CAT 2017 Question Paper, Download, Syllabus

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CAT 2017 Question Paper : Using the many question papers in our large collection that are accessible for download, get ready for the CAT exam. Our carefully chosen resources provide a variety of practice questions to help you improve your abilities and confidence. Whether your emphasis is on numeric aptitude, data interpretation, or verbal skills, these practice questions will help you perform well on test day. Use our extensive resources to your advantage to increase your chances of passing the CAT exam.

Introduction :CAT 2017 Question Paper, Download, Syllabus

Introduction to CAT 2017 Question Paper

The Common Admission Test (CAT 2017 Question Paper) an abbreviation denoting an esteemed assessment in India, represents a pinnacle among competitive examinations for postgraduate management studies, notably the Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs. Administered annually in rotation by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), CAT serves as the gateway to prestigious business institutions nationwide.

Overview of CAT

CAT scrutinizes candidates across a spectrum of essential managerial competencies, encompassing quantitative acumen, verbal proficiency, data analysis, logical deduction, and critical thinking faculties. With its rigorous construct and elevated benchmarks, CAT emerges as the litmus test for discerning aspirants’ aptitude and potential for managerial success.

Exam Format

Delivered in a computerized format, CAT entails a gamut of multiple-choice queries spanning three domains: Verbal Proficiency and Text Comprehension (VP-TC), Data Analysis and Logical Deduction (DALD), and Quantitative Competency (QC). Aspirants must demonstrate proficiency in each segment within stipulated timeframes.

Eligibility and Registration

Prospective CAT examinees must fulfill predefined criteria, hold a Bachelor’s credential with requisite marks, and navigate a meticulous registration protocol entailing online form submission and fee remittance. Upon successful registration, candidates receive an admission card furnishing pivotal details concerning the examination, including date, time, and venue.

Result and Selection Process

Following the examination, candidates eagerly anticipate their percentile rankings, indicative of their comparative performance vis-à-vis fellow examinees. High-performing individuals often progress to subsequent selection phases, encompassing group deliberations, written assessments, and personal interviews, as integral components of the admission trajectory for premier management academies.


Preparation for CAT mandates unwavering commitment and strategic scheming, with aspirants harnessing diverse resources such as tutoring sessions, educational materials, simulated assessments, and virtual platforms to fortify their readiness and prowess on the day of reckoning.

In summation, CAT emerges as a seminal milestone for aspirants nurturing ambitions of pursuing management studies in India, furnishing an avenue to showcase their scholarly dexterity, analytical acuity, and readiness for leadership incumbencies in the corporate realm.

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Syllabus : CAT 2017 Question Paper, Download, Syllabus

The syllabus of the CAT exam covers various topics across three main sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA). Here’s a breakdown of the syllabus for each section:

Section Syllabus
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
  • Reading comprehension passages
  • English grammar and usage
  • Sentence correction
  • Para jumbles
  • Para completion
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Word usage
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)
  • Interpretation and analysis of data sets
  • Data sufficiency
  • Logical reasoning problems
  • Seating arrangements
  • Bar graphs
  • Pie charts
  • Line graphs
  • Caselets
  • Tables
  • Games and tournaments
Quantitative Ability (QA)
  • Arithmetic
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Number systems
  • Modern mathematics
  • Trigonometry
  • Mensuration
  • Permutation and combination
  • Probability

Overview of  CAT 2017 Question Paper, Download, Syllabus

Aspect Description
Name Common Admission Test (CAT)
Purpose Admission to postgraduate management programs, primarily MBA
Conducting Body Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs)
Sections Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), Quantitative Ability (QA)
Format Computer-based test (CBT)
Duration 180 minutes (3 hours)
Eligibility Bachelor’s degree with minimum qualifying marks
Registration Online registration during specified period
Result Percentile scores announced online
Preparation Utilization of coaching classes, study materials, mock tests, etc.

Preparation Tips: CAT 2017 Question Paper, Download, Syllabus

Here are some strategies to prepare effectively for the CAT examination:

Grasp the Examination Structure:

Acquaint yourself with the CAT exam structure, encompassing segment count, question types, and time allotment for each segment.

Craft a Study Regimen:

Formulate a meticulously structured study regimen delineating time segments for each examination segment. Equilibrate your time between assimilating novel concepts, executing queries, and undertaking simulated assessments.

Emphasize Fundamental Knowledge:

Augment your foundational understanding in quantitative dexterity, verbal proficiency, and deductive logic. Enhance your celerity and precision in resolving conundrums.

Regular Exercise:

Devote consistent effort to resolving an assortment of CAT-caliber queries to foster confidence and hone your problem-solving acumen. Prioritize both precision and celerity during practice sessions.

Access Superior Educational Resources:

Select dependable educational materials and assets from esteemed origins. Employ CAT preparatory manuals, cybernetic tutorials, audiovisual lectures, and mock assessments to complement your learning.

Partake in Simulated Assessments:

Undertake comprehensive mock assessments regularly to simulate the veritable examination ambiance. Scrutinize your performance, pinpoint weak zones, and labor on ameliorating them. Simulated assessments also bolster time management prowess.

Cultivate Temporal Management Skills:

Cultivate efficacious temporal management techniques to allot sufficient time to each examination segment. Practice resolving queries under timed conditions to heighten speed and efficacy.

Address Weak Zones:

Discern your frailties through mock assessments and practice sessions. Allocate supplemental time and exertion to fortify these zones for thorough preparation.

Stay Apprised:

Remain abreast of contemporary affairs, corporate tidings, and recent tendencies across various spheres. This will enrich your comprehension in the reading comprehension and data interpretation segments of the examination.

Maintain Physical and Mental Wellness:

Sustain a salubrious lifestyle incorporating habitual physical activity, adequate slumber, and a balanced dietary regimen. Foster optimism and motivation throughout your preparatory odyssey, and foster faith in your capabilities to excel in the CAT examination.

By adhering to these stratagems and espousing a disciplined methodology to preparation, you can augment your prospects of performing admirably in the CAT examination and clinching admission to your preferred management curriculum.

Exam Pattern and Structure: CAT 2017 Question Paper

CAT 2017 Exam Pattern and Structure
Exam Mode Computer-based Test
Total Duration 3 hours (180 minutes)
Sections 3 Sections (Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Ability)
Number of Questions 100 Questions (VARC – 34, DILR – 32, QA – 34)
Question Type MCQs and Non-MCQs (TITA – Type In The Answer)
Marking Scheme +3 for each correct answer (MCQs & TITA) -1 for each incorrect MCQ answer No negative marking for TITA questions
Sections Breakdown Section 1: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) Section 2: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) Section 3: Quantitative Ability (QA)
Difficulty Level VARC – Moderate to Difficult DILR – Moderate to Difficult QA – Easy to Moderate
Time Allocation per Section 60 minutes per section

FAQs : CAT 2017 Question Paper, Download, Syllabus

Q. What is the CAT exam?

A. The CAT exam, or Common Admission Test, is a national-level entrance exam conducted in India for admission to various postgraduate management programs, primarily MBA programs offered by Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other prestigious business schools.

Q. Who conducts the CAT exam?

A. The CAT exam is conducted annually by one of the IIMs on a rotational basis. The exam is administered by the Indian Institutes of Management.

Q. How do I register for the CAT exam?

A. Candidates need to register online for the CAT exam during the specified registration period. The registration process involves filling out an application form, uploading necessary documents, and paying the application fee.

Q. What is the syllabus for the CAT exam?

A. The CAT syllabus includes topics such as reading comprehension, English grammar, data interpretation, logical reasoning, quantitative aptitude, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and more.

Q. When are the CAT results announced?

A. CAT results are typically announced in January. Candidates can access their scorecards online by logging into the official website.

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