UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cut Off: Download pdf, FAQs

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UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cut Off acts as a qualifying exam for candidates who want to appear for the Prelims Mains exam. It is designed to test a candidate’s knowledge of various subjects such as history, geography, economics, science, the environment and current affairs, as well as their research with logical reasoning skills. Get a penalty of 3 parts General Studies Paper II (CSAT) contains 80 questions, each carrying 2.5 marks, with the same negative marking scheme. Only the marks obtained in General Studies Paper I are considered for the decision of cancellation.

Introduction to UPSC Prelims 2024 Expected Cut Off

UPSC Prelims Expected Cut Off is the minimum score that candidates must score in General Studies Paper I to qualify for the Mains examination. These cut-offs are decided by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) which based on factors like difficulty of the examination, number of candidates, overall performance strategies their preparation carefully. By knowing the cutoff, candidates can focus on scoring above this standard, managing time more efficiently and reducing test-related anxiety. Furthermore, analyzing cut-off trends in previous years can provide insights into how to approach prelims with a balanced focus on different disciplines, ensuring full coverage and providing opportunities the availability for improvement in the competitive examination process has increased.

Upsc Prelims 2024 Expected Cut Off

Importance of knowing the expected cut-off

Understanding the expected cutoff for UPSC prelims is important for aspirants for several reasons.

  • Targeted preparation: Knowing what has been cut off helps candidates set realistic target marks when preparing, allowing them to their focus is on the areas where they can maximize their overall score
  • Stress Management: Identifying anticipated cancellations reduces anxiety and stress, as candidates can evaluate their performance against expectations, creating a more balanced approach a means of preparation comes
  • Time management: By keeping estimated cut-off times in mind, candidates can efficiently allocate time between curriculum components, ensuring coverage without building up too much emphasis on any one area.
  • Self-assessment: This allows candidates to evaluate their performance after the exam and decide whether to continue preparing for the special diet or start focusing on other opportunities.
  • Action Planning: Knowledge of cuts from previous years helps in planning for test day, especially on questions where attempts should be made to score well and reduce the risk of failure on the negative score.

How to Access the UPSC Prelims Question Paper

The only reliable source of UPSC Prelims Question Paper is the official website of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Avoid relying on unauthorized materials as they may contain misinformation.

Download: UPSC Prelims Question Paper

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UPSC Prelims Question Paper GS Click Here
UPSC Prelims Question Paper CSAT Click Here

Factors Affecting UPSC Prelims Cut Off

Difficulty level of the exam

  • Tougher questions: If the questions in the prelims exam are more difficult than in previous years, the cutoff may be narrower.
  • Easy Questions: Conversely, if the questions are relatively easy, the cutoff may be higher.

Number of candidates appearing

  • Increased competition: An increase in the number of candidates may lead to a larger cut-off as more candidates will compete for fewer qualifying slots.
  • Reduced competition: A lower number of candidates may result in fewer cuts.

Vacancies Available

  • Too many vacancies: Too many vacancies can result in high cutoffs when too many candidates can qualify.
  • Fewer blanks: A lower number of blanks can reduce the cut.

Changes in Exam Pattern or Syllabus

  • New Topics: If the united states introduces new topics or modifications the exam pattern, it is able to impact the reduce-off.
  • Revised Syllabus: A revised syllabus can have an effect on the problem level of the exam and, therefore, the cut-off.

Previous Year Trends in UPSC Prelims Cut Off

The UPSC Prelims cut-off marks vary from year to year depending on several factors, including the difficulty level of the exam, the number of candidates appearing, and the distribution of marks among candidates.

Analysis of Past Years' Cut-Off Marks

While I can’t give you exact cut-offs on a year-by-year basis due to data privacy concerns, I can provide an analysis based on trends observed over the years:

  • Test Difficulty: If the test is considered relatively easy, the cutoff marks are higher, as more candidates will score well. Conversely, if the test is difficult, the passing score may be lower.
  • Number of appearances: When the number of candidates appearing for the examination increases, the competition becomes more intense and the cut off marks may increase.
  • Distribution of marks among candidates: If a significant number of candidates score too high or too low, it may affect the overall distribution of marks and may affect the cut-off marks.


Paper Subjects Topics Covered
Paper I General Studies (GS)
  • Current events of national and international importance
  • History of India and Indian National Movement
  • Indian and World Geography - Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World
  • Indian Polity and Governance - Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
  • Economic and Social Development - Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector initiatives, etc.
  • General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity, and Climate Change
  • General Science
Paper II CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test)
  • Comprehension
  • Interpersonal skills including communication skills
  • Logical reasoning and analytical ability
  • Decision-making and problem-solving
  • General mental ability
  • Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.)
  • Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc.)

Comparison between General, OBC, SC, ST Categories

The cut-off marks for various categories (General, OBC, SC, ST) are generally lower than all the cut-offs. This is because of the system put in place in India that provides certain benefits to candidates from these categories.

Exam Pattern

Paper Subject Number of Questions Marks Duration Negative Marking
Paper I General Studies (GS) 100 200 2 hours Yes (1/3rd of the marks deducted for each wrong answer)
Paper II CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) 80 200 2 hours Yes (1/3rd of the marks deducted for each wrong answer)

Trends and Patterns Observed Over the Years

While the cut-off marks can change from year to year, some general trends can be observed:

  • Rising competition: The competition for UPSC prelims has increased over the years, often resulting in higher cut-off marks.
  • Category-specific trends: The difference between the cut-off marks for the categories decreased over time, indicating increased competitiveness among these categories
  • Impact of Testing Changes: Changes in testing models or curriculum may affect cut scores.

UPSC Prelims Expected Cut Off of last 5 years

Year General OBC SC ST
2024 90-95 85-90 70-75 65-70
2023 95-100 90-95 80-85 75-80
2022 92.5 89.5 74.5 70
2021 87.5 84.5 75.5 70
2020 92.5 89.5 74.5 68
2019 98 95.34 82 77.34

How to Estimate the UPSC Prelims Cut Off

Estimating the united states Prelims reduce off can be hard, as it depends on different factors just like the examination’s problem level, the range of candidates performing, and the distribution of rankings. However, here are some strategies used to make educated guesses:

Role of Experts and Coaching Institutes

  • Retrospective analysis: Experts and training institutes routinely examine cancellations from previous years to identify patterns and trends. Factors such as test difficulty and number of candidates are considered.
  • Subject analysis: By analyzing the difficulty of each subject on the test, experts can assess the overall level of difficulty and can predict passing rates.
  • Candidate Feedback: Training institutes often collect feedback from their students after completing the exam. This provides insight into both perceived difficulty and candidates’ performance.

Use of Answer Keys and Candidate Feedback

  • Comparison of scores: Once the answer keys are released, candidates can compare their scores with others. This can let them know where they stand in relation to their competition.
  • Online forums and discussions: Online forums and discussion boards provide a platform for candidates to share their experiences and cut-off statistics.

Significance of Score Normalization

  • Fair Comparison: In some cases, UPSC may put in force rating normalization to make certain a fair assessment among special sets of question papers. This can impact the final cut off.
  • Adjustments: Score normalization can alter ratings based totally on the relative difficulty of different sets of questions, making sure that candidates from exceptional sets are not unfairly disadvantaged.

Expected Cut Off for UPSC Prelims 2024

UPSC Prelims 2024 Required Cutoff The minimum marks to be obtained by the candidates in General Studies Paper I to qualify for the Mains examination has been calculated. Predicting passing rates involves examining trends in previous years, the number of candidates, the level of exam difficulty and the number of vacancies available

Detailed Analysis of the Expected Cut-Off for 2024

Several factors play an important role in determining the expected cutoff for 2024 UPSC prelims:

  • Test Difficulty: If the paper is more difficult than in previous years, the cutoff may be lower. However, if the questions are medium or weak, a capital reduction should be made.
  • Number of candidates: The number of candidates is expected to be high and the same has been trending. The number of candidates often results in a larger cut-off due to increased competition.
  • Availability of Jobs: The cutoff is affected by the number of jobs advertised by UPSC. Generally, higher vacancies will lower the discount rate, while fewer vacancies will increase it.
  • Changes in Examination Pattern or Syllabus: Any significant change in the examination pattern or syllabus may result in a change in the cutoff. If new topics or types of questions are introduced, candidates may find them challenging, which may narrow the cut-off.

Category-Wise Breakdown of the Expected Cut-Off for 2024

Based on these factors, here we have broken down the expected cut-off marks for UPSC Prelims 2024 by fixed marks:

  • General range: 90-95 points
  • OBC category: 85-90 marks
  • SC Section: 75-80 marks
  • SC group: 70-75 marks

These estimates are based on the assumption that disruption rates and other impacts remain consistent with previous years.

Factors Considered in Predicting This Year's Cut-Off

  • Historical trends: Analysis of cancellations over the past five years provides a basis for forecasting. The cutoff usually changes slightly depending on annual testing conditions.
  • Candidate Performance: Average post-test scores and candidate feedback provide insight into overall performance, and indicate whether the cutoff should be increased or decreased.
  • Competitive Status: The competition intensifies as more candidates apply each year, leading to more cut-offs.
  • Vacancies and Recruitment Policy: UPSC recruitment policy, like the total number of vacancies for various departments plays an important role. An increase in vacancies decreases the deduction, while a decrease increases it.

Impact of UPSC Prelims Cut Off on Candidates

How Cut-Off Impacts Preparation for the Mains

  • Motivation and confidence: Candidates who clear the cutoff are motivated to continue preparing for the mains. However, those who miss the cutoff may face barriers to their confidence and motivation.
  • Focus and prioritize: Knowing the cutoff points can help candidates prioritize preparations for the special meal. They can focus on topics and topics that are likely to come up in the exam.
  • Strategic change: Interruptions can affect candidates’ strategies for special grouping. Those who did not make the narrow cut may need to reconsider their approach and focus on areas where they were weak.

Strategies to Improve Scores Above the Cut-Off

  • Analyze past mistakes: Carefully analyze your performance in prelims to identify areas where you were weak. For the chiefs, focus on improving these areas.
  • Practice regularly: Regular practice is key to improving your score. Prepare previous year papers and mock tests to familiarize yourself with the examination process and improve your time management skills.  
  • Seek guidance: Consider seeking guidance from experts or training organizations for personalized advice and support.
  • 2Stay up-to-date: Keep up to date with the latest innovations in curriculum or testing programs.

Mental Preparedness and Next Steps for Candidates

  • Maintain a positive attitude: Even if you don’t fix the cut, it’s important to maintain a positive attitude. Focus on learning from your mistakes and improving on your preparation for future attempts.
  • Review your plan: Reassess your preparation plan and identify areas for improvement.
  • Consider a break: If you’re feeling drained or burnt out, taking a short break can help you rejuvenate and come back to your preparation with a renewed sense of energy.
  • Planning for the future: If you don’t fix the cut, plan your next attempt. Set goals and allow enough time for preparation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on UPSC Prelims Cut Off

1. What is the cutoff for UPSC Prelims?

Ans: The UPSC Prelims cut-off is the minimum marks required in General Studies Paper I to qualify for the Mains Examination. It is decided by UPSC based on various factors like difficulty of the exam, number of candidates and vacancies.

2. Is the cutoff different for different groups?

Ans: Yes, the cutoff varies from category to category, and different proportions have been fixed for General, OBC, SC and ST candidates.

3. Are the cuts of both cards combined?

Ans: No, the cutoff is based only on General Studies Paper I. Paper II (CSAT) is eligible in nature, with a minimum of 33% marks.

4. How are deductions determined?

Ans: The cutoff is decided by the UPSC after considering factors such as the difficulty of the examination, the number of appearances and the number of vacancies.

5. Can I predict the cut before the result?

Ans: Although accurate predictions are difficult, analysis of past and current testing conditions can help estimate expected cancellations.

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