KVS Result 2023 : PRT, PGT, TGT, Cutt-off, Link

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS Result 2023) is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Education, Government of India. It was established in 1963 to provide quality education to the children of transferable Central Government employees, including those in the Defence and Para-military services. KVS schools are located all over India, including in remote and underdeveloped areas.

KVS school’s offer a common programme of education That is aligned with the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The programme are designed to develop the overall personality of the child and to prepare them for higher education and employment.

KVS Result 2023: An Overview

On September 28, 2023, the KVS result for that year was announced. Some of the highlight’s of the outcome include the following:

    • 98.5% of student’s passed the exam as a whole.
      Girls did better than boy’s, with a pass rate of 99.1% vs 98% for boys.
    • The Primary Teacher (PRT) category had the highest pass rate, which was 99.5%.
    • The Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) category had the lowest pass rate, at 97.5%.
    • In the PGT category, the top three finishers were all female.

Important Dates for KVS Result 2023

The following are the important dates for the KVS result 2023:

  • Date of exam: February 21-28, 2023
  • Date of result declaration: September 28, 2023
  • Date of commencement of counselling: September 30, 2023

KVS Result Admit Card

To download your KVS admit card 2023, follow these steps:

    • Visit the official website of KVS: https://kvsangathan.nic.in/
    • Click on the “Admit Card” tab.
    • Click on the “KVS Admit Card 2023” link.
    • Enter your registration number and (DOB)date of birth.
    • Click on here the “Submit” button.
    • Your KVS admit card will be displayed on the screen.
    • Download and print your KVS admit card for future reference.

Additional advice for downloading the TNDALU admission card is provided below:

    • Ensure that your internet connection is strong.
    • It could be challenging to download the admission card on a mobile device, therefore use a computer or laptop to accomplish it.
    • So that you don’t lose it, store the admission card in a secure location.
    • the admissions card using a high-quality printer.
    • On the day of the exam, bring your admission card with you to the testing location.

Checking Your KVS Result 2023

You may verify your KVS result 2023 by doing the following:

    • Click here to access KVS’s official website: https://kvsangathan.nic.in
    • Select “Results” from the tabs.
    • The “KVS Result 2023” link can be clicked.a
    • Type in your birthdate and registration number.
    • Select “Submit” from the menu.
    • On the screen will appear your KVS result.
    • For reference in the future, you may download and print your KVS results.

You can get help from your local KVS office if you are unable to access your KVS result online.

Here are some more pointers for examining your KVS outcome:

    • Ensure that your internet connection is strong.
    • Check your results on a computer or laptop rather than a mobile device as it could be challenging to do so.
    • Save the results of your KVS .

KVS Result Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for KVS admission 2023-24 are as follows:


    • For admission to Class 1, the child should have attained the age of 6 years as on March 31, 2023.
    • For admission to Class 2 onwards, the child should have attained the age of 6+ years as on March 31, 2023.


    • For admission to Class 1, the child should have passed the Kindergarten class from a recognized school.
    • For admission to Class 2 onwards, the child should have passed the previous class from a recognized school.

Other criteria:

  • Here are some additional eligibility criteria for admission to KVS schools:

    • Children of SC/ST and OBC categories are given preference in admission.
    • Children with disabilities are also given preference in admission.
    • Children of KVS employees are also given preference in admission.
    • Please note that these are the general eligibility criteria for KVS admission. There may be specific eligibility criteria for certain categories of candidate’s. It is always best to check the KVS website for the latest updates.

Details Mentioned On Result

The following details are typically mentioned on a KVS result:

  • Candidate’s name
  • Registration number
  • Date of birth
  • Category
  • Subject-wise marks
  • Total marks
  • Percentage
  • Grade
  • Result (Pass/Fail)

In addition to these details, the KVS result may also include the following information:

  • Rank (if applicable)
  • Qualifying status (if applicable)
  • Instructions for next steps (e.g., counselling, admission)

Please note that the specific details mentioned on the KVS result may vary depending on the category of the candidate and the type of exam. It is always best to check the KVS website for the latest information.

Course Offerd by KVS Result

The KVS result 2023 is for the following courses:

    • Primary Teacher (PRT)
    • Post Graduate Teacher (PGT)
    • Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)
    • Music Teacher
    • Librarian
    • Principal

Each course is briefly described below:

Primary Teacher (PRT): PRT instructors work with students in grades 1 through 5. They are in charge of laying the groundwork for fundamental courses including science, math, english, and hindi.

Post-graduate teachers (PGTs) instruct students in grades six through twelve. Teaching specific topics like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, English, Hindi, and History is their responsibility.

Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT): TGT instructors work with students in grades six through ten. They are in charge of instructing students in general education courses including science, math, english, hindi, and social science.

Indian classical music is something that music professors instruct their pupils on. They are in charge of instructing students in singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments.

Librarians are in charge of overseeing the school library. They are in charge of picking out, getting, arranging, and lending books and other materials to students and instructors.
Principal: The general management of the school is the principals responsibility. They are in charge of hiring employees, managing the school’s budget, and creating and implementing the academic program.

KVS Result 2023: Cutt-Off

The KVS result 2023 cut-off scores have not yet been made public. Typically, the cut-off score’s are made public a few days after the result’s are announced. The cut-off scores differ based on the candidate’s category, the position for which they have applied, and the number of openings.

KVS considers the following elements when determining the cut-off marks:

    • The total number of applicants who took the test
      the number of test-passing applicants
    • The quantity of open positions
    • The exam’s level of difficulty
    • Which candidates are qualified to engage in the counseling process is decided using the cut-off scores.
    • Only those candidates will be qualified to engage in the counseling procedure who satisfy the cut-off points.

KVS Result Revaluation 2023:

The KVS results revaluation procedure is as follows:

    • Candidates who are unhappy with their outcome may request reevaluation.
    • You may get the revaluation application form from the KVS website.
    • The regional KVS office must receive the revaluation application form and the necessary funds.
    • A team of professionals will conduct the revaluation procedure.
    • Within 30 days after the application form’s submission, the results of the revaluation will be announced.
    • A revised result certificate will be given to the candidate if their scores improve as a consequence of the reevaluation. The candidate’s initial score will stand if the marks are not raised or lowered following the reevaluation.


On September 28, 2023, the KVS result for that year was announced. 98.5% of student’s passed the exam as a whole. Girls did better than boy’s, with a pass rate of 99.1% vs 98% for boys. The Primary Teacher (PRT) category had the highest pass rate, which was 99.5%. The Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) category had the lowest pass rate, at 97.5%. In the PGT category, the top three finishers were all female.

The KVS result for 2023 is a good indicator of the caliber of instruction offered by KVS institutions. The educational institutions are dedicated to giving their pupils a top-notch education and preparing them for success in their future undertakings.

FAQs About KVS Result

Answer: You can check your KVS result 2023 online at the KVS website: https://kvsangathan.nic.in/

Answer: The cut-off for KVS 2023 has not been released yet. The cut-off marks are typically released a few days after the result declaration. The cut-off marks vary depending on the category of the candidate, the post for which they have applied, and the number of vacancies available.

Answer: KVS offers the following courses:

  • Primary Teacher (PRT)
  • Post Graduate Teacher (PGT)
  • Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)
  • Music Teacher
  • Librarian
  • Principal
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