Jiwaji University Result 2023:UG,PG,Admit Card

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Jiwaji University will post the semester test results for undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. courses on its official website, www.jiwaji.edu. Jiwaji University intends to post the semester examination results for first, second, and third year regular and private students on their official website. UG and PG (i.e. BA, B.Sc, B.com, BCA, MA, M.Sc, M.Com, etc) students who took the university examinations in April/May 2023 can check their results on the institution’s official website in June/July 2023, Jiwaji University Result 2023.


Jiwaji institution is a public institution located in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. The name is derived from Gwalior’s George Jivajirao Scindia. The institution was founded on May 23, 1964, and the President of India, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, placed the foundation stone on December 11, 1964. Students who took semester exams at Jiwaji University can see their results online after they are released. The candidate will be able to view the results shortly. Qualified students will be eligible to progress to the next semester, and students must pass all papers in order to receive their mark sheet. More information about the Jiwaji University test Results 2023 can be found below.

Jiwaji University

Jiwaji University (JU) is a public university affiliated with NAAC in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. Jivajirao Scindia of Gwalior inspired the name. The institution was founded on May 23, 1964, and the President of India, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, placed the foundation stone on December 11, 1964. The Government of India has granted it full accreditation. Jiwaji institution is a well-known institution in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. This is a public or government university that was founded on May 23, 1964, making it one of the best and oldest in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The primary goal of this university is to provide education to all Madhya Pradesh UG and PG students.

Jiwaji University Result 2023

Jiwaji University will hold two examination sessions for applicants pursuing their graduation. The odd semester examination will be held in November-December, with the results being announced in February. While the even semester examination begins in April and ends in May, the results will be announced in June/July 2023. To qualify for the paper, candidates must obtain a minimum of passing marks in both internal and semester examinations. Students who do not meet the minimal mark must retake the additional or second test for the failed topics in the next semester. The results of the UG and PG annual and semester examinations for the 2023 academic year will be available on the university’s official website.

UniversityJiwaji University
LocationGwalior, Madhya Pradesh
ChancellorGovernor of Madhya Pradesh
Courses offeredUG, PG and Ph.D. programs
Mode of declaration of resultsOnline

UG/PG Result 2023

Jiwaji University Result 2023 has been issued by the University of Gwalior for BA/ Bsc/ Bcom/ PG students. In the month of May, the University publishes Gwalior University Result 2023 Name Wise on its home website. We urged students to verify their exam results on the Jiwaji BA BSc BCom Result site. Jiwaji University UG PG Results 2023 will be available one month later. Candidates can now access their JU BA Bsc Bcom Exam Result 2023 on the official website. Aspirants can access Jiwaji Results via a direct official link. After the official announcement, we will update the appropriate link.

How To Check Result Online ?

These Jiwaji University Result 2023 instructions are the same for B.A, B.COM, B.SC, M.A, M.COM, M.CA, and other programmes, so check and get your specific course result marksheet immediately by following these steps. Check your results on a laptop for the best and clearest experience.

  • To begin, navigate to Jiwaji University’s official website at http://www.jiwaji.edu/ (see link below).
  • Click on the College and Examination option in the task bar on the homepage of that website.
  • Following that, in the yellow box, select the New Result Option.
  • Then, on the new page, select the Result option.
  • Select your year and then proceed to the results.
  • Finally, choose your course and then press the Proceed for Result button.
  • Now input your roll number and answer the captcha correctly.
  • Your results will be displayed after you submit it.

Odd Semester and Semester wise result

Students looking for JU result 2023 Odd semester must visit the official website to view the newly announced results. The results of the odd semester’s first, third, and fifth other courses can be accessed by following all of the processes outlined in this post. Jiwaji University successfully conducted the second, fourth, and sixth semester exams for students in the 2021-22 session, and students who appeared for the semester exam can now find the result available on the official portal, you can get your result by using your roll number, the university will provide students with an offline mark sheet after some days from the online result declaration date.

Name of the universityJiwaji University (Gwalior)
CourseUG/PG and other courses
Semester1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th semester exam
Result declaration modeOnline

Admit Card/ Hall Ticket

  • Click on the “Examination” tab and select the “Hall Ticket” link.
  • Enter your registration number & date of birth and click on the “Submit” button.
  • Your hall ticket will appear on the screen.
  • You can also download it from the official website of Jiwaji.
  • Your hall ticket is in PDF format and you need to print it and bring it to the exam hall.
  • Your hall ticket includes important information like Name, Roll Number, Date of Birth, Exam Center, and Exam Time.
  • It is a compulsory document to appear in the examination.

Latest Updates

The university holds annual and semester examinations twice a year and students work hard to pass the examination so that they can continue their studies. UG and PG examination is held in summer and winter respectively. The results for the examination are declared after a few months, around June or July, and for the February and March examinations. Recently, the University conducted its March examination, or summer examination, for all the UG and PG semesters. Students have been waiting for the results ever since. According to officials, some results are already published on the official website. Students can visit the official website to check the latest updates. If your result is not announced or pending, then wait for a few days. The result will be declared in the next few days.

TopicJiwaji University Result 2023
University NameJiwaji University
LocationGwalior, Madhya Pradesh
CoursesAll Ug & PG Courses & other
Semesters1st – 8th Semester (Depends upon Course)
Official Websitejiwaji.edu

Revaluation Exam

Students who are dissatisfied with their grades in any subject can request revaluation or rechecking. The revaluation process entails having the answer sheet checked afresh by a different set of examiners. The rechecking procedure comprises the same team of examiners checking the answer sheet again, but this time in greater detail. The application form for revaluation or rechecking can be downloaded from the university website. The form must be completed and sent together with the applicable fees. The fees for revaluation are Rs. 500 per subject, while the fees for rechecking are Rs. 1000 per topic. The application form can be submitted either online or offline. The online application form can be found on the university’s website. The offline application form may be submitted.

Revaluation Process

Revaluation or rechecking often takes 4-6 weeks. The revaluation or rechecking results will be posted on the university’s website.

  • The following are the steps involved in Jiwaji University’s revaluation or rechecking process:
  • The application form is downloaded from the university’s website by the student.
  • The student completes the application form and sends it with the necessary funds.
  • The university processes the application form.
  • A different team of examiners rechecks or thoroughly checks the student’s answer sheet.
  • The student’s grades are re-evaluated or rechecked.
  • The revaluation or rechecking results are posted on the university’s website.


Open the official portal of Jiwaji University of Gwalior at www.jiwaji.edu. On the homepage, tap on the option of colleges and examination. Click on new results. Tap on the option of the result.

The last date to apply is June 30, 2023.

Jiwaji University, Gwalior is one of the top public universities in , India. It is ranked #651-700 in Asian University Rankings 2023.

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