Tips to Strengthen Your Career Search

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Whether you have just graduated college or have been working for a while, you can benefit from planning your career. Even if you don’t see yourself as the planning type, if you are thinking about what you want to do in life, you have likely already taken this step. There are a few things that can set you on the right path.

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Consider Entrepreneurship

If you love the idea of working for yourself and being your own boss, you may benefit from starting your own business. It can also give you valuable career experience that can help you land a job in your desired field of study. As a business owner, you will wear many hats, so entrepreneurship can teach you everything from accounting to people management to marketing. It can be expensive to start your own company, but you can consider taking out a small business loan to help cover some of these costs.

Research What You Want to Do

It’s a good idea to be bold when you are thinking about your dream position. Consider what you would do for work if you could get any job you were thinking about. Start with creating a resume. Do a bit of research on positions you might want to hold and how you could get there. A title itself might not be that descriptive, so don’t be too attached to the name.

Rather, consider who you would be reporting to, what you would do, and the amount of education you would need. Consider the companies that might be hiring for this type of work. There are likely many positions you have not heard about, so talk to many people and keep an open mind. Do some research on professional social media sites to learn about what is out there, and look over the profiles of people who post interesting content.

Consider Your Opportunities

When you are researching open positions, consider looking at the organization posting the position. Could you see yourself working with these companies? Consider the types of organization, whether it is for profit, a startup, or a non-profit. Look at the types of benefits offered, especially when you first start off. Look at other roles in the department you are considering working in. If you want to be an IT directory, look at the open positions, such as ones that report to the director. They may offer a path for growth once you have more experience in the company. Even if you have to start out with an entry level position, you might find yourself able to move up after having proved yourself.

Telling People You Know

You’ll want to let everyone you know that you are planning out your career and would like some insight and input whenever possible. Learning how to advance your career the right way means being open to mentorship and advice. Let coaches, managers, and the rest of your network know you would like to move up the career ladder. Don’t take advice telling you to keep your plans to yourself, as this prevents others from knowing you would welcome advice or assistance. Networking will help you develop professionally and move up.

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