eenadu results: AP SSC 10th Class, ts inter

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The AP SSC 10th Class Link was made available. The direct link to the Eenadu portal to check AP SSC Results is When you arrive at this page for Andhra Pradesh Board Class 10 Result 2023, input your hall ticket number and click submit to receive your marks memo. is one of the AP Board results websites. BSE AP has also announced the results on,, and manabadi. This year’s pass rate is 72.26%, which is higher than the previous year.


The eenadu entrance exam is a method of admission to government and private higher education institutions in AP in the academic year 2022-23-24. The exam consists of 100 questions, each one carrying 1 mark, and lasts for 30 minutes. The result of the exam will be declared on the 31st of August 2023. To be eligible for the exam, candidates must have passed the AP SSC 10th class examination in 2023 and score at least 50%. Students can apply for the exam online on the eenadu official website or the official app, with an application fee of Rs. 500 per application. Important dates related to this exam are the application start date, the application end date, the exam date, and the result date.


Eenadu is a popular website for the students of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana. A lot of the results of the AP Board and TS Board are published on this website. The link to check the BSE AP SSC results 2023 can be found directly on the website. The CBSE conducted the Class 10th exams from April 3rd to April 18th. The AP SSC results were released on May 5th, and the date and time was announced on May 6th at 11 AM. The following day, the State Education Minister of Andhra Pradesh had a press conference to announce the Class 10 results. On May 6th, the official link to check the result was activated on the website was launched on May 7th, and the results were made available on May 8th at 11.30 AM.

Eenadu Result 2023

The total number of students appearing for the exams was 614,292. Out of these, 595,64 students passed, with a pass percentage of 97.08 %. total number of students who cleared the exams, 3.22,290 were female students and 2.73,274 were male students. 2.50,259 students who cleared the exam, 2.50 lakh qualified to appear in the common entrance test. You can check the results of students who have cleared the 10th AP SSC Class 2023 exams by visiting the official website or by downloading the app. The important dates associated with the AP SSC Entrance Exam 2023 are as follows: The application begins on 1st July 2023. The application ends on 31st July 2023 The exam dates are August 3rd and 4th 2023 The results are released on 31st August 2023.

Date Event
July 1, 2023 Application start date
July 31, 2023 Application end date
August 3 and 4, 2023 Exam dates
August 31, 2023 Results release date

Entrance exam

There is no single entrance exam for AP SSC 10. Various colleges and universities have their own entrance exam for their undergraduate programs in Andhra Pradesh. However, most of the colleges and universities accept Eenadu EENADU Entrance Exam scores. Eenadu is a common entrance examination conducted by Eenadu group. It is open to all candidates who have cleared the 10th class AP SSC examination. The exam is conducted every year in August. The exam consists of a multiple-choice with 100 questions, divided into four sections. The questions are Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and English. The exam duration is 30 minutes. You can apply for Eenadu entrance exam online on the eenadu website by paying the application fee of Rs. 500. The Eenadu entry exam results are published on the official website of Eenadu.

Entrance Eligibility 2023

The Eligibility Criteria for the UG Eenadu are as follows: AP SSC 10th Class 2023 AP SSC 50% marks Citizens of India Eenadu Multiple Choice 100 Questions Mathematics Science Social Studies English 30 minutes duration Online Application Fee Rs. 500 EENADU Entrance Exam Results EENadu Eradu Entrance Exam Results are published on Eenadu’s website every month in August. Eligibility for Admission to Undergraduate Programs at Various Colleges and Universities in Andhra Pradesh

Hall ticket

To download the Eenadu exam hall ticket, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Eenadu website or open the Eenadu app.
  2. Enter your login ID and password.
  3. Click on the “Hall Tickets” link.
  4. Enter your name and roll number.
  5. Click on the “Download Hall Ticket” button.

Details mentioned on marksheet

  • Applicant’s name
  • Roll number
  • Exam center
  • Exam date
  • Exam time
  • Total marks obtained
  • Section-wise marks obtained
  • Grade

Passing Criteria

Eenadu entrance test results are published on Eenadu’s website within few weeks of the date of the exam. The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, each one carrying 1 mark, and lasts 30 minutes. The pass percentage of the exam is 50%. Candidates who score more than 50% in the total marks will get an A grade, while those who score 40% to 50% will get a B grade, and those who score less than 40% will get a C grade. Candidates who pass Eenadu are eligible to study at various colleges and postgraduate programs in Andhra Pradesh.

How to check result online ?

To check your Eenadu result online, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Eenadu website at
  2. Click on the “Results” tab.
  3. Select the exam for which you want to check your result.
  4. Enter your roll number or other necessary details.
  5. Click on the “Submit” button.
  6. Your result will be displayed on the screen.

Supplementary exam

Eenadu holds a supplementary exam for those candidates who do not meet the minimum marks required to sit for the UG examination. Eligible candidates can apply for this supplementary exam online on Eenadu’s website or on its app by paying the application fee of Rs. 500. The format and timing of this supplementary exam will be similar to the main exam. The supplementary exam results will be declared within few weeks after the main exam results are declared. Candidates who sit for the supplementary exam will get the same priority as those who sit for the main exam. Here are some important details about Eenadu Supplementary exam:

How to apply for supplementary exam

To apply for the Eenadu supplementary exam, you must follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Eenadu website or open the Eenadu app.
  2. Click on the “Examinations” tab.
  3. Select the “EENADU UG Supplementary Exam” option.
  4. Click on the “Apply Now” button.
  5. Enter your roll number and other required details.
  6. Pay the application fee.
  7. Submit your application form.

Revaluation exam

If you don’t like the marks you got in the UG Eenadu exam, you can re-appear in the exam. The exam paper will be re-evaluated and your marks will be credited to your main exam marks if you score more or less marks. The last date for revaluation is usually a couple of weeks after the main exam results are declared. The application fee for Eenadu Revaluation is Rs.500. The revaluation exam results will be announced within a couple of weeks of the declared main exam results.


The minimum marks needed to pass the UG exam in Eenadu varies from year to year. The minimum marks required in 2023 are 67.75 marks for Telangana and 72.50 marks for Andhra Pradesh. The cutoff marks are determined annually based on the number and marks of candidates who have appeared for the exam. You can check the cutoff marks for Eenadu by visiting the official website of Eenadu ( or by downloading the official app ( There are several reasons for the increasing Eenadu cutoff marks. These reasons include: an increase in number of candidates appearing in the exam increased competition among candidates increased difficulty of the exam


Andhra Pradesh Education Minister Botcha Satyanarayana announced the AP SSC Result 2023 for approximately 6 lakh students on May 6, 2023.

Following a press conference, the AP 10th Result 2023 will be available for viewing on the official website To see their AP 10th Result 2023, students must log in to the official portal using their Roll Number.

On June 13, 2023, the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh (BIEAP) issued the AP Inter 2nd Year Supplementary Results 2023. The direct link to obtain the AP Inter Supply Result 2023 for 2nd year General and Vocational streams has been established at and

The results for class 10 will be announced on May 6, 2023, at 11 a.m. Students who took the AP SSC exams can view their results on the board’s official website, Botcha Satyanarayana, the education minister of Andhra Pradesh, will announce the AP SSC results on May 6, 2023, at 11 a.m.

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