Old BSTC Paper: Download, Syllabus, Exam Pattern

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Old BSTC Paper is published here. You can download the Paper from here on aglasem to know all the questions asked in exam. This Old Paper is of the Rajasthan Pre Diploma in Elementary Education Entrance Examination held in the year 2020. It contains exact questions asked in the test by Rajasthan Education Departmental Examinations (Education Departmental Examinations). If you are appearing in upcoming Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed. Examination, then you can enhance your exam preparation by practicing this question paper.

Old BSTC Paper: Download

Old BSTC PDF Download
Paper Title Exam YearPaper with solution
Question paper2020Download @15Rs

Old BSTC Paper: Overview

Old BSTC overview
Exam NameRajasthan Pre Deled, Formally Known as Rajasthan Pre Basic School Training Certificates (BSTC)
Exam BodyEducation Department Examinations
Course TypePre D.El.Ed (BSTC)


Total Questions200
Total Marks600

Old BSTC Paper: Syllabus

General Awareness of Rajasthan :
1. Historical Aspect
2. Political Aspect
3. Art
4. Culture
5. Economic
6. Geographical
7. Folk Life
8. Social Aspect
9. Tourism Aspect
10. Literature Aspect
Mental Ability :
1. Reasoning
2. Analogy
3. Discrimination
4. Relationship
5. Analysis of Logical Thinking

Teaching Aptitude :
1. Teaching Learning
2. Leadership Quality
3. Creativity, Continuous
4. Comprehensive Evaluation
5. Communication Skills
6. Professional Attitude
7. Social Sensitivity
Language Ability (English) :
1. Comprehension
2. Spotting Errors
3. Narration
4. Prepositions, Articles
5. Connectives
6. Correction of Sentence
7. Kind of Sentences
8. Sentence Completion
9. Tense
10. Synonym, Antonym
11. One Word Substitution
12. Spelling Errors.

Sanskrit :
1. वर्ण विचार
2. शब्द रूप
3. धातु रूप
4. उपसर्ग
5. प्रत्यय
6. सन्धि
7. समास
8. लिंग एवं वचन
9. विभक्तियाँ
10. कारक ज्ञान
Hindi :
1. पर्यायवाची शब्द
2. विलोम शब्द
3. युग्म शब्द
4. वाक्य विचार
5. शुद्धिकरण (शब्द शुद्धि एवं वाक्य शुद्धि)
6. मुहावरे एवं कहावतें,
7. सन्धि
8. समास
9. उपसर्ग
10. प्रत्यय
11. वाक्यांश के लिए सार्थक शब्द

Exam Pattern: Old BSTC Paper

Topic No. of Questions Difficulty

General Knowledge(GK)



Mental Ability



Teaching Aptitude



Language Ability (Sanskrit or Hindi)



Language Ability ( English )






Benefits of solving Old Paper

The candidates must read out the following pointers to understand What are the benefits of Rajasthan BSTC Previous Year Paper and how to optimally use them.

  • Studying the will enhance the understanding of the candidates of the exam pattern followed by the Rajasthan BSTC Previous Year Paper.
  • They will get a fair comprehension of the syllabus by going through the Rajasthan BSTC Previous Year Paper in depth.
  • Practising the Rajasthan BSTC Previous Year Paper will help the candidates improve their time management skills.
  • By scrutinizing the Rajasthan BSTC Previous Year Papers, candidates will get proper exposure to the different types, styles and formats of questions that have come in the previous years.
  • Practising Rajasthan BSTC Previous Year Paper is a great tool for revision.

Tips for Good Preparation

  • Learn Syllabus Carefully: Learn every topic covered in the syllabus, including the chapters, poetry, grammatical rules, and composition subjects. Make sure you are prepared for the exam.
  • Frequent Practice: To enhance your abilities, practice writing assignments and reading comprehension on a frequent basis.
  • Concentrate on Writing: Writing abilities should receive particular attention because they are essential to achieve high exam scores. Write stories, letters, and essays as practice to get good marks in the writing section.
  • Solve Previous Year Question Papers: Examine past year’s question papers to gain insight into the format and nature of the questions. It will also assist you with time management.
    Revise Often: To help you remember material and enhance your comprehension, go back and review chapters, poetry, and grammar rules on a frequent basis.
  • Remain Positive and Confident: Remain upbeat and assured of your skills. Have faith in your readiness and in yourself.
  • Maintain Your Health: Make sure you’re eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising on a regular basis. A sound body promotes a sound mind, which is necessary for studying for exams.

Old BSTC Paper: FAQ’s

Q- How many questions are there in BSTC exam?

A- There will be four sections in the exam and each section contains 50 questions. There will be a total of 200 questions for a total of 600 marks. 3 marks will be awarded for each correct question.

Q- What is BSTC eligibility?

 A- To be eligible for the BSTC Exam, candidates must have passed the 10+2 or equivalent examination from a recognized board with at least 50% marks for General category and 45% for SC/ST. The age limit for the exam is 18 to 28 years.

Q- Who is eligible for BSTC 2024?

A- Eligibility criteria for Rajasthan Pre DElEd (BSTC) 2024 in terms of educational qualification and age limit is available below, checkout the listed points. Education Qualification: Candidates to have passed Intermediate (10+2) with a minimum aggregate of 50% marks from a recognized board.

Q- Where can I get Old BSTC Year Paper pdf?

A- In this blog we have attached Rajasthan BSTC Previous Year Paper pdf for 15rs only. 

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