SSC Mts Question Paper 2023

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The Examination for Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) administered by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is eagerly awaited by individuals aspiring towards governmental employment across diverse departments and ministries. This annual SSC MTS assessment serves as a gateway for candidates eyeing non-technical roles like janitors, landscapers, and junior administrative aides, among others. Within this discourse, we shall delve into the salient aspects encapsulating the SSC MTS Question Paper 2023, elucidating its framework, substance, and effective preparatory methodologies.




Understanding Exam Pattern of Ssc Mts Question Paper 2023

The ongoing SSC MTS Examination Paper 1 unfurls across three distinct phases. This year, the SSC has introduced revisions to the SSC MTS Examination Pattern 2023. Aligned with the updated framework, a Computer-Based Examination is slated, partitioned into two Sessions: Session-I and Session II, both mandatory for participation. Non-participation in any session will lead to disqualification.

Paper-I comprises objective-type inquiries, classified as Multiple Choice Questions. It’s noteworthy that Session-I does not incorporate any negative marking, whereas Session II imposes a deduction of one mark for each incorrect response. Furthermore, mark normalization protocols will be enforced.

Questions will be presented in English, Hindi, and an assortment of other thirteen languages, ensuring linguistic inclusivity. 

The recent unveiling of the SSC MTS 2023 notification PDF by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) represents a notable stride in illuminating the recruitment process. Herein, we offer a succinct overview of pertinent details concerning the SSC MTS Previous Year Question Papers:

SSC MTS Previous Year Question Papers Overview:

  • Institution: Staff Selection Commission
  • Examination Title: Multitasking Staff 2023
  • Designation: Various roles encompassing Group C classification
  • Vacancies Available: 1558 openings for SSC MTS 2023
  • Notification Release Date: 30th June 2023
  • Examination Dates (Paper I): Ranging from 1st to 29th September 2023
  • Selection Process:
  • Computer Based Examination (CBE)
  • Physical Efficiency Test (PET) or Physical Standard Test (PST) for the Havaldar position
  • Document Verification
  • Classification: Previous Year Question Papers inclusive of Solution
SubjectNo. Of QuestionsMarksDuration
Session 1            Numerical and Mathematical Ability                                     206045 minutes
            Reasoning Ability and Problem-Solving2060 
Session 2            General Awareness257545 minutes
              English Language and Comprehension2575 


Ssc Mts Question Paper 2023 : Download 

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Ssc Mts Question Paper 2023  Registration process

Embark on your journey by accessing the official Staff Selection Commission (SSC) website, the hub for the MTS exam registration process.


Locate the designated registration segment within the website’s interface, typically featured on the homepage. Proceed by selecting the appropriate link to commence your registration journey.

For newcomers, initiation into the system is imperative. Furnish essential particulars such as name, birth date, email address, and mobile number to establish your account.

Upon successful registration, acquire your unique login credentials comprising a registration number and password. Safeguard these credentials for future authentication processes.

Utilize the provided registration number and password to access your account on the SSC platform.

Navigate to the application segment post-login and diligently complete all requisite fields, ensuring accuracy in inputting personal details, educational qualifications, and category information.

Prepare digital copies of essential documents, including photographs, signatures, and educational certificates, adhering to stipulated guidelines.

Navigate to the payment gateway to remit the prescribed application fee through secure online channels like debit/credit cards or net banking.

Thoroughly review the furnished details in the application form for accuracy and completeness before submission.

Upon confirmation, procure and retain a printed copy of the confirmation page, encapsulating vital information such as application number and related particulars.

Stay attuned to updates and notifications pertaining to examination schedules, admit card releases, and other significant announcements via the SSC website or official communication channels.

By adhering to these systematic procedures, ensure a seamless and efficient completion of the registration process for the SSC MTS Question Paper 2023.

Ssc Mts Question Paper 2023 Eligibility Criteria 

The issuance of the SSC MTS 2023 notification may have elapsed, yet the stipulated criteria remain invaluable for the prospective examines. Here a dissection of the eligibility prerequisites for SSC MTS 2023:

  • Educational Qualification:

Minimum Requirement: Attainment of Matriculation (10th class) or its equivalent from a duly recognized board.

  • Age Criteria:

General Age Bracket: 18-25 years (birthdates ranging from 02-01-1997 to 01-01-2004)
Department of Revenue (CBN): 18-27 years (birthdates ranging from 02-01-1995 to 01-01-2004) for designated MTS positions.
Provision for Age Relaxation: Extends to SC/ST, OBC, PwD, Ex-Servicemen, and other designated categories.

  • Additional Eligibility Parameters:

Nationality: Predominantly Indian Citizen or compliance with specific criteria for candidates originating from Nepal, Bhutan, or Tibet.

  • References:

Though the official SSC website may no longer feature the 2023 notification, comprehensive insights into the forthcoming SSC MTS examination and its eligibility benchmarks can be anticipated on the SSC portal upon the notification’s release.

Benefits of Solving Ssc Mts Question Paper 2023

Exploring previous year examination papers offers myriad benefits. Here are some of the paramount advantages:

  • Comprehension of Examination Framework: Reviewing previous year examination papers grants insight into the configuration and design of the assessment.
  • Practicing and Temporal Administration: Engaging with past examination papers aids in refining temporal management proficiencies. This fosters familiarity with the requisite tempo essential for completing the examination within the stipulated duration, thereby amplifying efficiency during the actual assessment.
  • Identification of Proficiencies and Deficiencies: By tackling past examination papers, one can assess their performance and pinpoint areas of proficiency and deficiency across diverse subjects or themes.
  • Grasping Assessment Schema: Past examination papers frequently furnish details regarding the assessment schema, including the allocation of weightage to distinct segments or the allotment of marks for each query.
  • Authentic Examination Encounter: Solving previous examination papers engenders an authentic simulation of the real assessment. This familiarity diminishes assessment-induced tension and enhances one’s capacity to excel under comparable circumstances.

Tips and Strategies for Effective Preparation

  • Learn Syllabus Carefully: Learn every topic covered in the syllabus, including the chapters, poetry, grammatical rules, and composition subjects. Make sure you are prepared for the exam.
  • Frequent Practice: To enhance your abilities, practice writing assignments and reading comprehension on a frequent basis..
  • Solve Previous Year Question Papers: Examine past year’s question papers to gain insight into the format and nature of the questions. It will also assist you with time management.
  • Remain Positive and Confident: Remain upbeat and assured of your skills. Have faith in your readiness and in yourself.
  • Maintain Your Health: Make sure you’re eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising on a regular basis. A sound body promotes a sound mind, which is necessary for studying for exams.

FAQ's : Ssc Mts Question Paper 2023

Q- What is the eligibility criteria for the SSC MTS exam?

A- To be eligible for the SSC MTS exam, candidates must have passed Matriculation (10th class) or its equivalent from a recognized board. Additionally, candidates must meet the specified age criteria as per their category.

Q- When will the SSC MTS 2023 notification be released?

A-  The release date for the SSC MTS 2023 notification has not been announced yet. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official SSC website for updates.

Q- How can I apply for the SSC MTS exam?

A- To apply for the SSC MTS exam, candidates need to visit the official SSC website, complete the registration process, fill out the application form with accurate details, upload required documents, and pay the application fee online.

Q- Is there any age relaxation for reserved category candidates?

A- Yes, age relaxation is provided to candidates belonging to SC/ST, OBC, PwD, Ex-Servicemen, and other specified categories as per the government rules and regulations.

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