Goa Scholarships: Apply Online, Eligibility, Amount, Selection Process, Important Dates

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Through scholarships provided by the state government, private universities, and federal government programs, aspirant students in Goa can lessen their financial obligations. These awards focus on career paths, certain populations, and academic merit. Tuition, housing costs, and occasionally even living stipends are covered by funding. To discover the ideal fit, do your research on scholarships on official websites (https://cmscholarship.goa.gov.in/) and college portals.

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Goa Scholarships Overview

Scholarship NameAwarded ByLevel of StudyDescription
Goa Merit Scholarship SchemeDepartment of Education, GoaUnder GraduateMerit-based scholarship for Goan students pursuing Under Graduation in any recognized university in India
Chief Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST StudentsDepartment of Tribal Welfare, GoaUnder Graduate, Post GraduateMerit-cum-means scholarship for Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) students pursuing Under Graduation or Post Graduation in any recognized university in India
Directorate of Higher Education Scholarship SchemesDirectorate of Higher Education, GoaUnder Graduate, Post GraduateVarious scholarships offered by the Directorate of Higher Education for specific categories like Other Backward Classes (OBC), persons with disabilities etc. Details on the department website
Goa Scholarship for Overseas StudiesDepartment of Education, GoaPost GraduateFinancial assistance for meritorious Goan students pursuing Post Graduation abroad

Extra Sources:

Recall that this is not a comprehensive list. Other scholarships may be available from NGOs, for-profit colleges, and the government. Find the scholarships that best fit your needs by doing some study.

Goa Scholarships Important Dates

Scholarship NameWebsiteLikely Place to Find Important Dates
Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship SchemeDepartment of Education, GoaDepartment of Education website or notifications
Chief Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST StudentsDepartment of Tribal Welfare, GoaDepartment of Tribal Welfare website or notifications
Goa Scholarship Scheme for Differently Abled StudentsDepartment of Education, GoaDepartment of Education website or notifications
Goa Board ScholarshipsGoa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary EducationGoa Board website or notifications about Std. X & XII exams
Minority Welfare ScholarshipsDepartment of Minority Welfare, GoaDepartment of Minority Welfare website or notifications

Help in Locating Significant Dates:

  • Go to the department’s or the organization’s official website to learn more about the scholarship. Search for the sections labeled “Notifications,” “Scholarships,” or “Important Dates.”
  • Look for announcements or news items about the scholarship.
  • To find out about deadlines for applications and other significant dates, get in touch with the department or organization directly.

Goa Scholarships Eligibility Criteria

Scholarship NameResidencyMinimum Marks (%)Annual Family Income (INR)Other Criteria
Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship SchemeGoan domicileVaries (usually high merit)Not applicable (merit-based)Enrollment in recognized university
Chief Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST StudentsGoan domicileNot applicableBelow 2 lakhsBelong to Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST)
Goa Scholarship Scheme for Differently Abled StudentsGoan domicileVaries (often lower than general category)Below 2 lakhsCertified disability
Goa Board ScholarshipsGoa domicile90 (General), 75 (Differently Abled)Not applicable (merit-based)Top scorers in Std. X & XII Goa Board exams
Minority Welfare ScholarshipsGoan domicileVaries (often lower than general category)Below 2 lakhsBelong to a minority community (Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi)

Extra Information

  • You may need to provide an evidence of residency in Goa or a domicile certificate.
  • Academic transcripts from the previous year are frequently needed documentation.
  • Certain scholarships could have further requirements, including passing certain courses or entrance exams.

Locating Particular Eligibility Standards:

  • Go to the official scholarship website and look up the course you want to take.
  • Check for the parts labeled “Who can Apply,” “Criteria,” or “Eligibility.”
  • Download any available scholarship announcements or brochures.

Goa Scholarships Required Documents

Scholarship NameLikely Required Documents
Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship Scheme* Duly filled application form * Domicile certificate (Goa) * Proof of admission to postgraduate program * Previous year’s mark sheets * College fee receipts (if applicable)
Chief Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST Students* Duly filled application form * Domicile certificate (Goa) * Caste certificate (SC/ST) * Previous year’s mark sheets * Income certificate (below 2 lakhs INR)
Goa Scholarship Scheme for Differently Abled Students* Duly filled application form * Domicile certificate (Goa) * Disability certificate * Previous year’s mark sheets * Income certificate (below 2 lakhs INR)
Goa Board Scholarships* Duly filled application form (provided by Goa Board) * Mark sheets of Std. X & XII exams * Domicile certificate (Goa)
Minority Welfare Scholarships* Duly filled application form * Domicile certificate (Goa) * Minority community certificate (Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi) * Previous year’s mark sheets * Income certificate (below 2 lakhs INR)

Extra Information

  • Every document needs to be self-attested or attested in accordance with the scholarship requirements.
  • It may be necessary to have photocopies in addition to original documents.
  • Additional documentation, such as character or extracurricular activity certifications, may be required for some scholarships.

Locating Particularly Necessary Documents:

  • Go to the official scholarship website and look up the course you want to take.
  • Check for the parts labeled “Application Process,” “Documents Required,” or “Checklist.”
  • Download any available scholarship announcements or brochures.

Goa Scholarships Amount

Scholarship NameLevel of StudyAmount
Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship SchemePost-Graduate* Monthly stipend of INR 5000 OR INR 7000 (depending on year) <br> * Annual contingency grant of INR 20,000 OR INR 28,000 (depending on year)
Chief Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST StudentsAll Levels (School, Undergraduate, Postgraduate)Not specified (financial assistance)
Goa Scholarship Scheme for Differently Abled StudentsAll Levels (School, Undergraduate, Postgraduate)Not specified (financial assistance)
Goa Board ScholarshipsStd. XI & XII* INR 1250 per month (Std. XI & XII)
Minority Welfare ScholarshipsAll Levels (School, Undergraduate, Postgraduate)Not specified (financial assistance)

Extra Information

  • Based on data that is accessible to the public at , the table shows the most typical monetary structures for Goa Scholarships.
  • The Merit Scholarship Scheme may offer different amounts based on the student’s year and field of study.
  • For certain scholarships, “financial assistance” could mean several things, such as book grants, hostel subsidies, or waivers of fees. For more information, see the official scholarship webpage.

Goa Scholarships Steps to apply online application

StepDescriptionScholarship Examples (Likely Online Application)
1. Research ScholarshipsIdentify scholarships you qualify for and their deadlines. Look for “Online Application” or a link to an application portal.Post Graduate Merit Scholarship Scheme (の可能性)(kanōsei)
2. Create an Account (if needed)Some scholarship portals require creating an account to apply.As per Step 1
3. Download Application Form (if not online)Some scholarships might have downloadable forms to be filled and uploaded to the portal.If online application not available
4. Prepare Required DocumentsScan or have digital copies of all required documents (refer to “Required Documents” table).Refer to “Required Documents” table
5. Fill Out Online ApplicationCarefully enter all required information in the online form.As per Step 1
6. Upload DocumentsUpload scanned copies of all required documents in the designated sections of the application portal.As per Step 1
7. Review and SubmitThoroughly review your application for any errors. Submit the application before the deadline.As per Step 1
8. Print Confirmation (if available)Print or save a copy of the application confirmation for your records.As per Step 1

Extra Information

  • *(可都性)(kanōsei) – denotes a potential (in Japanese) based on the scant public information.
  • There may be formats or instructions related to uploading documents on online application platforms. For further information, see the website.
  • For your records, save copies of the applications you submitted and the files you uploaded.


  • Not every Goa scholarship is offered online. To learn about the application process, always visit the official scholarship website.
  • Look for directions on how to physically submit the application if the scholarship doesn’t offer an online application process.

Goa Scholarships Renewal Process

Scholarship NameLikely Renewal ProcessInformation Source
Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship Scheme* Likely requires submitting a renewal application with updated academic performance and enrollment details. <br> * May require a recommendation letter from the current university.Department of Education website or scholarship notification.
Chief Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST Students* Renewal process might depend on maintaining satisfactory academic performance and caste certificate validity. <br> * Contact the Department of Tribal Welfare for specific details.Department of Tribal Welfare website or by contacting the department directly.
Goa Scholarship Scheme for Differently Abled Students* Renewal process might depend on maintaining satisfactory academic performance and disability certificate validity. <br> * Contact the Department of Education for specific details.Department of Education website or by contacting the department directly.
Goa Board Scholarships* Not applicable – one-time scholarship for Std. X & XII toppers.Goa Board website or scholarship announcement.
Minority Welfare Scholarships* Renewal process might depend on maintaining satisfactory academic performance and minority community certificate validity. <br> * Contact the Department of Minority Welfare for specific details.Department of Minority Welfare website or by contacting the department directly.

Goa Scholarships Application Status Tracking Procedure

StepDescriptionScholarship Examples (Likely Online Tracking)
1. Identify Application MethodDetermine if you applied online or offline.Post Graduate Merit Scholarship Scheme (の可能性)(kanōsei)
2. Online Tracking (if applicable)If applied online, locate the scholarship portal or website where you submitted the application.As per Step 1
3. Login CredentialsLog in using your account credentials created during application (if required).As per Step 1
4. Look for Status SectionSearch for a section named “Application Status,” “Track Application,” or similar.As per Step 1
5. Enter Reference NumberEnter the reference number provided during application submission.As per Step 1
6. View Application StatusThe portal should display the current status of your application (e.g., Submitted, Under Review, Approved, Rejected).As per Step 1
7. Offline Application Tracking (if applicable)If applied offline, contact the department managing the scholarship.Refer to “Required Documents” table for department contact details
8. Contact InformationPrepare your application reference number and scholarship details before contacting the department.As per Step 7
9. Inquiry by Email or PhoneYou can inquire about your application status by email or phone. Be polite and professional in your communication.As per Step 7

Extra Information

  • denotes a potential (in Japanese) based on the scant public information.
  • Specific guidelines for monitoring the status of applications may be available on online portals. For further information, see the website.
  • Please be patient as response times may vary if you get in touch with the department directly.


  • Not every scholarship program tracks the status of applications online
  • For tracking purposes, save a copy of your application confirmation or reference number.

Goa Scholarships Selection Process

Scholarship NameSelection Process
Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship Scheme* Merit-based selection likely based on previous academic performance, entrance exam scores (if applicable), and course relevance. * Shortlisted candidates might be called for an interview.
Chief Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for SC/ST Students* Primarily based on belonging to SC/ST category and meeting income criteria. * Academic performance might be a secondary consideration.
Goa Scholarship Scheme for Differently Abled Students* Primarily based on possessing a valid disability certificate and meeting income criteria. * Academic performance might be a secondary consideration, with a possible lower threshold compared to general category.
Goa Board Scholarships* Awarded solely based on achieving the highest marks in Std. X & XII Goa Board exams, with separate consideration for differently-abled students (possibly with a lower cut-off mark).
Minority Welfare Scholarships* Primarily based on belonging to a minority community and meeting income criteria. * Academic performance might be a secondary consideration, with a possible lower threshold compared to general category. * Selection process might involve verification of community certificate.

Extra Information

  • Although the particular selection criteria may differ based on the scholarship program, this chart offers a broad picture.
  • Please visit the official scholarship website for information on the interview process, criteria weighting, and selection process.


  • Even for scholarships where there is less of a focus on grades, keeping up a high academic record can be helpful because selection processes are competitive.
  • To be taken into account during the selection process, one must fulfill the qualifying requirements.

Goa Scholarships FAQ'S

When is the application deadline for the Goa Scholarships?

The application due date for the Goa Scholarships regularly falls between July and November each year, depending on the particular conspire.

How can I check my application status?

You’ll be able track your application status by logging in to the Goa Scholarships utilizing your application ID and watchword.

What documents are required for the Goa Scholarships application?

The specified archives change depending on the particular conspire you’re applying for. Be that as it may, a few common archives incorporate: Aadhaar Card, residence certificate, caste/community certificate, pay certificate, stamp sheets/certificates, and bank account points of interest.

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