Reasons Why Students Should Choose Sanskrit As Third Language

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In the country of India, that wherever you go or in any part of India you visit as the place changes, the cultures, customs, traditions, and patterns of living and earning livelihood changes. Surely these customs and traditions along with the languages spoken in every part which can be a recognized or a non-recognized language have their unique pattern of conversation, presentation, and also the way that the language is spoken changes from place to place.

So it is now very evident with the help of modern techniques of archaeology that language was the most prominent way of communication between two living beings right from when the living beings especially humans came into existence. But it remains a question that which language was the first spoken language between human beings as a mode of conversation.

Many times it is said and has been proved that the Sanskrit language was the first and most prominent language to be spoken on the Earth. Even many a times this language is termed, or particularly called as the “Language of Gods”; the reason behind this is that according to many transcripts found of the olden days and many shlokas which are considered as a medium to pray to the gods are written in the Sanskrit language.

The language is so very simple that by understanding the grammar, the whole crux of the language, this language can be mastered very easily. Besides these, this language according to a majority of the students studying in the HSC and SSC boards say that this subject is the most scoring subject among all the languages taught to the students in the whole course. Also, it is advised by many of the people that you should choose this language as your third or optional language as its ease of studies. So to make the students believe and convince them to choose Sanskrit as their third or optional language here are 10 good reasons for choosing Sanskrit as the third language which is given as follows:-

1.Sanskrit is termed as the “language of Gods” so by studying this subject we can take pride as we are studying the language spoken by gods.

2. Sanskrit is very closely related to Marathi Language, so if you are a student of HSC or SSC in Maharashtra then you can profit from this if you choose Sanskrit as your Third Language.

3. The biggest benefit of choosing this language is that this language does not have a lengthy paper unlike other subjects and 85% of the Sanskrit Paper is based on grammar in which you can easily capitalize on and score good marks.

4. Grammar is what makes Sanskrit, so if you are a master in Sanskrit Grammar then you surely will score good marks in every exam of Sanskrit Language.

5. Being the language of gods, this language does not contain any bad words instead you will learn valuable education lessons which can prove as a benefit for your good future.

6. There are a lot of job opportunities for people who complete their Masters or Ph.D. in the Sanskrit language and the surprising thing is that these jobs are permanent and are positions of high salary which is indeed a point of profit for you.

7. There is aSanskrit Bharati Mandal which is a very prestigious membership for a student right from their school life and this membership is the most prestigious membership among the Language Group and has its own Council.

8. At School, everyone will guarantee that the most enjoyable lecture in the whole class schedule was of Sanskrit Language due to the reasons of Melodious Choruses like Subhashitmala, Life Valuing Lessons, and many more such other good reasons.

9. The language of Sanskrit looks very beautiful when you write it down on the paper itself which gives you more motivation to write in better handwriting and also creates an impression on the examiner and the teacher due to your handwriting skill.

10. Last but not least, studying the Sanskrit Language right from your school life will give you the satisfaction that you have learned something that is very closely associated with the culture you live in which will be a matter of pride for you.

Hope these tips will convince you to choose the Sanskrit language as your third Language. Wishing you Good Luck Studying the language of God!!
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