IRDAI Result 2023 : Merit List, Scorecard, Cut-off

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The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has announced the results for the Assistant Manager recruitment exam 2023. The results were released on September 12, 2023, on the IRDAI website. A total of 115 candidates have been shortlisted for the final phase of the recruitment process, which is a personal interview. The interview will be held on September 25-26, 2023, at the IRDAI headquarters in Hyderabad.

IRDAI Result 2023

IRDAI Result 2023

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) is a statutory body established in 1999 under the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999. IRDAI is the apex body responsible for regulating and developing the insurance industry in India.

IRDAI Result Highlight

IRDAI Result Highlight 2023 Information
Exam Date May 28, 2023
Result Declaration Date September 12, 2023
Number of Candidates Appeared 10,000+
Number of Candidates Shortlisted for Interview 115
Interview Dates September 25-26, 2023

Important Dates

Here is a table of important dates for IRDAI in 2023:

Date Event
May 28, 2023 IRDAI Assistant Manager Recruitment Exam
September 12, 2023 IRDAI Assistant Manager Result Declaration
September 25-26, 2023 IRDAI Assistant Manager Personal Interview

IRDAI Exam Stages

The IRDAI Assistant Manager Exam is conducted in three stages:

  1. Preliminary Examination
  2. Main Examination
  3. Interview

Preliminary Examination

The preliminary examination is an objective-type test of 90 minutes duration. It consists of 100 questions divided into two sections:

  • Quantitative Ability and Logical Reasoning (40 questions)
  • Verbal Ability (60 questions)

Main Examination

The main examination is a descriptive-type test of 240 minutes duration. It consists of three papers:

  • Paper I: General English (100 marks)
  • Paper II: Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning (100 marks)
  • Paper III: Insurance and Allied Subjects (200 marks)


Candidates who qualify the main examination are invited for an interview. The interview is conducted by a board of experts and assesses the candidate’s knowledge of the insurance industry, their communication skills, and their overall personality.

Eligibility For IRDAI Exam

To be eligible for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Exam, candidates must have:
  • A Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized university or equivalent.
  • Secured at least 60% marks in the aggregate in the Bachelor’s degree examination (55% marks for SC/ST/PwBD candidates).
  • Passed the Nine (9) Papers of the Associate Membership Examination of the Institute of Actuaries of India (IAI).

Age Limit

The age limit for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Exam is 21 to 30 years as on 10.05.2023. There is relaxation in the upper age limit for certain categories of candidates, as follows:

  • 3 years for OBC candidates
  • 5 years for SC/ST/PwBD candidates
  • 10 years for Ex-Servicemen
  • 5 years for widows and divorced women

How to Apply for IRDAI Exam

To apply for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Exam, candidates must visit the official IRDAI website and fill out the online application form. The application form typically opens in April and closes in May.

The application fee for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Exam is INR 1,500 for general and OBC candidates and INR 750 for SC/ST/PwBD candidates.

IRDAI 2023 Cut-Off Marks

The IRDAI 2023 Cut-Off Marks have not yet been released. The results for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Recruitment Exam 2023 were released on September 12, 2023, and the final selection will be made on the basis of the candidate’s performance in the written exam and the personal interview. The selected candidates will be appointed as Assistant Managers in IRDAI.

CategoryCut-Off Marks

IRDAI 203 Counselling Schedule

 The IRDAI 2023 Counselling Schedule has not yet been released. The results for the IRDAI Assistant Manager Recruitment Exam 2023 were released on September 12, 2023, and the final selection will be made on the basis of the candidate’s performance in the written exam and the personal interview. The selected candidates will be appointed as Assistant Managers in IRDAI.

The IRDAI counselling process is typically conducted in the following steps:

  1. Registration
  2. Choice Filling
  3. Seat Allotment
  4. Document Verification
  5. Admission

Job Opportunities Through IRDAI

Some of the common job opportunities in the insurance industry include:

How To Check IRDAI Result

To check your IRDAI result, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official IRDAI website:
  2. On the homepage, click on the “Careers” section.
  3. In the “Careers” section, click on the “Current Openings” link.
  4. On the “Current Openings” page, click on the link for the exam for which you want to check your result.
  5. On the next page, enter your roll number and date of birth and click on the “Submit” button.
  6. Your result will be displayed on the screen.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The IRDAI Result 2023 is expected to be released in September or October 2023.

The IRDAI cut-off marks are the minimum marks required to qualify for the next stage of the recruitment process. The cut-off marks vary each year depending on the number of applicants and the difficulty level of the exam.

The IRDAI selection process typically consists of a written exam and an interview. Candidates who qualify the written exam are invited for the interview. The final selection is made on the basis of the candidate’s performance in the written exam and the interview.

Visit the official IRDAI website:

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