Ten Words to Enhance Your Resume

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Drafting the ideal CV is like making a positive first impression. In present times, people judge you by CV first and then decide whether you are worthy of a face-to-face interview. A good beginning is a job half-done. If the employers like how you present yourself on paper, then the talking interview is just a standard procedure. However, it is always advisable that you stay honest in your resume when you use any enhancing techniques.

1. Modify your objective statement

Outstanding statements are often a wise way to summarize your qualifications if you are just starting your career. However, a CV profile can provide a more thorough summary of your qualifications, which allows employers to move fast past the overview of all you have. CV profiles can include the subsequent components:

Professional Profile title: Use the heading “Professional Profile” or an applicable title to introduce your statement. The length of your CV profile is best summarized in one to 2 short paragraphs to not overwhelm the reader.
Skills heading: This is often an optional component of your resume profile. However, it allows employers to urge a way of your qualifications.

You→ Good Resume →Job

2. Add quantifiable statements throughout

Just like on a resume, you would like to demonstrate to employers what you accomplished additionally to your responsibilities when talking about professional and academic experiences. This helps employers determine the results you’ll potentially bring around their business. Avoid vague statements and furnish detailed information in small sentences.


3. Ensure your CV is 2 or more pages long

Unlike a resume where the common length is between one or two pages, CVs encourage professionals to travel in-depth with their experiences and qualifications. Two pages are okay if you are just starting your career, but if you have held multiple jobs, achieved several certifications or done lots of volunteering, use the CV’s length potentials for your benefit and aim between two to four pages.

4. Revise the font and format throughout

Besides enhancing the content of your resume, you’ll also revise the format of your CV for a more appealing look. Some standard professional fonts include Times New Roman, Calibri and Helvetica, while people tend to use other fonts like Courier and Comic Sans in decorative circumstances.

5. Add a summary to every experience about what you learned

This is an optional element, but it is often an excellent way to increase page length while also showing employers what specific skills, habits and lessons you learned from each professional and academic experience. For illustration, in case of employment as a marketing manager, you can include the summary: “From my time as a marketing manager with ABC Marketing, I developed an understanding of inbound presentation strategies, and the way these approaches could appeal to cost-saving initiatives within a bigger marketing campaign.”


7. Shorten paragraphs for enhanced readability

Just like a resume, employers won’t have time to read through everything on your CV. Hence, it’s important to form your paragraphs small, between two to a few sentences long. This is often more pleasing to the attention and makes it easier for employers to skim through your qualifications. You will be able to shorten paragraphs by transforming written lists into a bulleted format.

For example, rather than saying: “I learned a way to communicate better with teammates, prioritize time management and develop problem-solving skills,” you may say something like: “From my role as a project manager, I learned to:

  • Streamline communication with teammates
  • Prioritize time management
  • Develop problem-solving skills.”

Is Your Resume Not Getting Shortlisted?

8. Incorporate keywords that relate to specific jobs

Keywords are an excellent way to enhance your CV and improve the possibilities that employers select it from a pile of other applicants. You may find keywords by reviewing employment posting for desired candidate skills and qualifications. For instance, an applied Physicist job posting says that applicants have to be devoted, active and skilled in physics. Use the keywords “devoted” and “active” in your CV profile and highlight physics under your skills.

If the employer uses an applicant tracking system (ATS), then it’s programmed to pick applications that include relevant words and phrases from the duty description.

Interview-Winning Resume

10. Always check vocabulary and grammar

Be sure to always check for syntax, spelling, and punctuation when reading through your CV. You may notice mistakes that you simply didn’t see within the past, and you will be able to make corrections to enhance the standard of your CV.

– Chandni Sethia

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