CLAT Paper 2022 Download Pdf

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Enter the realm of the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2022 through our concise introduction. Delve into the pivotal aspects and indispensable details of this esteemed examination, crafted to guide the path for aspiring legal scholars. Accompany us as we uncover the complexities of CLAT Paper 2022 and offer insights to propel you towards a thriving legal profession .

CLAT Paper 2022 : Overview 

The CLAT 2022 exam was conducted on June 19, 2022. Here’s a breakdown of the key details:

Exam Mode: Offline

Number of Questions: 150 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Negative Marking: 0.25 marks deducted for every wrong attempt


  • English Language (30 Questions): This section assessed reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and usage. The difficulty level was considered moderate.
  • Current Affairs including General Knowledge (35 Questions): This section tested your knowledge of recent events, social issues, science, economics, and polity. It included 3 Covid-19 related passages and one on India’s relations with neighbors.
  • Legal Reasoning (40 Questions): This section was considered moderately difficult. It focused on applying legal principles to factual situations through passages related to Contract Law, Hindu Marriage Act, and legal maxims.
  • Logical Reasoning (30 Questions): This section evaluated your reasoning and analytical abilities through puzzles, arrangements, syllogisms, and other logical problems.
  • Quantitative Techniques (15 Questions): This section tested basic mathematical skills like data interpretation, percentage calculations, averages, and ratios.

Overall Difficulty: Most candidates reported the CLAT 2022 paper to be moderate to difficult, with Legal Reasoning being the most challenging section.


  • You can find past year question papers and analysis from various educational websites. Be cautious though, some might not be the official source.
  • Here are a few links that might be helpful (avoiding providing URLs directly):
    • Collegedunia – CLAT 2022 Question Paper: [Search collegedunia question paper CLAT 2022]
    • GradeHitbullseye – CLAT 2022 Analysis: [Search hitbullseye CLAT analysis 2022]

Additional Notes:

  • While a legal background isn’t mandatory, a basic understanding of legal concepts can be beneficial for the Current Affairs and General Knowledge section.
  • Practicing previous year papers is a great way to familiarize yourself with the question format, time management, and identify your strengths and weaknesses

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CLAT Paper 2022 : Exam Pattern

SectionNo. of QuestionsDuration
English Language28-322 hours (120 mins.)
Quantitative Techniques13-17
Current Affairs, including General Knowledge35-39
Logical Reasoning28-32
Legal Reasoning35-39

Syllabus of CLAT Paper 2022

Section Topics
English Language Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading Comprehension
Quantitative Techniques Elementary Mathematics, Algebra, Arithmetic
Current Affairs, including General Knowledge National and International Events, Static GK
Logical Reasoning Analogy, Logical Deduction, Syllogism
Legal Reasoning Legal Terms and Maxims, Legal Awareness, Legal Aptitude

Tips for Good Preparation

  • Learn Syllabus Carefully: Learn every topic covered in the syllabus, including the chapters, poetry, grammatical rules, and composition subjects. Make sure you are prepared for the exam.
  • Frequent Practice: To enhance your abilities, practice writing assignments and reading comprehension on a frequent basis.
  • Concentrate on Writing: Writing abilities should receive particular attention because they are essential to achieve high exam scores. Write stories, letters, and essays as practice to get good marks in the writing section.
  • Solve Previous Year Question Papers: Examine past year’s question papers to gain insight into the format and nature of the questions. It will also assist you with time management.
    Revise Often: To help you remember material and enhance your comprehension, go back and review chapters, poetry, and grammar rules on a frequent basis.
  • Remain Positive and Confident: Remain upbeat and assured of your skills. Have faith in your readiness and in yourself.
  • Maintain Your Health: Make sure you’re eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising on a regular basisA sound body promotes a sound mind, which is necessary for studying for exams.

Exam Readiness Strategies for students

Exam preparation is more than just learning new material; it’s also about using practical techniques that improve your general preparedness. To guarantee that you enter the examination room confident and well-prepared, think about the following tactics:

  • A Well-Being Lifestyle: Make healthy living a priority. This includes eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep. Physical health supports mental clarity and improves focus in general.
  • Techniques for Relaxation and Mindfulness:  To reduce the tension associated with exams, engage in mindfulness and relaxation practices. Practices such as deep breathing or meditation can help reduce anxiety and enhance concentration.
  • Strategies for Active Learning: Take part in study groups, impart knowledge to others, summarize, and other active learning strategies. Active learning promotes a dynamic approach to studying and strengthens understanding.
  • Methodical Approach to Examining:  Become familiar with the format of the exam and devise a plan of attack for each type of question. Sort the questions according to priority, time, and difficulty.
  • Positivity in Thought: Maintain an optimistic outlook. Have faith in your readiness and skills. Having positive ideas helps boost confidence, which is necessary for achieving the best possible results on exams.

FAQ’s : CLAT Paper 2022 

Q- What is the duration of the CLAT 2022 exam?

A- The CLAT 2022 exam duration is 2 hours (120 minutes).

Q- How many questions are there in the English Language section?

 A- The English Language section of CLAT 2022 comprises 28-32 questions

Q- Can you provide an overview of the Logical Reasoning section?

A- The Logical Reasoning section of CLAT 2022 assesses skills such as analogy, logical deduction, and syllogism.

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