SSC Result 2023: Merit List, Cut-Off, & Dates

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The SSC (Secondary School Certificate) examination is a crucial milestone in the academic journey of students in various countries. It is a standardized test that assesses a student’s knowledge and skills in various subjects. The SSC result is not just a report card; it’s a stepping stone toward higher education and career opportunities. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the details of the SSC result, from its basic overview to important dates, how to check it, answer keys, cut-off/merit lists, and valuable resources. So, let’s embark on this journey together!

About SSC Result 2023

Ssc Result 2023
The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination is a public examination conducted by various state boards of education in India. It is a mandatory examination for all students who have completed Class 10. The SSC result is important for students who wish to pursue higher education or employment.

SSC NIC Result 2023 Overview

The SSC examination is typically held in February or March and the results are declared in May or June. The examination is conducted in a variety of subjects, including English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and Languages. The SSC result is evaluated based on a percentage system. Students who score 35% or more marks in each subject and 40% or more marks in aggregate are considered to have passed the examination. Students who fail in one or more subjects can appear for the supplementary examination. The SSC result is typically published by the education boards of respective regions or countries. It includes individual subject grades, total marks, and often a grade point average (GPA). This report card reflects a student’s performance in the SSC examination, which can significantly impact their future academic and career prospects.

How To Check SSC 2023 Result

To check the result online, students will need to visit the official website of their state board of education and enter their roll number or other required details.

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the official SSC on the website of your education board.
  2. Navigate to Results: Look for the website’s ‘Results’ or ‘Examination’ section.
  3. Enter Required Information: Provide your examination details, including roll number and registration number.
  4. Submit: Click the ‘Submit’ or ‘Check Result’ button.
  5. View and Print: Your result will be displayed on the screen. Take a printout for future reference.

SSC Exam Answers 2023

These answer keys are a valuable resource for students who want to verify their answers and calculate their scores. Tier 1 Exam for joint Graduate Level has been managed at different centres across the country from 14th to 17th July 2023. SSC CGL Answer Key 2023 for Paper 1 was released on 1st August 2023.

SSC CGL Answer Key 2023 Marking Scheme
ParticularMarking Scheme
Correct Answer+2 marks
Incorrect Answer-0.50 marks
Blank Answer0 mark

SSC Result 2023 Date Sheet

SSC CGL Answer Key 2023- Overview
BoardStaff Selection Commission
CategoryAnswer Key
SSC CGL Exam Date 202314th to 27th July 2023
SSC CGL Answer Key 2023 Release Date01st August 2023
Raise Objection DatesTo be notified soon
SSC CGL Tier 1 Result 2023August/September 2023
SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Date 2023To be notified
Selection ProcessTier 1 and Tier 2

Important Links

Related Links
SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2023SSC CGL Previous Year Question Paper
SSC CGL Syllabus 2023SSC CGL Cut Off [Previous Year]
SSC CGL Salary & AllowancesSSC Exam Calendar 2023- Click to Check


The SSC result for 2023 is expected to be announced in July 2023. Keep an eye on official announcements for the exact date.

You can get a physical copy of your SSC result from your educational institution once it’s officially released.

Some education boards offer re-evaluation options. Check with your board for details on the process and deadlines.

After checking your SSC result, you can start exploring your higher education options, considering your scores and career aspirations.


The SSC result is not just a scorecard; it’s a reflection of your hard work and dedication. Whether your result brings smiles or challenges, remember that it’s a part of your educational journey. Embrace the opportunities it presents, and continue striving for excellence. It is a stepping stone to higher education and employment. Students can improve their chances of success in the SSC examination by studying regularly and following the syllabus

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