Breathing and Exchange of Gases NEET: Download pdf, FAQs

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Breathing nad Exachange of Gases NEET bankruptcy for NEET covers the mechanisms of respiration, along with the manner of inhalation and exhalation, the function of the breathing organs, and gas exchange on the alveolar and tissue tiers. Key subjects include the law of breathing, shipping of oxygen and carbon dioxide inside the blood, and respiratory volumes. This chapter is critical for knowledge the physiological methods that keep oxygen and carbon dioxide balance in the frame, essential for NEET coaching.

Introduction: Breathing nad Exachange of Gases NEET

Breathing nad Exachange of Gases NEET is an integral part of the NEET syllabus, focusing on the mechanics and functions of the respiratory system. It examines in detail the physiology of gas exchange, emphasizing the importance of oxygen and carbon dioxide transport in the human body. Students learn about the anatomy of the respiratory system, including structures such as the lungs, lungs, and lungs, and their role in breathing. This chapter also covers the mechanisms of ventilation through the lungs, external and internal respiration, and how the muscles regulate respiration Understanding these concepts is important for NEET candidates because it it was the basis for understanding more complex physiological processes and is often tested in the experiment. Knowledge in this field not only contributes to the refining of NEET but also provides a comprehensive understanding of how the human body sustains life through breathing.

Breathing And Exchange Of Gases Neet

Importance in NEET Exam

Understanding the breathing device is crucial for NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) aspirants for several reasons:

  • Biology Syllabus: The breathing system is a middle topic in the biology syllabus.
  • Question Frequency: Questions related to respiration are regularly asked in NEET.
  • Interconnected Concepts: Respiration is connected to other organic processes like move, excretion, and metabolism.
  • Clinical Significance: Understanding respiratory problems and their treatment can be useful in medical-related questions.

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Human Respiratory System: Breathing nad Exachange of Gases NEET

Structure and Function of Respiratory Organs


  • Structure: The primary organs of respiration, positioned on either side of the chest.
  • Function: Exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood.


  • Structure: A tube that connects the larynx to the bronchi.
  • Function: Carries air to and from the lungs.


  • Structure: Tiny air sacs on the quit of the bronchioles.
  • Function: The primary web site of gas exchange.


  • Structure: The trachea divides into bronchi, one for each lung.
  • Function: Carry air to the bronchioles.


  • Structure: A dome-shaped muscle under the lungs.
  • Function: Plays a essential role in breathing with the aid of contracting and enjoyable to exchange the volume of the thoracic cavity.

The Act of Breathing

Breathing In:

  • Contraction of the diaphragm: The diaphragm is flat.
  • The muscles between the vertebrae contract: the ribs expand posteriorly.
  • Stretches the chest: This reduces the pressure in the diaphragm.
  • Airflow: Air is drawn through the nose or mouth into the lungs.

Breathing Out:

  • The diaphragm relaxes: The diaphragm rises.
  • The intercostal muscles relax: the ribs contract inward.
  • Chest contraction: This increases the pressure in the lungs.
  • Air flows out: Air is expelled from the lungs.

Gas Exchange:

  • Oxygen diffusion: Oxygen diffuses from the tissue to the red blood cells.
  • Diffusion of carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide diffuses from red blood cells to tissues.

Respiratory Factors:

  • Exercise: High levels of physical activity require more oxygen and produce more carbon dioxide, which speeds up breathing.
  • Emotions: Stress, anxiety, and excitement can affect breathing.
  • Altitude: Oxygen levels decrease at higher altitudes, causing the body to breathe faster.
  • Health status: Respiratory infections such as asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia can impair breathing.

Mechanism of Breathing

Inhalation (Inspiration)

  • Pressure Gradient: The key to inhalation is the creation of a strain gradient between the lungs and the ecosystem.
  • Diaphragm Contraction: The diaphragm, a dome-shaped muscle underneath the lungs, contracts and flattens downward.
  • Chest Cavity Expansion: The intercostal muscle tissues between the ribs also contract, expanding the chest cavity.
  • Lower Pressure in Lungs: This growth creates a lower strain inside the lungs in comparison to the atmospheric stress.
  • Air Inflow: Air is drawn into the lungs through the nostril or mouth to equalize the pressure.

Exhalation (Expiration)

  • Diaphragm Relaxation: The diaphragm relaxes and returns to its dome-shaped role.
  • Chest Cavity Contraction: The intercostal muscle tissues additionally loosen up, inflicting the chest cavity to contract.
  • Higher Pressure in Lungs: This contraction will increase the pressure within the lungs compared to the atmospheric stress.
  • Air Outflow: The accelerated stress forces air out of the lungs thru the nose or mouth.

Key Factors Affecting Breathing:

  • Lung Elasticity: The elasticity of the lungs lets in them to amplify and agreement successfully.
  • Muscle Strength: The electricity of the diaphragm and intercostal muscle mass impacts the depth and charge of breathing.
  • Nervous System Control: The respiratory centers inside the brain alter respiration price and depth.
  • Gas Exchange: The alternate of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the blood drives the respiration method.

Exam Pattern

Type of Question Number of Questions Marks per Question Total Marks
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 10 4 40
Assertion and Reasoning 5 4 20
Match the Following 5 4 20
True or False 5 4 20

Transport of Gases

Oxygen Carriers

  • Hemoglobin Binding: Oxygen is transported by binding to hemoglobin, a protein found primarily in red blood cells.
  • Oxyhemoglobin Production: When oxygen binds to hemoglobin, it forms oxyhemoglobin.
  • Factors Affecting Oxygen Binding: Factors such as pH, temperature, and carbon dioxide concentration affect how hemoglobin binds to oxygen.

Carbon Dioxide Transport

  • Dissolution in Plasma: Small amounts of carbon dioxide are dissolved in plasma and transported.
  • Formation of Carbaminohemoglobin: Carbaminohemoglobin can bind with carbon dioxide to form carbaminohemoglobin.
  • Bicarbonate Formation: Most carbon dioxide is transported as bicarbonate ions, which are produced in red blood cells.

The Bohr Effect

This effect explains how changes in pH and carbon dioxide concentration affect the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen.

  • Increased CO2 and Decreased pH (Acidosis): Hemoglobin releases more oxygen.
  • Low CO2 and High pH (Alkalosis): Hemoglobin binds oxygen tightly.

The Haldane Effect

This effect explains how changes in oxygen concentration affect the binding of carbon dioxide to hemoglobin.

  • Increased Oxygen Levels: Hemoglobin releases carbon dioxide more efficiently.
  • Decreased Oxygen Levels: Hemoglobin interacts strongly with carbon dioxide.

Exchange of Gases

Gas exchange is the technique by which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged between the alveoli of the lungs and the blood, and between the blood and the tissues of the body.

Alveolar Gas Exchange

  • Diffusion: The primary mechanism for gas exchange inside the alveoli is diffusion, the movement of molecules from a higher concentration place to a lower concentration place.
  • Partial Pressure: The partial pressure of a gas is the pressure it would exert if it occupied the entire volume of a container at a given temperature. The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli is higher than in the pulmonary capillaries, while the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is higher in the pulmonary capillaries.
  • Oxygen Diffusion: Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the pulmonary capillaries due to the higher partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli.
  • Carbon Dioxide Diffusion: Carbon dioxide diffuses from the pulmonary capillaries into the alveoli due to the higher partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the capillaries.

Tissue Gas Exchange

  • Diffusion: Gas exchange in the tissues also occurs through diffusion.
  • Oxygen Diffusion: Oxygen diffuses from the blood capillaries into the tissues due to the higher partial pressure of oxygen in the blood.
  • Carbon Dioxide Diffusion: Carbon dioxide diffuses from the tissues into the blood capillaries due to the higher partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the tissues.

Factors Affecting Gas Exchange

  • Partial Pressure Gradient: The difference in partial pressure between tissue and blood, and between blood and tissues, is crucial for gas exchange.
  • Surface Area: The large surface area of the gas exchange area facilitates gas exchange.
  • Diffusion Distance: Thin walls of alveoli and capillaries reduce diffusion distance, resulting in better gas exchange.
  • Inhalation and Depth: Higher and deeper breaths can improve gas exchange by increasing the amount of air entering the lungs.

Regulation of Breathing

Breathing is a complicated system regulated by using both fearful and chemical factors.

Nervous Control of Breathing

  • Medulla Oblongata: The primary breathing center is located within the medulla oblongata, a part of the brainstem.
  • Rhythm Generator: The medulla oblongata incorporates a rhythm generator that sets the basic tempo of respiration.
  • Afferent Signals: The medulla oblongata receives input from various sensory receptors, including chemoreceptors and stretch receptors.
  • Adjustments: Based on these inputs, the medulla oblongata adjusts the rate and intensity of respiration.

Chemical Control of Breathing

  • Chemoreceptors: These specialized sensory receptors detect changes in blood gases and pH.
  • Central Chemoreceptors: Located within the medulla oblongata, these receptors are sensitive to changes in carbon dioxide (PCO2) and pH.
  • Peripheral Chemoreceptors: Located within the carotid bodies (near the carotid arteries) and the aortic bodies (near the aorta), these receptors are sensitive to changes in oxygen (PO2) and carbon dioxide (PCO2).
  • Increased PCO2: An increase in PCO2 (hypercapnia) stimulates both central and peripheral chemoreceptors, leading to increased respiration rate and depth.
  • Decreased PO2: A decrease in PO2 (hypoxia) primarily stimulates peripheral chemoreceptors, leading to increased respiration rate and depth.
  • Changes in pH: A decrease in pH (acidosis) can also stimulate chemoreceptors, leading to increased respiration rate and depth.

Respiratory Volumes and Capacities

Respiratory rate is the ability to measure how much air can be inhaled, exhaled, and held in the lungs. These measurements are usually checked with a device called a spirometer.

The Key Words

  • Tidal (TV): The volume of air inhaled or exhaled in a single breath.
  • Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV): The maximum volume of air that can be breathed in after a normal tidal breath.
  • Respiratory Reserve Volume (ERV): The maximum volume of air that can be expired after a normal wave breath.
  • Residual Volume (RV): The volume of air remaining in the lungs after a deep breath.
  • Total Lung Capacity (TLC): The maximum volume of air that the lungs can hold.
  • Vital Capacity (VC): Maximum volume of air that can be expired after a deep breath.
  • Functional Residual Capacity (FRC): The amount of air remaining in the lungs at the end of normal breathing.

Relationship Between Parts

  • TLC = TV + IRV + ERV + RV
  • VC = TV + IRV + ERV
  • FRC = ERV + RV

Factors Affecting Respiratory Rate and Capacity

  • Age: Respiratory rate and capacity decrease with age.
  • Gender: Men generally have higher breathing and power than women.
  • Height: Taller individuals have larger lungs and therefore more breathing and ability to breathe.
  • Exercise: Regular exercise improves lung function and increases breathing rate and energy capacity.
  • Respiratory Diseases: Conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia can reduce the volume and capacity of breathing.

Respiratory Disorders


Definition: Inflammation of the airways, causing wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, and chest tightness.

Triggers: Allergens (e.g., pollen, dust mites), irritants (e.g., smoke, pollution), humid air, exercise, and stress.

Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, chest tightness.

Treatment: Inhalers (with bronchodilators or corticosteroids), medications, and avoidance of stimulation.

Emphysema of the Throat

Definition: Damage to the lungs, causing decreased lung capacity and difficulty breathing.

Causes: Smoking is the main cause, but genetics can also play a role.

Symptoms: Shortness of breath, chronic cough, fatigue, weight loss.

Treatment: Drugs, oxygen therapy, ventilator in severe cases.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Definition: Combination of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia.

Symptoms: Chronic cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness.

Treatment: Medication, oxygen therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation.

Other Respiratory Problems

  • Pneumonia: Inflammation of the lung tissue, usually caused by infection or irritants.
  • Pneumonia: Inflammation of the lungs, usually caused by a virus.
  • Cystic Fibrosis: A genetic disorder that affects the lungs and other organs.
  • Lung Cancer: Malignant growth in the lungs.

FAQs on Breathing and Exchange of Gases for NEET

Q1: What is the primary characteristic of the respiratory gadget?

A1: The primary function of the respiration machine is to facilitate the exchange of gases—oxygen and carbon dioxide—between the body and the surroundings.

Q2: How does gasoline alternate occur inside the alveoli?

A2: Gas alternate inside the alveoli occurs through simple diffusion, wherein oxygen movements from the alveoli into the blood, and carbon dioxide moves from the blood into the alveoli.

Q3: What is the position of hemoglobin in gas shipping?

A3: Hemoglobin in pink blood cells binds to oxygen inside the lungs, forming oxyhemoglobin, and transports it to tissues. It additionally helps inside the delivery of carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs.

Q4: What elements have an effect on oxygen binding to hemoglobin?

A4: Oxygen binding to hemoglobin is encouraged with the aid of factors inclusive of partial strain of oxygen, pH (Bohr impact), temperature, and the presence of two,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG).

Q5: What is tidal extent?

A5: Tidal extent is the amount of air inhaled or exhaled during regular, restful breathing, generally around 500 mL in a wholesome grownup.

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