Aibe Result XVII 2023 : Introduction, Revaluation

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The All India Bar Examination (Aibe Result XVII 2023 ) is an open-book, online exam conducted by the Bar Council of India (BCI) to assess the basic legal knowledge and skills of law graduates seeking to practice law in India. The AIBE is held twice a year, in May and November.

The Aibe Result XVII 2023 was released on April 29, 2023. The pass percentage for the general category was 40%, and the pass percentage for the SC/ST category was 35%. The overall pass percentage for AIBE XVII was 38%.

Tips for passing AIBE

Here are some suggestions to help you pass the AIBE if you intend to take it:

    • begin your studies early.
    • Since the AIBE test is difficult, it’s crucial to get a head start on your preparation.
    • You will have ample time to cover the entire subject.
    • Attempt practice tests. A fantastic approach to be ready for the AIBE is to take practice examinations.
    • This will enable you to become used to the exam’s structure and the kinds of questions that are asked.
    • Assemble a study group. A fantastic method to keep motivated while studying and benefit from one another is to do it with others.
    • Hire a tutor to assist you. If you need assistance in a particular topic’s, think about hiring a tutor.
      Best wishes to all of you!

Analysis of AIBE XVII results

    • In comparison to AIBE XVI, the pass rate for AIBE XVII was somewhat lower. This may be the result of a variety of thing’s, such an increase in the number of applicant’s that showed up for the exam or a change in the exam’s level of difficulty.
    • Additionally, the SC/ST category’s pass rate was lower than the general category’s pass rate. This is a pattern that has also been seen in earlier AIBE tests. This is due to a variety of variables, including socioeconomic ones, access to high-quality education, and prejudice.

How To Check AIBE XVII Result 2023

The procedures below to check your AIBE XVII 2023 result:

    • Visit the All India Bar Examination’s (AIBE) official website at
    • Select “Results” from the tabs. From the drop-down option, choose “AIBE XVII 2023”.
    • Your roll number and birthdate must be entered.
    • Select “Submit” from the menu. On the screen, your AIBE XVII 2023 result will be shown.
    • Additionally, the website allows you to download your AIBE XVII 2023 scorecard.
    • Please take note that on April 28, 2023, the results of AIBE XVII 2023 were announced. If you haven’t already verified your results, do so right now by following the instructions above.

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for AIBE XVII 2023 are as follows:

    • Nationality: Candidate must be an Indian citizen.
    • Educational Qualification’s: Candidate must have completed a 3-year or 5-year LLB degree from a university recognized by the Bar Council of India (BCI).
    • Enrollment Certificate: Candidate must be enrolled with a State Bar Council.
    • Age Limit: There is no age limit for appearing in the AIBE exam.
  • Additional Notes:

Candidates must pass the AIBE exam within two years of completing their law degree.
Candidates who have passed the AIBE exam are eligible to practice law in any court in India.

Details Mentioned On Result

The AIBE XVII 2023 result will mention the following details:

  • Name of the candidate
  • Roll number of the candidate
  • Registration number of the candidate
  • Enrollment number of the candidate
  • Result status (Pass/Fail)

The AIBE scorecard does not mention any sectional or overall scores. It only specifies whether the candidate has qualified the examination or not.

How to apply Revaluation:

To request a reevaluation of your AIBE XVII 2023 result, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to The official website of the All India Bar Examination (AIBE) at
  2. Click on here the “Revaluation” tab.
  3. Select “AIBE XVII 2023” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on “Apply for Revaluation”.
  5. Enter your roll number and date of birth.
  6. Pay the online fee of INR 200.
  7. Submit your application.

The deadline to submit an application for reevaluation of the AIBE XVII 2023 result is May 15, 2023.


The AIBE is an important exam for law graduates who want to practice law in India. If you are planning to take the AIBE, start studying early and use the tips above to help you prepare for the exam. Good luck!

Additional tips for passing AIBE

Be familiar with the exam format. The AIBE is a multiple-choice exam with 100 questions. The question’s are divided into three sections: Constitutional Law, Civil Law, and Criminal Law.
Manage your time wisely. You have three hours to complete the AIBE. Make sure to budget your time wisely so that you have enough time to answer all of the question’s.
Don’t leave any question’s unanswered. If you don’t know The answer to a question, guess. There is no negative marking on the AIBE.
Reviewing your answers. Once you have answering to the all of the question’s, take some time to review your answer’s. Make sure to correct any mistake’s that you have made.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

To practice law in India after passing the AIBE, you must register with the State Bar Council. You must submit your AIBE certificate together with the other needed documentation in order to register with the State Bar Council.

You will be able to practice law in India once you have registered with the State Bar Council. You will be able to the show up.

The AIBE XVII 2023 result was declared on April 28, 2023.

Following are the requirements for participation in AIBE XVII in 2023:

You must be a citizen of India.
A 3-year or 5-year LLB degree from a college or university accredited by the Bar Council of India (BCI) is required.
You have to be a member of a State Bar Council.

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