Don’t be jealous of toppers, just make yourself a more productive student and in the right way or I would say don’t compare yourself to be more productive. Now, productive in studies doesn’t mean having smart studious gadgets or wasting money on highly expensive, coaching classes. It’s about spending your energy on yourself, and your self-study. It will all be possible if you will work efficiently and in a productive manner.
Studying productively as a student means systematic time management for everything including study, games, outings, and so on. Studying all day will not make you top or even not to enhance your knowledge and it’s all same with the playing all day too. All we have to do is have an effective time management trick that can study efficiently and will make you productive as a student.
"There's Always A Scope Of Improvement"
So, here are some tips and tricks you must follow to be a productive student:-
One of the most disastrous problems with each of us nowadays is that we fall asleep whenever we open our books or even many of us just start feeling dizzy by seeing them. Isn’t it true? So, for this, your first tip is to NOT STUDY AS A FORMALITY, STUDY TO GAIN KNOWLEDGE.
Formalities with your annoying relatives, not with your studies. Study in such a way that it’s your challenge to achieve something and to make your parents proud in front of your annoying relatives, is that you have to gain something, A glorious piece of knowledge which may further change your life or give you hint about your future.

I don’t think that stalking celebrities on Instagram is of any worth, or commenting on their pics is of any use but yes if you will track your time, that will be luminary for you and your studies. This means your second tip is to WATCH OR RATHER STALK WHERE YOU ARE SPENDING MOST OF YOUR TIME. To keep a tab of your time you must use the wall clock or mobile phones or any app that will distract your mind to use other stuff. So, the foremost principle to track your time is with a wall clock.
Never try to study continuously for more than 3 to 4 hours. Students nowadays think that I will sit for 3-4 hours and will complete the 2 chapters today only. That is a big NO because whenever you study continuously without taking any breaks you will just get pissed. This means you were just going through the stuff, not understanding it. So, the third tip you have to follow is to TAKE ORDERLY BREAKS. These small intervals will keep your mind fresh and will also help you to remember things. For example – intervals are important in movies so as in your studies.

Don’t be like I am tired or not in the mood to complete this or to start that. Study in a such way that you have to complete a challenge or task. The fourth tip you have to care about is to SET YOURSELF A TARGET or give yourself a deadline. This will help you not to avoid last-minute study or to leave a small amount of stuff pending for the next day. This will help you to start over the new work the next day and set you a fresh and interesting target.
The next thing a student must follow is to always DRESS COMFY while studying. Tight jeans, designer t-shirts, and accessories will never allow you to concentrate, all you will be doing is getting self-obsessed and sending snaps all day or going somewhere for an outing. So, all you have to do is to wear the most comfortable clothes of home-like PJs.

A bed is a place where you sleep at night. The thing you have to follow here is that, that you must study at the place you sleep or the place which makes you feel tired. GET AWAY FROM YOUR BED. Always, try to sit and study on a table chair or most probably on the floor with a mat.
This will never cause you dizziness while doing any work. And the thing you have to follow here is not to sit in front of the mirror. Sitting in front of the mirror the only thing you will do is to watch yourself, make funny faces, flip hair here and there and that’s it done with the studies so no you will never sit in front of the mirror for studies.
Above, are some very easy tips and tricks that you as a student must follow to be more productive with your studies.