Upsc Preliminary Question Paper 2017

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The Upsc Preliminary Question paper 2017 Union Public Service Commission   represents a momentous occasion for contenders aspiring to enter India’s prestigious civil services. Amidst the array of years, the UPSC Preliminary Questionnaire for the year 2017 assumes a distinctive significance, serving as a yardstick for candidates’ preparatory approaches and readiness for the arduous examination regime. In this discourse, we delve into the salient aspects and notable features of the UPSC Preliminary Questionnaire administered in 2017, offering valuable insights for aspirants gearing up for forthcoming evaluations.

Overview : UPSC Preliminary Question paper 2017

  • Structure:
  • Two objective-type (multiple choice) papers:
     General Studies Paper-I (GS Paper-I):
    Covers a broad range of subjects like:
    Current events (National and International)
    Indian History & National Movement
    Indian & World Geography
    Indian Polity & Governance
    Economic & Social Development
    100 questions, each carrying 2 marks.
    Total marks: 200.
    General Studies Paper-II (CSAT):
    Assesses analytical abilities and logical reasoning.
    80 questions, each carrying 2.5 marks.
    Qualifying nature: Minimum 33% required to pass. Total marks not considered in the final merit list.
    Key Points:

Total duration: 2 hours for each paper (separate sessions).
Marking scheme: Negative marking applies (⅓ mark deduction for each incorrect answer). No penalty for unattempted questions.
Purpose: Primarily a screening test to shortlist candidates for the UPSC Mains exam.
Resources for further details:

UPSC Official Website: contains the latest exam notification and syllabus.
Previous Years’ Papers: Analyzing past papers can provide valuable insights into the question format and difficulty level. You can find them on the UPSC website or through reliable coaching institutes.
Here are some additional points to remember:

Focus on understanding the syllabus: A clear understanding of vast syllabus is crucial for the effective preparation.
Practice with mock tests: Regularly attempting mock tests help assess your strengths and weaknesses, and familiarize you with time management during the actual exam.
Develop strong analytical skills: CSAT paper specifically focuse on this aspect. Practice solving problems related to reasoning, mental ability, and data interpretation.

Eligibility Criteria: UPSC Preliminary Year Question Paper 2017

The following requirements are eligible to take the UPSC civil exam:

  • Nationality:

  1. India
    Migrates from the East African nations of Kenya-Uganda-
  2. Tanzania (mainland only)-Zambia-Malawi-Zaire,and Ethiopia to Nepal-Bhutan.

  • Aging Criteria:

  1. Min age: 21 years old on August 
  2. Max age: 32 years old on August 1.

  • Age Relief:

  1. SC/ST: The lower age limit will be reduced by 5 years.
  2. Other Backward Classes (OBC): The minimum age will be reduced by three years.
  3. Former military personnel: If certain conditions are met, the minimum age will be reduced to 5 years.
  4. People with Disabilities (PwD): The minimum age will decrease by 10 years.
  • Education and Number of Attempts:
  1. A BS degree is needed and Applicants in their last year of graduation can also apply, but must submit proof of graduation to the authorities after passing the primary examination.
  2. General category: 6 attempts
  3. OBC and PwD: 9 attempts.
  4. SC/ST: No restrictions

Download Question Paper: UPSC Preliminary Year Question Paper 2017

 UPSC Previous Year Question Paper PDF Download
Paper TitleYear of ExamQuestion Paper
GS Paper-1 2017Click Here
GS Paper-2 2017Click Here
GS Paper-3 2017Click Here
GS Paper-4 2017Click Here
Agriculture Paper-1 2017Click Here
Economics Paper-1 2017Click Here
History Paper 2017Click Here
Geography Paper-1 2017Click Here
Geography Paper-2 2017Click Here

Syllabus of UPSC (Union Public Service Commission)

Subject Topics Covered
General Studies I – Indian Heritage and Culture
– History of India and Indian National Movement
– Geography of the World and Society
– Indian Polity and Governance
– Economic and Social Development
– Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity, and Climate Change
– Current Events of National and International Importance
General Studies II – Comprehension
– Interpersonal Skills including Communication Skills
– Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability
– Decision Making and Problem Solving
– General Mental Ability
– Basic Numeracy (Class X level)
– English Language Comprehension Skills (Class X level)

Common Mistakes to avoid in UPSC Preliminary Year Question Paper 2017

The Upsc civil Service Question Paper , an arena of fierce competition, demands meticulous attention to detail. Even minuscule errors can incur significant consequences. Below, we explore prevalent pitfalls, elucidating strategies to circumvent them:

  • Overlooking the Syllabus: Treat the syllabus as your beacon, illuminating the path to success. Grasp its intricacies and harmonize your preparation accordingly. Avoid diverting time towards inconsequential subjects.
  • Inadequate Time Governance: Craft a pragmatic and methodically organized study timetable. Allocate time judiciously for each subject, ensuring periodic revisions to fortify your grasp.
  • Neglecting Current Affairs: Cultivate awareness of global and national occurrences, governmental mandates, and economic oscillations. Current affairs permeate subjects like Economy, Polity, and Science & Technology.
  • Over-dependence on Coaching Establishments: While coaching proves beneficial, it should not monopolize your learning journey. Cultivate personal insights through independent study, complemented by coaching counsel if required.
  • Disregarding NCERT Books: The NCERT books, often underestimated, lay a robust groundwork for various subjects. Acknowledge their significance, especially in the realms of History, Geography, Polity, and Economy.
  • Abandoning Answer Writing Practice: Despite the Prelims being objective, honing answer writing skills elevates analytical and critical thinking acumen. This proves pivotal in comprehending concepts and tackling application-based questions.
  • Overlooking Revision: Consistent revision stands as the linchpin for information retention and effective recall during examinations. Develop a revision stratagem, revisiting critical topics with frequency.
  • Resorting to Guesswork: Shun arbitrary conjectures, recognizing that negative marking can substantively impact your score. Tackle questions with confidence, eschewing random guesses.
  • Undermining Mock Tests and Past Papers: Engaging in mock tests and replicating previous year’s examinations under exam conditions acclimates you to the examination format. This practice identifies your strengths and weaknesses, refining time management.
  • Succumbing to Panic and Stress: The UPSC Prelims, demanding by nature, necessitates a calm and focused demeanor. Effectively manage stress through relaxation methodologies and affirmative self-dialogue.

FAQ's UPSC Preliminary Year Question Paper 2017

Q-  What was the format of the UPSC Preliminary Examination Question Paper in 2017?

The UPSC Preliminary Examination in 2017 consisted of two papers: General Studies (Paper-I) and Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) (Paper-II).

Q- What topics were covered in the General Studies (Paper-I) of the UPSC Preliminary Question Paper 2017?

General Studies (Paper-I) covered a wide range of subjects including History, Geography, Economics, Polity, Environment, and Current Affairs.

Q- What was the cutoff criterion for qualifying the UPSC Preliminary Examination 2017?

Candidates had to clear the cutoff set by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in order to qualify for the Main Examination after appearing in the Preliminary Examination.

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