Benefits of reading Munshi Premchand

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Book reading is one of the best quality one can have. It creates our vocabulary and enhances our mind. We all hear that phrase ‘Good writing is impossible without reading’. Not just writers, books make us good humans as well. Now the question is raised: how can we choose a book to read? It’s clear, a student of math’s would not like to read history books. But a student of math can read Novels, stories and poetry. Know question raised again what writer or poet we should prefer? So, it totally depends on us, every writer has its own beauty to write. No doubt there are some writers who have a different place in Readers heart. Munshi Premchand is also one of them.

Let’s have a look at what are the benefits of reading books by Munshi Premchand.

Know about Munshi Premchand first

As a writer and reader, sometimes I think that in the very modern era we are living in today, where artificial intelligence and automated technology will raise doubts about the need for human labor itself, then such In that of a writer and that too of a writer of literature, will there be any relevance or necessity?

After all, what will this community have left to offer to the public? Because this human civilization, which has reached the ultimate levels of modernity, will have a solution to every problem, there will be no such dark black hole of knowledge left which it has not turned its light off with its brain abilities.

Then the possibilities for a writer to take inspiration from the society for his creation will also be diminished or perhaps literature is representative of the society, such sayings will also lose their significance.

Well, just thinking about the thing that scares you so much, imagine what will happen if it becomes real? However, living in almost a similar mood, one day the eye fell on an article by the famous Hindi litterateur and Katha Samrat Premchand.

It's easy to start with Premchand

There are so many students who don’t have a habit of reading. When they try to start reading they find books so boring. But Munshi Premchand has a different writing style, so any kind of reader can easily read her book with joy and interest as well. It is very easy for anyone to start a reading journey with Premchand.

munshi premchand

Fabulous book collections

Munshi Premchand has its own place in Reader’s heart because all the books he wrote are very famous. One of the reasons Premchand is famous is for the quality content he wrote. Famous books written by premchand are mentioned below : Godan, Gaban, Nirmala, kafan, mansarovar, eidgah, namak ka droga, pus ki raat, akhri tohfa and so on.

Writing style

Munshi Premchand has a different writing style, he uses very easy language in her writing style. We use some words of urdu in her novels but at the end he wrote very beautifully so anyone can understand his words.

Develop our vocabulary

As I mentioned before, we can’t write without reading, as we can’t create our vocabulary without reading. When we start reading Premchand within time we realise that our word dictionary is increasing day by day. So books written by Munshi Premchand can create a good command on Urdu and Hindi, which is very beneficial for us.


Create image

Premchand every book has the power to create images related to the story and make you happy, emotional while reading. We used to watch movies and when we like that we always say i feel all the things happening in the movie are happening with me. This is something Premchand books do. This is the speciality to create images in front of the reader. Not everyone holds this.  


No matter how old Munshi Premchand books get, they always have a relevance. Famous novel of Premchand named Nirmala. Which is based on women’s place in society and the power to show a mirror to society. Now we have changed from what we were before, but still there are so many women who are not getting what they deserve. In terms of high position in office and respect in home.


All the books Premchand has written is something which can’t make you Bored. I have already mentioned so many benefits of reading Premchand. All I can say is just try once, read Premchand. You will definitely love that. 

By Geetu Katyal

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