Shyness is described as a feeling of discomfort or fear that some people may feel when they meet someone who is known or unknown or when they are approached by others, particularly in a new environment that may be an interview, public speaking, or any other case in which people are not acquainted. Shyness is a behavior that can come from the heredity, the surroundings of an ordinary person, and a few of an individual’s previously acquired knowledge, and shy people frequently want to relate with others sorely, but do not know or can accept the anxiety which comes from interpersonal interactions. The degree of shyness can vary from individual to individual depending on the individual’s various qualities, conditions, and environment. Greater shyness forms are commonly called social anxiety or social phobia. Shyness is simply a personality feature or can take place at certain stages in the development of youngsters. It is better to recognize it before this becomes a concern for you and conquer it at the correct time.
Why You Feel Shy
These are some of the reasons listed that is the root cause of shyness:
1. Thinking
Our psychological perception determines most of our motives and conduct. Sometimes we call ourselves a shy individual and begin to feel eager to live up to that assumption. This is a truly intolerable thing. The creation of that kind of mental perception would not be good for you but would be damaging to you in one direction or another. This is a very common source of shyness.
2. Self-confidence
The primary reason for shyness is a low self or absence of self-confidence In particular during our school this can be changed according to our encounters. Often during our school time, we thought that we had no pleasant personality and tried to imitate another person and end up in an unpleasant situation and were shy of ourselves. It’s almost impossible to please other people with your personality if you’re not really happy with your public persona.

3. Fear
That several of us don’t really mix quite easily with strangers. The familiarization of new people takes a little time. This feeling sometimes overwhelms your level of confidence and began to take shape when socializing most of us are in uneasiness. This is the case when we consult and when we come into contact with some new people, we try to generate shyness between ourselves and lose trust. The outcome is the decline in the interview due to the feeling of shyness in our effectiveness.
This Is How You Can Overcome Shyness
Many people around the world are slightly shy and struggle to resolve them. Feeling awkward in meeting new people, discomfort in talking to many people or in a team is a sign of shyness. It won’t be quick to overcome your social anxiety. It requires a while, dedication, and naturally the desire to change from the inside. Whether you are socially isolated or socially adept, at some point in life we can all pertain to the sense of shyness. We have a tendency to misunderstand socially that shyness is only the introversion problem, but that isn’t true. Shyness is more related to being uncomfy with yourself, especially if you are unfamiliar with others. Feeling shy may tarnish certain significant moments of our lives, such as showing up in an important meeting, speaking in a crowd, or interacting with people for professional or commercial purposes. Shyness can ruin some of your best lives, so it’s smarter to solve this problem before it really does. A few tips to help you overcome shyness are provided as follows:

1. Be more social
Several of the effective ways to deal with shyness is to start making your social network a habit of talking to everybody. As far as possible, interact. As you’d have to have trust to be willing to open up to people, you have had to talk to many people to build a degree of trust that you will not feel obliged to talk to a certain newbie. Such practices make you as clever as possible to meet different people every other day and you appear to learn how to communicate or connect. You can start talking with a single individual, then keep moving to two when you feel more comfortable and gradually get your communication and interpersonal skills that you don’t have to exercise anymore. That would be a good way of overcoming your shyness.
2. Make a will to relieve your anxiety
In a certain situation, anxiety is one that could greatly influence your effectiveness. If you practice becoming more assertive, anguish and fear may be overpowering. You have to control your anxiety to avoid timidity and do your finest in a specific circumstance. One way of looking at anxiety is to start relieving obstructed energy. We can start releasing this energy via body movement, like moving your hands, but keep it so influential, it’s a bad habit for you afterward. An additional way to remove anxiety is to breathe deeply and to release anxiety. Handling your anxiety is therefore a crucial component of overcoming your shyness.
3. Focus is the key
It is a powerful way to prevent shyness by shuttering your eyes and trying to focus on your work before a hard situation arises that might require a certain degree of confidence. Close your eyes, consider the task and triggers that could make you shaky and lead you to some uncomfortable behavior.

4. Concentrate on your strengths
Another solution to improve shyness is by increasing your trust in your areas of strength. It is recommended that you know your strong points well to better analyze and realize that you are able to do so. It is quite easy that you’re doing a particular task when you understand that you can do something or that you have the skill.
By: Poorva Meshram