitosis
  • b) Meiosis
  • c) Sporulation
  • d) Budding

5. Which of the following groups of fungi is responsible for the decomposition of organic matter?

  • a) Ascomycetes
  • b) Basidiomycetes
  • c) Deuteromycetes
  • d) All of the above


  • 1. b) Chitin
  • 2. d) Hyphae
  • 3. b) Heterotrophic nutrition
  • 4. c) Sporulation
  • 5. d) All of the above

Kingdom Plantae: Important NEET Questions

Classification Criteria and Characteristics

  • Eukaryotes: Plants are eukaryotic organisms with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
  • Multicellular: They are multicellular organisms.
  • Autotrophs: Plants are autotrophs, producing their own food through photosynthesis.
  • Cell Wall: They have a cell wall composed of cellulose.
  • Classification: Plants are classified into different groups based on their characteristics, such as the presence or absence of seeds, vascular tissues, and flowers.

Sample NEET Questions on Kingdom Plantae

  1. The primary pigment involved in photosynthesis is:
    • a) Chlorophyll
    • b) Carotene
    • c) Xanthophyll
    • d) Phycocyanin
  2. The vascular tissues in plants are:
    • a) Xylem and phloem
    • b) Tracheids and vessels
    • c) Parenchyma and collenchyma
    • d) Sclerenchyma and parenchyma
  3. Which of the following groups of plants produces seeds but lacks flowers?
    • a) Angiosperms
    • b) Gymnosperms
    • c) Bryophytes
    • d) Pteridophytes
  4. The process of sexual reproduction in flowering plants involves:
    • a) Pollination and fertilization
    • b) Vegetative propagation
    • c) Parthenogenesis
    • d) Asexual reproduction
  5. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of monocotyledons?
    • a) Net-veined leaves
    • b) Taproot
    • c) Parallel-veined leaves
    • d) Woody stems


  • 1. a) Chlorophyll
  • 2. a) Xylem and phloem
  • 3. b) Gymnosperms
  • 4. a) Pollination and fertilization
  • 5. c) Parallel-veined leaves

Kingdom Animalia: Must-Know NEET Questions

Major Phyla and Their Characteristics


  • Simple multicellular nerve cells
  • There are no real muscles and organs
  • Example: sponges


  • Radial symmetry
  • Presence of cnidocytes (dotted cells)
  • Example: jellyfish, coral


  • Flat insects
  • Dorsoventrally thin body
  • There is no real communication infrastructure
  • Example: tapeworm, fluke


  • Round insects
  • A curved body
  • All the digestion
  • Example: Ascaris, hookworms


  • The split worms
  • Closed communication system
  • Example: earthworm, leech


  • Muscles in the joints
  • Exoskeleton made of chitin
  • Example: insects, spiders, crustaceans


  • Soft-bodied animals with shells
  • Example: snails, clams, octopus


  • Radial symmetry
  • Endostructure composed of calcified plates
  • Examples: starfish, sea urchins


  • Notochord, hollow dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, endostyle, and postanal tail at some point in their lives
  • Examples: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals

NEET Questions on Animalia

Which animal family contains cnidocytes?

  • a) Porifera
  • b) Cnidaria
  • c) Platyhelminthes
  • d) Nematodes

The most diverse species are:

  • a) Arthropoda
  • b) Mollusca
  • c) Chordata
  • d) Annelida

Which animal family has a segmental body?

  • a) Platyhelminthes
  • b) Nematodes
  • c) Annelida
  • d) Arthropoda

The characteristics of the Chordata kingdom are:

  • a) Notochord
  • b) Hollow dorsal nerve cord
  • c) Pharyngeal slits
  • d) All of the above

What species are found only in the sea?

  • a) Echinodermata
  • b) Porifera
  • c) Cnidaria
  • d) All of the above


  • b) Cnidaria
  • a) Arthropoda
  • c) Annelida
  • d) All of the above
  • d) All of the above

Answer Key for Biological Classification Neet Questions

Importance of the Answer Key in Preparation

  • Self-evaluation: Comparing your solutions to the reputable answer key allows you to evaluate your overall performance and become aware of regions wherein you want development.
  • Understanding accurate answers: Studying the ideal solutions will let you understand the principles better and learn from your errors.
  • Calculating expected rating: The answer key can be used to calculate your envisioned score and get a sense of your rank.
  • Challenging wrong answers: If you agree with that a particular solution within the official key is wrong, you could undertaking it through the prescribed procedure.

How to Use the Answer Key to Check Answers

  • Download the answer key: Once launched, down load the legitimate answer key from the NTA’s internet site.
  • Compare solutions: Carefully compare your answers to an appropriate solutions furnished within the key.
  • Calculate your rating: Assign factors to each correct answer based on the marking scheme and upload up your total rating.
  • Analyze your performance: Identify the areas in which you accomplished well and where you struggled.
  • Learn from mistakes: Review the questions you spoke back incorrectly to recognize the standards you ignored.

Tips for Solving NEET Questions on Biological Classification

Effective learning strategies

  • Understand the distribution system: Become familiar with the different types of distribution, from regional to diversity. This will help you understand biological relationships and answer questions better.
  • Know the basic characteristics of each group: learn the unique features that distinguish kingdoms, phyla, classes, and other taxonomic groups. This allows you to identify organisms based on their characteristics.
  • Use diagrams and charts: Visual aids can help you understand the relationships between different organisms and capture key information.
  • Use mnemonic devices: Create mnemonic devices to help you remember complex information, such as classification systems or the nature of groups.
  • Use sample questions: Prepare as many practice questions as possible to familiarize yourself with the types of questions you will see in the NEET exam. This will also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Common mistakes to avoid

  • Confusing classification level: Make sure you understand the differences between terms such as nation, race, class, order, race, ethnicity, and species.
  • Basic traits observed: Don’t forget to consider all relevant traits when identifying organisms.
  • Relying solely on memorization: While memorization is important, understanding the underlying concepts will help you apply your knowledge in different situations.
  • Not Enough Practice: Regular practice is necessary to master biological taxonomy. Don’t wait until the last minute to start studying.
  • Ignore diagrams and charts: Visual aids can be very helpful in understanding biological taxonomy. Don’t ignore them.

FAQs about Biological Classification Neet Questions

Q. What is biological classification?

Ans: Ecosystem classification is a method of dividing organisms into groups based on their similarities and differences. It also helps to identify, name and organize species into groups such as domain, kingdom, phylogeny, class, order, family, genus, and species.

Q. Why is biological classification important?

Ans: It facilitates the study of biology, helps to understand evolutionary relationships, helps to identify and name organisms, and facilitates better communication between scientists.

Q. Who is known as the father of biological systems?

Ans: Carl Linnaeus is best known as the father of biological taxonomy who invented binomial nomenclature.

Q. What is a double name?

Ans: Binomial nomenclature is a system of naming organisms with two names: a genus name and a species name (e.g., Homo sapiens).

Q. What are the key countries in the distribution system?

Ans: Traditionally, there are five kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

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