Second Term Political Science Question Paper

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Second Term Political Science Question Paper is a vital paper for pupils getting ready for tests. It gives pupils a thorough rundown of all the subjects taught in the curriculum and assists them in comprehending the structure and nature of the test questions. This blog seeks to offer a comprehensive analysis of the Political Science Question Paper along with a section-by-section summary, preparation advice, access information for the prior year’s question paper, and provide you Political Science Question Paper available for download also.

Overview: Second Term Political Science Question Paper

The Second Term Political Science Question Paper is a critical examination that provides a comprehensive assessment of a student’s understanding of the course material. This examination plays a significant role in shaping the academic journey by evaluating the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the year.

Structural Overview:

The Political Science Question Paper is a crucial assessment tool that evaluates students’ understanding of the course material. It plays a significant role in assessing the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the academic year, shaping their academic journey. The paper is designed by CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) to assess a wide range of skills and knowledge, reflecting the overall syllabus and highlighting key areas and fundamental principles of political science.

Significance of Political Science Question Paper:

The significance of the Political Science Question Paper extends to both students and teachers. For teachers, it provides valuable insights into their teaching methods, helping them identify areas for improvement to enhance student performance. For students, the paper serves as a reflective tool, indicating their academic progress, strengths, and areas needing improvement in political science.

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 Question Paper Political Science Board Exam 2018Click Here

Question Paper Design: Second Term Political Science Question Paper

The Political Science Question Paper, contains a total of 100 Marks containing 5 sections. Here’s a breakdown of the sections you’ll encounter: 

BookObjective Type/ MCQ (1 mark)Short Answers Type I (2 marks)Short Answers Type II (2 marks)Passage/ Map/ Cartoon Based (4 marks)Long Answers (6 marks)Total Marks

Book 1

Contemporary World


6331 (Passage)240

Book 2

Politics in India since


6331 (Cartoon and Map)240
Project/Practical     20
Total No. of Marks and Questions1×12=122×6=124×5=204×3=126×4=2480+20=100


  • The marking scheme and question distribution may vary, so it’s important to refer to the latest syllabus and sample papers for accurate information.

This detailed analysis of the  paper sections will help you prepare effectively and perform well in your exams.

Syllabus: Second Term Political Science Question Paper


Unit 1: The End of Bipolarity

This unit explores the collapse of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev’s leadership, shock therapy, and India’s relations with post-communist countries.

Unit 2: Contemporary Centers of Power

Students analyze the European Union, ASEAN, and the rise of China, Japan, and South Korea in global politics.

Unit 3: Contemporary South Asia

This unit covers military and democracy in Pakistan and Bangladesh, monarchy and democracy in Nepal, ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, and India’s relations with its neighbors.

Unit 4: International Organizations

Students study the evolution and functions of international organizations like the UN, along with India’s role in them.

Unit 5: Security in the Contemporary World

This unit examines traditional and non-traditional notions of security, new sources of threats, and India’s security strategy.

Unit 6: Environment and Natural Resources

Students learn about environmental concerns, global commons, India’s stand on environmental issues, and resource geopolitics.

Unit 7: Globalization

This unit covers the concept of globalization, its causes and consequences, India’s engagement with globalization, and resistance movements.


Unit 1: Challenge of Nation Building

This unit examines the challenges faced by India after independence, including partition, integration of princely states, and reorganization of states.

Unit 2: Era of One-Party Dominance

Students learn about Congress dominance in early elections, opposition parties, and the challenges of building democracy.

Unit 3: Politics of Planned Development

This unit covers political contestation, ideas of development, planning, and India’s early development initiatives.

Unit 4: India’s External Relations

Students study India’s policy of non-alignment, its relations with China and Pakistan, and its nuclear policy.

Unit 5: Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System

This unit examines the challenges of political succession, opposition to the Congress, and the restoration of the Congress system.

Unit 6: The Crisis of Democratic Order

Students learn about the background to the emergency, its declaration, lessons learned, and politics after the emergency.

Unit 7: Regional Aspirations

This unit covers regional aspirations in Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, the Northeast, and the Indian government’s response to them.

Unit 8: Recent Developments in Indian Politics

Students study the political context of the 1990s, coalition politics, the rise of the backward classes, communalism, secularism, and recent trends in Indian politics.

Tips for Good Preparation

  • Learn Syllabus Carefully: Learn every topic covered in the syllabus, including the chapters, theory, Numerical. Make sure you are prepared for the exam.
  • Solve Previous Year Question Papers: Examine past year’s question papers to gain insight into the format and nature of the questions. It will also assist you with time management.
  • Revise Often: To help you remember material and enhance your comprehension, go back and review chapters, on a frequent basis.
  • Remain Positive and Confident: Remain upbeat and assured of your skills. Have faith in your readiness and in yourself.
  • Maintain Your Health: Make sure you’re eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising on a regular basis. A sound body promotes a sound mind, which is necessary for studying for exams.

Common Challenges: Second Term Political Science Question Paper

Starting an educational path frequently means facing typical obstacles that learners face. Identifying these obstacles is the first step in creating winning plans to get over them. Here, we examine a few common issues that students encounter:

  • Time management: It might be difficult to strike a balance between extracurricular activity and academic obligations. It can be difficult for students to set aside enough time for each topic or to stick to a regular study schedule.
  • Procrastination: The propensity to put off work can make progress difficult. Procrastination frequently stems from a lack of drive or a sense of overwhelm, which makes it difficult to make the most of study time.
  • Exam Anxiety: People frequently struggle with anxiety and nervousness before exams. Stress levels can rise as a result of performance pressure, exam format confusion, or fear of failing.
  • Distractions: Social interactions, technological diversions, or a disorganized study space can take attention away from concentrated study periods, which can affect focus and productivity.
  • Lack of Resources: Insufficient study materials or restricted access to resources may make thorough preparation difficult. Students that encounter this obstacle could find it difficult to locate additional resources or different teaching aids.
  • Peer Pressure: Study habits might be influenced by the desire to live up to peer expectations. It becomes essential to find a balance between social and intellectual obligations.
  • Taking Notes Effectively:  The difficulty of learning effective note-taking techniques has an impact on the caliber of revision. It could be difficult for students to succinctly summarize material.
  • Motivation and Burnout: It might be difficult to maintain motivation for an extended amount of time. Burnout is a condition marked by physical and mental tiredness and can be brought on by persistently demanding academic work under pressure.

FAQ's: Second Term Political Science Question Paper

The exact timing of the Second Term Papers can vary, but they are typically held towards the middle or end of the academic year.

You can download the question paper from the provided link. However, ensure that you refer to the latest syllabus and sample papers for accurate information.

The Political Science Question Paper typically contains five sections, including objective type/ MCQs, short answer type I, short answer type II, passage/ map/ cartoon-based questions, and long answer questions. Each section is designed to assess different levels of understanding and skills.

The syllabus of the Political Science Question Paper covers a wide range of topics, including the end of bipolarity, contemporary centers of power, security in the contemporary world, challenges of nation-building, era of one-party dominance, and recent developments in Indian politics, among others.

The Political Science Question Paper is typically divided into two parts: Part A covers Contemporary World Politics, while Part B covers Politics in India Since Independence. Each part contains units that focus on specific topics related to political science.

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