Importance of workshops while pursuing higher education

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In the current scenario, diverse skill sets and expertise are required to meet the market demands. Majority of the time we students feel unsatisfied because we only get the opportunity to learn through theoretical aspects which broadens the gaps. Sometimes our education system doesn’t focus on bridging the gaps by matching industrial urges. To come over such hitch’s aspirants or youth with technologically advanced gadgets are trying to participate in webinars, seminars and offline or online workshops. These events play an imperative role in the life of students who have opted for higher education. 

The main agenda of webinars, seminars and workshops is to promote the flow of knowledge in the form of sophisticated communication. The passionate interaction and involvement accelerate the knowledge and it showcases the real illustration of the current industry.

The significance of such marvellous events has already deepened its roots and it is appreciated time after time. After understanding the significance and advantages of workshops for enthusiasts, universities are trying to innovate and revamp the education curriculum. At an early age, seminars were not even existing but modern problems need modern solutions and that is why seminars in schools are welcomed.

Now, here are some points which will depict the decisiveness of the webinars, seminars and workshops for students who are pursuing higher education.

  • Enhances Verbal Communication Abilities- The majority of the youth are not confident enough to keep their opinions on the table. They are incompetent and because of it their communication fluency also gets distorted. The rural or urban background of the student doesn’t matter if the student has potential and an exceptional track record in the educational field. But industrial requirements remain below because through mugging up also we can gain good marks but through we cannot express ourselves.

People think that it is just a minor concern. In reality, this minute concern creates a drastic downside and it often hides the accomplishments of the candidate. This type of situation generally arises during campus placement sessions. Recruiters find that students have performed well in academics but he or she lacks competence.

So, as per the research, it was witnessed that events like workshops, seminars and webinars accelerate the confidence level. Also, a gathering of intellectuals builds impeccable communication skills also. By attending these events only students can learn new interview and group discussion tactics.

  • Gaining In-depth Knowledge about the Specific field
Self Knowledge

Seminars and workshops provide us with a golden opportunity to meet and talk with industrial leaders or experts who hold unmatchable expertise in a specific domain. Based on their experience, they can share some valuable knowledge with you. As a student, it becomes easier for us to understand the latest trends also. Students who tend to learn new things can also gather the latest info by interacting with specialists. 

As a result, your genuine interest and curiosity will become your weapon which will further help you to excel in your area of interest. 

Last but not least expert guidance can work for you as a guide. In simple terms I want to convey that search, explore, learn and execute the learnings.

Motivation career path
  • Grow Network- Try to connect with your college peers, former colleagues and seniors with the gradual support of diverse social media platforms. Try to deliver impactful mail to your college members and then try to fix friendly or personal communications. This shows that you still value those relationships which you had with your friends in previous years further, this will throw light on your links. This bond can cover several miles if maintained properly and also, it can help you to accelerate your professional journey.
  • You get Motivated and Encouraged- Learning and unfolding new topics or subjects can help you to broaden your horizons. This experience makes students more motivated and driven towards their dreams. Through exploring new topics students feel empowered and enlightened. If it is their area of interest then they also research to know more about that concept. With proper mentorship and expert advice, things become flexible for the students to understand. The way and the vision of the student get support. If they get encouraged for their productivity then they can do wonders in academics also. They can publish research papers, journals, and newsletters also. By taking these small steps they can spin their professional world around.

Different from a normal classroom environment- Webinars and workshops have a unique and distinct environment in contrast to classrooms. Because in the classroom you meet only those 50 people who are your colleagues but when you attend workshops then you can meet at least 250 people. Besides your normal subject and curriculum, the student can learn something new and vivid. Through learning and gaining such extraordinary experiences students can channelise their inner talent and they can perform better.

-Hruditya Kumar

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