Btc result: UP, 1st & 3rd Semester, Deled, Details

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The Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board Panel has announced the district-wise UP D.El.Ed merit list. The UP BTC phase 1 counseling will take place from July 17th to July 30th, 2019. All candidates interested in the UP BTC DELED Merit List should visit the official websites, and Candidates who have been shortlisted in the UPBTC D.El.Ed Merit List can proceed to the next round of document verification. Btc up semester result.


B. T.C. is a 2-year professional course that trains students to become elementary level teachers. It is offered by colleges and universities across India and is approved by NCTE. The course covers the basics of education, including the history, philosophy, and psychology. Teaching methods and techniques are discussed in the course. Subject pedagogy is discussed in the course, which covers the specific methods and techniques for teaching different subjects such as English language, Hindi language, Mathematics, Science, etc. Practical training is included in the course. Students can take internships or other practical training courses to gain practical teaching experience. After completing the B. T.C., students will be awarded a bachelor of training in education degree.


B.T.C is a short and affordable course that provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to become qualified teachers in the elementary level in the government and private schools of India. Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive a Bachelor of Training (B.T.) in Education degree, which entitles them to teach elementary level in the schools of India. A B.T. course is a great option for students who want to pursue a career in teaching, as it is short and affordable. Here are some of the advantages of taking up this course: Btc up semester result.

BTC Result 2023

The Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board Panel has announced the district-wise UP D.El.Ed merit list. The UP BTC phase 1 counseling will take place from July 17th to July 30th, 2019. All candidates interested in the UP BTC DELED Merit List should visit the official websites, and Candidates who have been shortlisted in the UP BTC D.El.Ed Merit List can proceed to the next round of document verification. Btc up semester result.

Start of UP BTC 2019 application form and fee payment27th June 2019
Last date to register online11th july
Last date to pay the fee12th july 2019
Last date to print13th july 2019
Phase 1 Counselling (Choice filling for round 1)17th to 30th july 2019
The last date for document verification/completing admission5th august 2019
Commencement of classes6th august
Phase 2 Counselling16th to 26th august
The last date for document verification/completing admission30th august

Entrance exam

The Uttar Pradesh Examination Regulatory Authority (UPRA) conducts the BTC entrance exam to select candidates for admission to B. T.C. courses in Uttar Pradesh. The BTC exam is held in May or June each year. The BTC entrance exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions. The exam consists of three sections: A (English Language), B (Hindi Language), and C (General Knowledge & Pedagogy). The candidates who score the maximum marks in each of the three sections are selected to sit for the BTC exam. B. T.C courses in Uttar Pradesh are limited in number due to the competitive nature of the exam.

Entrance Eligibility 2023

The BTC entrance exam is based on the following general eligibility criteria: You must have cleared the 12th class examination from a recognised board or university You must have achieved at least 50% marks in your 12th class examination You are not limited in your age You may be subject to some specific eligibility criteria for BTC entrance exam, including reserved category candidates You can check the Examination Regulatory Authority of Uttar Pradesh’s official website for the latest information about the exam syllabus and pattern, as well as the eligibility criteria You should start preparing early by gathering the necessary study materials You should practice solving the previous year’s questions and mock tests You should get enough sleep and consume healthy food.

Hall ticket

To download the BTC exam hall ticket, candidates must follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of the Examination Regulatory Authority, Uttar Pradesh at
  2. Click on the “Admit Card” link on the homepage.
  3. Select the “BTC Admit Card” link.
  4. Enter your roll number and date of birth.
  5. Click on the “Submit” button.
  6. View and download your hall ticket.

It should be noted that the BTC exam hall ticket is a required document that must be brought to the examination center. Candidates will not be permitted to enter the examination hall unless they have a hall ticket. Btc up semester result.

Details mentioned on marksheet

  • Candidate’s name
  • Roll number
  • Father’s name
  • Mother’s name
  • Date of birth
  • Category (general, reserved, etc.)
  • Name of the college
  • Name of the university
  • Year of examination
  • Subject name
  • Maximum marks
  • Marks obtained
  • Grade
  • CGPA

Passing Criteria

The BTC course passing criteria vary according to the university or college in which the BTC course is offered. Generally, candidates must score at least 50% in each subject and 50% in all subjects, with an overall average score of 50%. Apart from the BTC course passing criteria mentioned above, there are other requirements that candidates need to meet in order to successfully complete the BTC course. These include minimum attendance percentage, successful completion of all practical components of the BTC course, etc. If a candidate fails the BTC course, he or she will not be awarded the BTC certificate. He or she may be allowed to re-appear in the examination next year. Btc up semester result.

How to check result online ?

To check your BTC course result online, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of the Examination Regulatory Authority, Uttar Pradesh at
  2. Click on the “Results” link on the homepage.
  3. Select the “BTC Results” link.
  4. Enter your roll number and date of birth.
  5. Click on the “Submit” button.
  6. View and download your result.

Supplementary exam

The BTC Supplementary Examination is a chance for students who did not pass one or several subjects in the BTC Regular Examination to re-appear in the BTC Supplementary Examination and improve their grades. The BTC Supplementary Examination is usually held a couple of weeks after the regular examination results are declared. In order to apply for the BTC Supplementary Examination, students have to appear in the Regular Examination and score at least 35% in the Subject in which they want to apply for the Supplementary Examination. Students have to register for the BTC Supplementary Exam online through the Official Website of Examination Regulatory Authority Uttar Pradesh. After applying for the Supplementary Examination, the Students will be sent their answer script to a different Examiner for re-examination. The new Examiner will re-assess the Students‘ answer script and grant fresh marks. Btc up semester result.

How to apply for supplementary exam

To check your BTC course result online, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official website of the Examination Regulatory Authority, Uttar Pradesh (ERA UP):
  2. Click on the “Results” link on the homepage.
  3. Select the “BTC Results” link.
  4. Enter your roll number and date of birth.
  5. Click on the “Submit” button.
  6. View and download your result.

Revaluation exam

The BTC revaluation procedure is a way for students to re-assess their answer scripts if they think their marks have been unfairly marked. The process usually begins with the student filing a formal revaluation request to the Uttar Pradesh Examination Regulatory Authority (ERA UP) which will then examine the application and decide if revaluation is necessary. If revaluation is decided upon by the ERA UP, the student’s answer script will then be sent to another examiner who will re-assess it and award new marks. If a student’s marks increase by 5 or more marks in revaluation then his overall result will improve. Here are the steps for BTC revaluation: First, the student submits a formal application to the Uttar Pradesh examination authority (ERA UP) within the given time limit. Second, the ERA UP examines the application and decides whether or not revaluation is required.


What is the BTC course cut-off? The BTC cut-off is the minimum mark a candidate needs to achieve in order to be considered for admission to the BTC course. The cut-off depends on the BTC course offered by the university or college and the category of the student (general, reserved etc.). Generally, the BTC cut-off for government colleges is higher than that of private colleges. The cut-off for general category students is also higher than that of reserved category students. How to check BTC cut-off at the university or college? You can visit the university or college’s website or call the admissions office.


On June 2, 2023, the UP BTC 2023 Online Application Form was made available. The UP BTC 2023 Online Application Form will close on June 27, 2023. The deadline for submitting the completed print of the application form is June 30th, 2023. Before completing the Online Application form, applicants must be familiar with all of the rules.

Ed 2023 will not be required to take an entrance exam. The candidate will be chosen based on his or her performance in the 10th and 12th grades. Candidates must meet all of the UP D qualifying conditions before filling out the application form.


The application fee for UP DElEd 2023 is INR 500 (General/OBC), INR 300 (SC/ST), and INR 100 (Specially Abled). Candidates must complete the application form and pay the application cost online.


The Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board administers the EL. ED Exam 2023. The Uttar Pradesh Diploma in Elementary Education is a two-year teacher training program that was previously known as the UP BTC Exam.

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