NCERT Class 12 Biology textbook PDF Download

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NCERT Class 12 Biology textbook PDF Download :Welcome to the NCERT Class 12 Biology textbook, a comprehensive guide to exploring the wonders of life and its myriad complexities. Designed by experts in the field, this textbook is a testament to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding in the realm of biology.

Introduction :NCERT Class 12 Biology

In this journey through the pages of this book, students will embark on an odyssey of discovery, unraveling the mysteries of living organisms, from the microscopic world of cells to the grandeur of ecosystems. With each chapter, they will delve deeper into the intricate mechanisms that govern life processes, genetic inheritance, evolution, and the delicate balance of ecosystems.

Here’s a glimpse of what awaits within the pages of this textbook:

Fundamentals of Biology: Lay the groundwork with a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts of biology, including the scientific method, the organization of living organisms, and the basic chemistry of life.

Genetics and Evolution: Explore the principles of heredity, genetic variation, and the mechanisms driving evolutionary change. Dive into the fascinating world of DNA, genes, mutations, and the forces shaping the diversity of life forms on our planet.

Cell Structure and Function: Peer through the microscope to uncover the intricacies of cellular structure and function. From the powerhouse of the cell, the mitochondria, to the intricate machinery of protein synthesis, students will gain a profound understanding of the building blocks of life.

Download : NCERT Class 12 Biology textbook PDF Download


Syllabus : Class 12 Biology NCERT

  1. Unit I: Reproduction
  2. Reproduction in Organisms
  3. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
  4. Human Reproduction
  5. Reproductive Health
  6. Unit II: Genetics and Evolution
  7. Principles of Inheritance and Variation
  8. Mendelian Inheritance
  9. Inheritance of Two Genes
  10. Sex Determination
  11. Mutation and Genetic Disorders
  12. Molecular Basis of Inheritance
  13. DNA as the Genetic Material
  14. DNA Replication
  15. Genetic Code
  16. Translation
  17. Transcription
  18. Human Genome Project
  19. Evolution
  20. Origin of Life
  21. Evolution of Life Forms – A Theory
  22. Mechanism of Evolution
  23. Evidence of Evolution
  24. Hardy-Weinberg Principle
  25. Unit III: Biology and Human Welfare
  26. Human Health and Diseases
  27. Common Diseases in Humans
  28. Immunity
  29. AIDS
  30. Cancer
  31. Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
  32. Improvement in Food Production
  33. Animal Husbandry
  34. Plant Breeding
  35. Single Cell Protein
  36. Tissue Culture
  37. Cloning
  38. Microbes in Human Welfare
  39. Microbes in Household Products
  40. Microbes in Industrial Products
  41. Microbes in Sewage Treatment
  42. Microbes in Production of Biogas
  43. Microbes as Biocontrol Agents
  44. Unit IV: Biotechnology and its Applications
  45. Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
  46. Principles of Biotechnology
  47. Tools and Techniques in Recombinant DNA Technology
  48. Processes of Recombinant DNA Technology
  49. Biotechnology and its Application
  50. Biotechnological Applications in Agriculture
  51. Biotechnological Applications in Medicine
  52. Transgenic Animals
  53. Ethical Issues
  54. Unit V: Ecology and Environment
  55. Ecosystems
  56. Ecosystem – Structure and Function
  57. Productivity
  58. Decomposition
  59. Energy Flow
  60. Ecological Pyramids
  61. Ecological Succession
  62. Nutrient Cycling
  63. Biodiversity and Conservation
  64. Biodiversity
  65. Biodiversity Conservation
  66. Wildlife Sanctuary and National Parks
  67. Endangered and Endemic Species
  68. Red Data Book
  69. Environmental Issues
  70. Air Pollution and its Control
  71. Water Pollution and its Control
  72. Solid Waste Management
  73. Radioactive Waste Management
  74. Ozone Depletion
  75. Deforestation
  76. Global Warming and Climate Change
  77. Practicals
  78. Identification/Study of Specimens, Slide Preparation
  79. Study and Identification of Plant and Animal Tissues
  80. Morphological Observation of Specimens
  81. Experimentation on Animal and Plant Components
  82. Study of Specimens/Models
  83. Experimentation on Population Density and Growth
  84. Estimation of Ecological Parameters
  85. Study of Plant Population Frequency

Exam pattern :class 12 biology exam

Types of Questions Description Marks
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Objective-type questions with four options; choose the correct answer 1 mark each
Short Answer Questions (SAQs) Brief answers based on definitions, explanations, diagrams or simple calculations 2 marks each
Long Answer Questions (LAQs) Detailed answers requiring explanations, diagrams, examples, or case studies 3-5 marks each
Section-wise Distribution The question paper is divided into sections covering various topics from the syllabus Varies
Internal Choices Internal choices provided within the question paper As per the question paper
Duration Around 3 hours
Practical Examination Separate practical examination assessing laboratory skills and interpretation of data

Significance of class 12 biology NCERT textbook

  1. Curriculum Standardization: The NCERT textbook serves as the primary resource for biology education in many Indian schools, providing a standardized curriculum across the country. This ensures consistency in the quality of education and facilitates a uniform understanding of biological concepts among students.
  2. Comprehensive Content: The textbook covers a wide range of topics, including fundamental principles, recent advancements, and practical applications in biology. It offers a comprehensive overview of the subject, equipping students with essential knowledge and skills required for further studies and career pursuits in biological sciences.
  3. Clarity and Conciseness: NCERT textbooks are known for their clarity and concise presentation of complex concepts. The Class 12 Biology textbook employs lucid language, illustrative diagrams, and real-life examples to facilitate easy understanding and retention of information by students.
  4. Aligned with Examination Patterns: The content of the NCERT textbook is carefully curated to align with the examination patterns of various competitive exams, including medical entrance exams like NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) and AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences). Therefore, thorough study of the textbook helps students prepare effectively for these examinations.

Tips for good preparation class 12 Biology

1)Understand the Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the Class 12 Biology syllabus prescribed through your educational board. Divide the syllabus into potential sections and prioritize subjects primarily based on their weightage and your knowledge.

2)Create a Study Schedule: Develop a realistic study time table that allocates sufficient time for every topic or chapter. Be consistent and disciplined in following your study plan, ensuring everyday revision and practice.

3)Use Multiple Resources: Besides your textbooks, utilize extra study materials which include reference books, on line resources, motion pictures, and academic apps. Different sources can offer varied factors and perspectives, enhancing your understanding of complicated standards.

FAQs Class 12 biology NCERT Textbook

Q1)What is the Class 12 Biology NCERT textbook

The Class 12 Biology NCERT textbook is a comprehensive resource developed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) for students studying biology at the senior secondary level (Class 12) in India.

Q2) What are the key features of the Class 12 Biology NCERT ?

The textbook covers a wide range of topics in biology, including reproduction, genetics, evolution, biotechnology, ecology, and environmental science. It uses clear and concise language, accompanied by illustrative diagrams and real-life examples, to facilitate easy understanding of complex biological concepts.

Q3) Is the Class 12 Biology NCERT  sufficient for board exams and competitive exams?

Yes, the NCERT textbook is considered the primary resource for biology education and is sufficient for understanding the concepts tested in board exams. Additionally, the textbook content aligns with the syllabus of various competitive exams, such as NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) and AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences), making it a valuable resource for exam preparation.

How can students make the most of the Class 12 Biology NCERT textbook?

Students can maximize their learning from the textbook by reading each chapter thoroughly, understanding the concepts, and practicing the questions provided at the end of each chapter. They can also engage in active learning strategies, such as making notes, discussing concepts with peers, and solving additional practice questions.

Q4) Are there any supplementary resources available with the Class 12 Biology NCERT textbook?

Yes, NCERT provides supplementary resources such as laboratory manuals, question banks, and digital resources that complement the textbook content. These resources offer opportunities for hands-on experimentation, self-assessment, and multimedia learning experiences.

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