OSSC Result 2023: @ ossc. gov. in | ossc cgl syllabus

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The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) plays a pivotal role in shaping the career aspirations of thousands of candidates in Odisha. If you’re eagerly awaiting the OSSC Result 2023, you’re in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we will navigate through the essential aspects of OSSC, including how to check your result, eligibility criteria, and more.

About OSSC. gov. in Result 2023

Ossc. Gov. In Result Careerguide.com

The OSSC.gov.in Result 2023 is a crucial milestone in the career aspirations of many candidates in Odisha. The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) is responsible for conducting recruitment examinations and promoting merit-based selections for various government posts in the state. Established in 1994, OSSC has been dedicated to ensuring transparency and efficiency in the recruitment process.

OSSC 2023 Overview

The OSSC CGL (Combined Graduate Level) 2023 examination is a highly prestigious and sought-after opportunity for job seekers in Odisha. This examination is conducted by the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) and serves as a gateway to secure government jobs in various departments and ministries within the state.

Here’s an overview of the OSSC CGL 2023 examination:

1. Significance of OSSC CGL:

The OSSC CGL examination is significant because it offers a wide range of job opportunities in the Odisha government sector.

2. Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for the OSSC CGL 2023 examination, candidates typically need to possess a minimum educational qualification of a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university.

3. Examination Stages:

The OSSC CGL examination typically consists of two stages:

  • Preliminary Examination: This stage involves objective-type questions to assess the candidate’s knowledge of general studies and aptitude.
  • Main Examination: Candidates who qualify in the preliminary examination proceed to the main examination, which includes written papers on various subjects related to the applied position.

4. Syllabus and Exam Pattern:

The examination syllabus and pattern can vary based on the specific position applied for.

5. Admit Card:

Candidates who have successfully applied for the OSSC CGL 2023 examination will receive an admit card.

6. Answer Keys:

OSSC often releases answer keys after conducting the examination.

7. Result Declaration:

The OSSC CGL 2023 result will be declared on the official OSSC website.

OSSC.gov.in Fee Structure

The OSSC CGL fee structure for 2023 is as follows:

| Category | Fee | |—|—|—| | General/OBC | Rs. 200/- | | SC/ST/PWD (Permanent Disability) | NIL |

The fee can be paid online through Credit/Debit card, Internet banking, or UPI-enabled payment Gateway.


Exam Answer Keys

The OSSC CGL Answer Key 2023 was released on May 17, 2023, on the official website of the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC).

To download the OSSC CGL Answer Key 2023, candidates can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of the OSSC: ossc.gov.in
  2. Click on the “Candidate’s Corner” section located in the top right corner of the homepage.
  3. Click on the “OMR Section” and select the option for “CGL Prelims OMR Sheet.”
  4. The OSSC CGL Answer Key 2023 will be displayed on your screen.
  5. Download the OSSC CGL Answer Key 2023 and evaluate your performance in the exam.

Important Dates and Event of ossc.gov.in

The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) conducts various examinations throughout the year to select eligible candidates for various posts in the Government of Odisha. The following are some of the important dates and events of OSSC.gov.in for the year 2023:

OSSC JE Mains Exam Date17-10-2023
OSSC CGL Admit Card Release Date20-10-2023
OSSC CGL Exam Date05-11-2023 to 15-11-2023
OSSC PEO Exam Date19-11-2023
OSSC AMIN Admit Card Release Date01-12-2023
OSSC AMIN Exam Date10-12-2023

Please note that these are just tentative dates and the OSSC may release a revised calendar at any time. Candidates are advised to regularly check the OSSC website for updates on important dates and events.

Other important dates and events:

  • OSSC Result 2023: The results of various OSSC examinations are usually published a few weeks after the examination is held. Candidates can check their results on the OSSC website.
  • OSSC Cut-Off Marks 2023: The OSSC publishes cut-off marks for various examinations on its website. The cut-off marks are the minimum marks that a candidate must score in order to qualify for the next stage of the selection process.
  • OSSC Document Verification 2023: After the results of an examination are published, the OSSC conducts document verification for the qualified candidates. Document verification is the process of verifying the original documents of candidates to ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria for the post.

Ossc result 2023 Scorecard

The OSSC result 2023 scorecard will contain the following information:

  • Candidate’s name
  • Roll number
  • Category
  • Total marks obtained
  • Sectional marks obtained
  • Qualifying status

Check your scorecard carefully for any errors. If you find any errors, contact the OSSC immediately.

Print out your scorecard and keep a copy of it for future reference.

You may also want to save your scorecard electronically, such as in a PDF file.

If you are applying for a job, you may be required to submit your scorecard to the employer.

Eligibility for OSSC Admission

The eligibility for OSSC admission varies depending on the post that you are applying for. However, there are some general eligibility requirements that are applicable to all posts. These requirements include:

  • Nationality: You must be an Indian citizen.
  • Age: You must be within the prescribed age limit for the post that you are applying for. The age limit varies depending on the post and category.
  • Educational qualification: You must have the prescribed educational qualification for the post that you are applying for. The educational qualification also varies depending on the post.
  • Language requirement: You must have adequate knowledge of the Odia language and must be able to read, write, and speak Odia. This requirement is applicable unless exempted by the government.

Admission Form For OSSC/ Application Form

To fill out the online application form, you need to create an account on the OSSC website.

The application form will ask you for the following information:

  • Personal details: name, date of birth, address, contact details, etc.
  • Educational qualification: details of your educational qualifications, such as your school and college name, degree obtained, marks obtained, etc.
  • Category: your caste/tribe/religion/other category
  • Other details: any other relevant information, such as your work experience, etc.

Download OSSC Cgl Admit card

To download your OSSC CGL (Odisha Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level) Admit Card, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official OSSC website. You can access it by typing “https://www.ossc.gov.in/” in your web browser’s address bar and pressing Enter.
  2. Look for the “Admit Card” or “Download Admit Card” section on the website’s homepage. This section is usually prominently displayed or can be found under the “Candidate’s Corner” or “Recruitment” tab.
  3. Click on the “Admit Card Download” link for the OSSC CGL 2023 examination.
  4. You may be prompted to enter your registration number, date of birth, and other required details. Ensure that you enter the information accurately.
  5. After entering the required details, click on the “Submit” or “Download Admit Card” button.
  6. Your OSSC CGL Admit Card will be displayed on the screen. It will contain important information such as your name, exam venue, date, and time.

Important Links

  • OSSC Official Website: https://www.ossc.gov.in/
  • OSSC CGL Notification: https://www.careerpower.in/ossc-cgl.html
  • OSSC CGL Syllabus: https://www.careerpower.in/blog/ossc-cgl-syllabus
  • OSSC CGL Previous Year Papers: https://testbook.com/ossc-combined-graduate-level/previous-year-papers
  • OSSC CGL Admit Card: https://www.apssb.in/ossc-cgl-admit-card/
  • OSSC CGL Result: https://rajneetug2021.com/ossc-cgl-result-link/
  • OSSC CGL Cut-Off Marks: https://techofworld.in/ossc-cgl-cut-off-2022-odisha-cgl-cut-off-marks/

FAQs (Frequently Asked questions)

The perceived difficulty of OSSC CGL can vary based on an individual’s academic background, preparation, and familiarity with the examination pattern. It is advisable for candidates to thoroughly study the syllabus, practice previous year’s question papers, and adopt effective study strategies to perform well in the exam.

The number of questions in the OSSC CGL examination can vary by subject and paper. The examination typically consists of a Preliminary Examination and a Main Examination. The Preliminary Examination includes multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in subjects like General Studies and Aptitude. The Main Examination includes written papers on various subjects related to the applied position. The exact number of questions in each paper will be specified in the examination notification.

The scoring system for OSSC CGL involves assigning marks for each correct answer. The total score is calculated based on the number of correct answers. The specific scoring scheme can vary depending on the examination pattern and the instructions provided in the notification. It’s essential to check the official notification for detailed scoring guidelines.

The salary for candidates selected through the OSSC CGL examination in Odisha can vary depending on the position and department they are appointed to. Government positions in Odisha offer competitive salaries with opportunities for increments and promotions. The exact salary structure and benefits can be obtained from the official notification for the specific job position.


In conclusion, the OSSC CGL (Odisha Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level) examination holds the promise of a fulfilling career in the government sector of Odisha. While the level of difficulty may vary from candidate to candidate, diligent preparation and a thorough understanding of the examination pattern and syllabus are key to success. The OSSC CGL examination comprises both a Preliminary Examination and a Main Examination, with the number of questions varying by subject and paper. Scoring is based on the correct answers provided by candidates, and the exact scoring scheme is detailed in the examination notification.

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