Liberal arts continue to be a very popular major for college students. There is a great deal of appeal to it and allows a person to be exposed to a diversity of knowledge. A problem that arises is that a liberal arts major sometimes has trouble deciding on a career. That is not the same challenge that a business major or a computer sciences major has to worry about; they already have a career in mind. A fair amount of time in the undergraduate study should deal with career path planning. Some choices have to be made.
Think of These Career Path Finder Ideas
Career counselors recommend an internship program. This allows you to test drive a given career option, and see if it fits in well with you. Even better, there are many people using the fresher job alerts as an option to find an internship about their careers. The catch is many internships do not pay well if at all. On the other hand, the work experience looks great at the present and the company might even offer you a full-time job after graduation.
Take Psychometric Test To Know Your Best Career
For those who are having serious trouble finding what career will be a good fit, it pays to know yourself better. There are standardized tests that can be of service. The Myers – Briggs Personality Index is one such example. You do not have to go down one career path based solely on test results. The scores show what areas you have behavioral information in. It gives you some ideas, and that is much better than having no clue at all.

Asking people about their jobs can be of help but this can give a very biased view of a given career. But a negative comment may steer you away from a job you might be good at. What undergraduate students need is a source of information not just about themselves or career possibilities, but prospective employers as well. This is where GradIndia can be a valuable resource.
We Have What You Need
GradIndia has interviewed and surveyed the largest employers in India. Inside Buzz contains the inside story on the biggest employers, and the information includes notes about the corporate culture, the training programs, and how employees feel about the company itself. We go a little bit further to help you out.
Know Your Best Careers Take Psychometric Test
Our website has career assessment tools that you can use to better define yourself. This is in addition to insider tips on how to handle interviews, and what to expect as you start walking down your career path. There are not that many websites on the Internet that have an all-in-one package. Fewer still happen to concentrate on India. GradIndia is all about the land down under, and college graduates in the job market. You cannot do better than taking a look at us.

Careers can seem both exciting and challenging for anyone in college. You want to be able to pick the right one for you and you need the best information to do that. Our website contains better insights and reliable material than any other career-oriented platform. Best of all, it is all about India. You can find out how recent graduates are handling their new jobs, and what are the prospects for the future. It is information worth its weight in gold to you.