IIFT Result 2023:Entrance,Courses,Criteria

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The IIFT 2023 results will be available atofficial website as planned. The IIFT 2023 results are expected to be released between January 15 and 22, 2023. All students who sat the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Master of Business Administration (International Business) Entrance Exam (IIFT MBA (IB) Entrance Exam) now have access to the results. Here you may see your score and rank. To view the results, click the IIFT result link or sign in to IIFT 2023. Based on your IIFT results, you can attend MBA IB admission counseling at IIFT Delhi or IIFT Kolkata.

IIFT Result 2023


The IIFT Entrance Exam announcement was posted on the official website on October 1, 2022. Online submissions were accepted from October 1 to November 24, 2022. The Hall Ticket and City Intimation Slips for the exam were made available on December 15, 2022, and the exam was held on December 18. Now comes the time to reveal the outcome, which will be released as a scorecard on the official website shortly. Candidates’ results in Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, and General Awareness will be accessible for examination. Other information, such as the candidate’s name and birth date, will be available.


IIFT is Indian Institute Of Foreign Trade. Founded in 1963, IIFT is an autonomous body of the government of India. It also serves as an institute for civil services training. The main campus of IIFT is located in New Delhi, and the institute also has other campuses in kolkata and kakinada. IIFT was established in 1963 as a centre of excellence in international trade and business. It is an autonomous educational institution under the ministry of commerce and industry. IIFT was recognized as a “deemed to be university” in 2002. IIFT was also recognized as a Grade ‘A’ Institution by the national assessment and accreditation council in 2005 and 2015.

all the understudies who have scored great comes about in Indian Founded of Outside Exchange (IIFT)! The IIFT gives world-class instruction and offers numerous courses that are planned to assist understudies succeed in their proficient careers. With a committed group of experts, the IIFT is known for its fabulousness in international education. CongratsYou have got effectively enlisted for the Indian Institute of Remote Exchange (IIFT)! In this web journal post, we are going direct you through the method of registering for IIFT and give you with all the vital data to induce begunWe are going also provide tips about how to get ready for the exam and exhortation on what to do in the event that you encounter any issues along the way. So begin planning nowadays and let us assist you.

IIFT Highlights

Here are some of the highlights of IIFT

InstituteIndian Institute of Foreign Trade
OrganizerNational Testing and
CourseMBA-International Business
ModeComputer Based Test
No. Of Questions110
SectionsVerbal Ability & Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning and General Awareness
Marking Scheme+3 Marks (1st, 2nd & 3rd Section) & +1.5 Mark (4th Section)

Courses offered by IIFT

  • Two-year MBA (International Business) at New Delhi and Kolkata.
  • Ph.D. (Management) Programme at Delhi and Kolkata.
  • Ph.D. (Economics) Programme at Delhi and Kolkata.
  • Two-year MA (Economics – Specialization in Trade and Finance) at New Delhi and Kolkata.
  • Two years & six months MBA (International Business) Weekend at New Delhi and Kolkata.
  • Executive Post Graduate Diploma in International Business at New Delhi and Kolkata.
  • Executive Post Graduate Diploma in International Business (Hybrid) at Delhi.
  • Executive Post Graduate Diploma in International Business (On-campus) at Delhi.
  • Two Years MBA in International Business in collaboration with the Institute of Finance Management, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
  • Post Graduate Certificate Programme in International Business and Finance (Hybrid).
  • Certificate Programme in Export Import Management.

IIFT Grading System

The IIFT entrance exam has three sections: Quantitative Aptitude, Information Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, and General Knowledge and Current Affairs. Each episode has a maximum of 100 points. The aggregate marks for IIFT entrance exam is 300. There is no negative marking in IIFT entrance exam. IIFT authorities use a percentile ranking system to determine a candidate’s performance. The percentage rank is calculated by comparing the candidate’s marks with the results of other candidates who appeared in the same exam. The percentile score is a good indicator of a candidate’s performance in the IIFT entrance exam. IIFT institutions do not use percentile rank as the sole criteria for admission to IIFT. While making the final admission decision, the IIFT authorities also consider the candidate’s academic performance, extracurricular activities and job interviews.

IIFT Entrance

While the entrance test is paper-based in November, Global MBA admission test is computer-based from the National Testing Agency. Short-listed candidates are invited for Group Discussion round, where they will be tested on their skills in group discussion. The Writing Ability Test will test your writing skills, as well as your knowledge of your subject and the structure of your representation. Personal Interview will focus on your goals, your achievements, your knowledge and your awareness. All of these ability tests are usually held on the same day. A cumulative weighted score is taken according to the rules of the year of examination. The final merit list, along with the candidate’s preference, is used to determine the final short list of candidates separately. M.A. Economics and Finance Admission Test entrance test is held based on the Economics and Finance Specialization in November for admission in MBA, IIFT Result 2023.

Details mentioned on marksheet

  • Roll number
  • Name of the candidate
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Category
  • Sectional scores (Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, and General Knowledge and Current Affairs)
  • Overall percentile score
  • Rank
  • Status (qualified/not qualified)

The IIFT result can be checked online on the official website of IIFT. Candidates can also download the result in PDF format from the official website. The result is provisional and will be declared once the documents are verified. If you have any questions regarding your result, please do not hesitate to call the official number of IIFT. Some important things to remember while checking the IIFT result are: Ensure that you enter the correct roll number & date of birth The result is available in PDF format You can download and save the result for future reference, IIFT Result 2023.

IIFT Passing Criteria

  • The candidate must achieve a minimum of 50% in the IIFT admission exam.
  • In addition, the candidate must achieve at least 50% in each of the three components of the exam: Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, and General Knowledge and Current Affairs.
  • Every year, the IIFT authorities additionally publish the IIFT percentile score vs. rank chart. This graph depicts the percentile score required to achieve a specific position on the IIFT admission exam.

The IIFT percentile score is an accurate predictor of a candidate’s performance on the IIFT entrance exam. It is crucial to remember, however, that the percentile score is not the only criterion for admission to IIFT. When reaching the final admission decision, the IIFT authorities assess the candidate’s academic record, extracurricular activity, and interview performance.

How to check result online ?

How to download IIFT scorecard for Entrance Exam? Here are the steps you need to follow to download the IIFT scorecard.

  • Go to the Official website of NTA’s IFI of Foreign Trade IFIFCOM.NIIT.NTA.IN
  • Click on the IFIFCOM IFIFCOM IIFT official website. You will be shown on the official IIFT IIFT website that you can use.
  • Click on Submit button. Now, you will be prompted to enter your login details like your Registration Number, Date of Birth, etc.
  • To download and view the scorecard, enter your credentials and click on Submit button, IIFT Result 2023

Supplementary exam

If you are a candidate who did not qualify in the entrance exam of IIFT, then you must apply for the supplementary examination. The supplementary examination follows the same format and syllabus of the main examination, and you will be eligible to sit for it. The application fee for the supplementary examination is Rs. 1000 per general category and 500 per SC/ ST/ OBC candidate. The application form must be downloaded and filled in, and a copy of the admit card must be attached. The last date for the application is in July, and the IIFT will issue the admit cards for the examination in August. Every year, the IIFT authorities publish the cut-off percentile for the supplementary examination. The cut-off percentile is the minimal percentile score required for a candidate to qualify for the IIFT supplemental examination. Each category has a distinct cut-off percentile.

Revaluation exam

Re-examination and revaluation are not offered by the IIFT. The marks obtained in IIFT entrance test are final and can not be challenged. The IIFT authorities don’t offer re-examination because they consider the examination to be fair and accurate. The examination is also monitored closely to prevent any form of cheating. If you don’t like your marks in your IIFT entrance test, you can also apply for a supplementary test. The supplementary test is held within the same month of the main test. Generally, the cut-offs for the supplementary test are lower than those for the main test. You can increase your chances of admission in IIFT by enhancing your academic performance, extra-curricular activities and interview performance, IIFT Result 2023


97+ is considered a good score in iift exam.

The cut off for the IIFT 2022 was 52.75 for general candidates and 42.75 for SC/ST students. In 2023, the qualifying cut off for General-EWS and NC-OBC categories was 35 percentile. The IIFT cut offs for 2023 for SC/ST/PwD/Kashmiri Migrants/Non-Migrants were 30%.

At the IIFT Placement 2023, 108 firms participated, with an average CTC of Rs 29.10 Lakhs per annum and a median CTC of Rs 26.5 Lakhs per annum. The highest annual domestic CTC offered was Rs 75.6 Lakhs. The top 25% of the batch earned an average CTC of Rs 46.9 Lakhs per year.

Overall, among XLRI, FMS, and IIMs, IIFT is the best option.

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