BPSC TRE Result 2023 : Cutt-off, Admit-Card, Links

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In the realm of academic recruitment, the acronym BPSC TRE denotes the Bihar Public Service Commission Teacher Recruitment Examination. This is a fiercely competitive assessment orchestrated by the BPSC TRE Result 2023, with the sole purpose of enlisting educators for the educational echelons of primary, secondary, and higher secondary schools nestled within the boundaries of Bihar.

The BPSC TRE assessment typically unfurls its auspicious proceedings on an annual cadence. The eligibility prerequisites, though, possess a fluidity contingent upon the specific tier of pedagogical role one aspires to embrace. Nevertheless, at its core, the candidacy mandate stipulates the possession of an undergraduate degree in pedagogy from a venerable institution of learning, duly recognized.

BPSC TRE Result 2023 : About

The labyrinthine assessment is an intricate tapestry composed of two distinct parchment scrolls:

Parchment Scroll the First: An Enigma of General Erudition and Pedagogical Proficiency. Parchment Scroll the Second: A Subject-Centric Odyssey of Cerebral Acumen.

The initial parchment scroll is distinguished as a crucible for validation, where aspirants must attain a threshold of 40% to unlock the gateway to the latter scroll. The second scroll, conversely, metamorphoses into a specialized sojourn, demanding candidates to select the subject realm wherein their scholarly prowesses gleam most brilliantly, thus decreeing their pedagogical proclivities.

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Bpse Tre Result 2023

BPSC TRE Result 2023

The BPSC TRE Result 2023 signifies the outcome of the Teacher Recruitment Examination (TRE) orchestrated by the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) in the month of August in the year 2023. The TRE, a rigorous and competitive evaluation, is orchestrated with the primary aim of selecting pedagogues to grace the hallowed halls of government educational institutions within the verdant state of Bihar.

The much-anticipated revelation of the TRE result is poised to grace the public domain around the middle of October in the year 2023. Aspiring candidates shall have the privilege of perusing their results on the esteemed official BPSC portal, accessible at bpsc.bih.nic.in.

To embark upon this voyage of result discovery, candidates must furnish their roll number and date of birth as the key to unlock this veritable treasure trove of information. Once the portal grants them entry, a comprehensive dossier shall unfold before their eager eyes, encompassing not only their overarching performance score but also a granular breakdown of their marks for each academic discipline.

The fortunate individuals who have met the stringent thresholds and emerged victorious in this crucible of evaluation shall receive an exclusive invitation to partake in the ensuing interview phase. The precise dates and logistical details of these pivotal interviews shall be unveiled through a separate, forthcoming announcement.

BPSC TRE Result 2023 : Application Process

The application procedure for the BPSC TRE 2023 unfolds as a meticulous sequence of steps:

  1. Embark on your journey by navigating to the official BPSC citadel, found at bpsc.bih.nic.in.
  2. Upon arrival, seek out the beacon labeled “Apply Online” and give it a resolute click.
  3. Inscribe your digital identity by bestowing upon the portal your email address and mobile number, thereby fashioning your virtual footprint.
  4. Choose the illustrious “Teacher Recruitment” option and embark on the voyage of form-filling with purpose.
  5. Scribe diligently, furnishing the requisite particulars that encompass your personal chronicles, scholastic accomplishments, and professional odyssey.
  6. The next facet of this odyssey entails the presentation of crucial documents. Provide the necessary artifacts, including your visage immortalized in a photograph, your autograph, and the venerable certificates that vouch for your scholarly prowess.
  7. Fulfill your financial commitment by executing the payment of the application fee through the realm of online transactions.
  8. With the conclusion of this expedition, it is imperative to embark upon a review of your application parchment. Verify its contents meticulously, ensuring their accuracy.
  9. Once your scrutiny finds favor with your discerning eye, submit the application, sealing your aspirations with digital ink.
  10. As a testament to your successful endeavor, a confirmation email shall alight in your digital mailbox. Guard this missive vigilantly, for it shall serve as a lodestar for your future reference and guidance.

Details mention on result

The following details are typically mentioned on the BPSC TRE Result:

  • Candidate’s name
  • Candidate’s roll number
  • Examination name
  • Marks obtained in the exam
  • Qualifying status (qualified/not qualified)
  • Instructions for the next stage (if applicable)

In addition to these details, the BPSC TRE Result may also include the following information:

  • Overall score
  • Individual marks for each subject
  • Rank in the merit list
  • Cut-off marks

The BPSC TRE Result is a very important document for candidates who have appeared for the exam. It is used to determine whether or not the candidate has qualified for the next stage of the recruitment process.

Candidates should carefully check the BPSC TRE Result for any errors or discrepancies. If they find any errors, they should contact the BPSC immediately.

Documents required

The crucible of BPSC TRE document verification necessitates a meticulous assembly of vital credentials, typically encompassing:

  1. Educational Certificates: A compendium of attested copies spanning from the annals of Class 10 to the zenith of B.Ed. or its cognate equivalent, chronicling your scholastic odyssey.
  2. Caste Certificate: A mandatory artifact for candidates invoking the cloak of reservation, substantiated by a valid caste certificate.
  3. Disability Certificate: For those who seek sanctuary beneath the aegis of the disability category, a bona fide disability certificate stands as a requisite validation.
  4. Miscellaneous Documents: The eclectic assortment may demand additional proofs, such as the beacon of address verification, the compass of age validation, and the visage-captured essence of passport-size photographs.

It merits notice that the catalogue of indispensable documents might experience an ebb and flow, varying from one annum to another. Prudence advises candidates to conduct periodic pilgrimages to the official BPSC sanctum, where the latest gospel of document prerequisites awaits revelation.

Guidance for the Odyssey of Document Verification:

  1. Attestation: Ensure that each document bears the hallowed seal of attestation from a competent authority, lending them an air of authenticity.
  2. Organization: Arrange your cherished documents with precision and grace, embracing a semblance of neatness and orderliness.
  3. Redundancy: Prudent preparation extends to having spare copies of all documents at your disposal, standing ready to combat any unforeseen disparities.
  4. Preparedness: Gird yourself for potential inquiries that the vigilant document verification custodians might pose, leaving no stone unturned in your quest for preparedness.

The BPSC TRE document verification juncture, nestled within the recruitment saga, assumes a pivotal role. Thus, candidates must traverse this juncture with all requisites in tow, ensuring they stand fortified and poised for success.

How To Check Result : Online/Offline

To unveil your destiny encapsulated within the BPSC TRE Result 2023, heed these meticulous steps:

  1. Initiate your quest by venturing into the sacred digital precincts of the official BPSC domain, discernible at bpsc.bih.nic.in.
  2. Seek solace beneath the “Results” tab, a portal to your impending revelation.
  3. With unerring precision, select the “BPSC TRE Result 2023” link, akin to opening a cryptic tome of fate.
  4. Bestow upon the portal the keys to your kingdom: your cherished roll number and the chronological marker of your birth in the form of a date.
  5. Press the “Submit” button, unleashing the virtual scribe to unveil your BPSC TRE Result 2023 upon the canvas of your device.
  6. Behold, for on the screen before you shall manifest the script of your destiny, encapsulated within the confines of the result. This document, a testament to your endeavors, is yours to keep for future reference, ready to be downloaded or imprinted for posterity.

A caveat of utmost importance: The anticipated release of the BPSC TRE Result 2023 is slated for the mid-October of the year 2023. In your unswerving pursuit of this revelation, stay tethered to the official BPSC portal, keeping a vigilant eye for updates regarding the precise moment of unveiling.

Guidance for Your Odyssey of Result Retrieval:

  1. Ensure your digital tether is robust, granting you an unwavering connection to the portal.
  2. Keep your roll number and date of birth at the ready, like talismans that unlock your destiny.
  3. Exhibit patience, for the digital thoroughfare may witness a surge of eager travelers on the day of result reckoning.

Imporatant Dates

The following are the important dates for the BPSC TRE 2023:

  • Application process starts: 15 July 2023
  • Application process ends: 9 August 2023
  • Written examination date: 24-27 August 2023
  • Interview dates: To be announced

How To Apply for Revaluation:

To embark on the path of reevaluating your BPSC TRE 2023 answer sheet, adhere to these meticulously outlined steps:

  1. Embark on your digital pilgrimage by navigating to the official sanctum of the BPSC, found at bpsc.bih.nic.in.
  2. Within this virtual realm, seek out the beacon named “Revaluation” and bestow upon it a resolute click.
  3. With the precision of a scholar deciphering ancient scrolls, select the “BPSC TRE Revaluation 2023” link, akin to opening a door to potential enlightenment.
  4. Imprint your digital identity upon this sacred space by entering your hallowed roll number and the chronological testament of your birth date.
  5. In the realm of academic discernment, choose the specific subject(s) that beckon you to embark upon the journey of reevaluation.
  6. Fulfill the required financial commitment by executing the payment of the revaluation fee through the digital channels of online payment.
  7. With the scroll of your mouse and the keystrokes of determination, submit your application form into the digital annals.
  8. As a testament to your endeavor, a confirmation email shall be dispatched to your digital mailbox. This epistle shall serve as a lodestar for your future reference and guidance.

Critical Notes of Import:

  • The revaluation fee stands at Rs. 500 per subject, a token of your dedication to academic excellence.
  • Keep a vigilant eye on the horizon for the announcement of the revaluation application deadline, for it shall be unveiled separately.
  • The fruits of your reevaluation labor, the revaluation results, shall likewise be unveiled separately in due course.

Guidance for Your Odyssey of Revaluation:

  • Ensure that your digital connection remains unwavering, a bridge to your academic aspirations.
  • Keep your roll number and date of birth within arm’s reach, for they are the keys to unlocking this academic pursuit.
  • In the face of potential digital congestion on the day of the revaluation application deadline, exhibit patience and resilience.
  • In the event of any online impediments, do not hesitate to reach out to the BPSC office for the requisite assistance on this academic odyssey.

BPSC TRE Result 2023 : Previous Year cutt-of

The previous year cutoffs for the BPSC TRE are as follows:

Category BPSC TRE 2022 Prelims Cut-Off BPSC TRE 2022 Finals Cut-Off
General (UR) 454 537
General (Female) 442 518
EWS 428 532
EWS (Female) 412 514
BC 423 527
BC (Female) 407 511
EBC 418 522
EBC (Female) 402 506
OBC 413 517
OBC (Female) 397 501
SC 393 503
SC (Female) 377 493
ST 363 483
ST (Female) 347 473
PwD 373 493
PwD (Female) 357 483


A: The BPSC TRE Result 2023 is expected to be released in mid-October 2023.

A: To ascertain your BPSC TRE Result 2023, you can adhere to the ensuing steps:

  • Navigate to the esteemed official BPSC website, housed at bpsc.bih.nic.in.
  • Direct your gaze towards the “Results” tab and grant it your cursor’s touch.
  • With a measured click, unveil the “BPSC TRE Result 2023” link, akin to opening a sealed scroll of destiny.
  • Bestow upon the digital portal your credentials: the hallowed roll number that marks your academic journey and the date of your birth, a testament to your temporal existence.
  • Initiate the final revelation by pressing the “Submit” button, commencing the alchemical process that transforms digital bits into the tangible BPSC TRE Result 2023.

A: The eligibility criteria for the BPSC TRE 2023 are outlined as follows:

  • Citizenship: Candidates aspiring to partake in this educational odyssey must bear the mantle of Indian citizenship.
  • Educational Qualifications: A prerequisite for candidacy is the possession of a Bachelor’s degree in Education (B.Ed.) or its kindred equivalent, obtained from an accredited university.
  • Subject Specialization: Candidates must also align their qualifications with the specified subject specialization, in accordance with the official notification.
  • Age Bracket: As of the 1st of July in the year 2023, candidates must find themselves ensconced within the age bracket spanning from 21 to 35 years, thereby meeting the temporal prerequisites set forth by the authorities.

The full form of BPSC TRE is Bihar Public Service Commission Teacher Recruitment Examination.

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