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Why Study Abroad in Australia?

Australia is fast becoming a preferred destination in terms of education among Indian students. Currently, this “land of kangaroos” attracts the third largest number of international students in the English-speaking world after the US and the UK.
In some countries Australia is the first choice of study destination. as it is a dynamic, vibrant country with energetic, friendly people. Multicultural Australia is English-speaking and a safe and friendly society in which students can learn and travel freely.

Plan big with us after your 12th for an undergraduate degree in top university of the Australia & be a part of it.

A Masters Degree from a top university in Australia, plunge your career by gaining the specialization in your field of interest.

Thinking of corporate world by pursuing an MBA from top B-School in Australia? We will help you achieve your dreams.

Counsellors for "Study Abroad in Australia" service

Sakshi Mittal Counsellor Study Abroad In Australia

An alumnus of University of Manchester and a Certified Career counsellor by UCLA, is spearheading the ‘”Study Abroad in Australia Division of CareerGuide.com

Surabhi Dewra Counsellor Study Abroad In Australia

Surabhi is an entrepreneur who is utilizing creativity, leadership and teamwork to design & execute CareerGuide.Com.

Aditya Sisodia Counsellor Study Abroad In Australia 1

Aditya holds an MBA degree and is a Certified NLP practitioner. He utilizes Mentoring & Coaching approach in his conversation with participants.

Study Abroad in Australia Counselling Price's

Profile Evaluation Service

  • Profile Evaluation & Psychometric Test
  • Application Review(Creation and Submission)
  • University & Course Shortlisting


  • Profile Evaluation &Psychometric Test
  • Application Review(Creation and Submission)
  • University & Course Shortlisting
  • Essay Brain Storming
  • SOP & LOR Customization University Wise
  • LOR Review & Editing
  • SOP , Essay review & Editing
  • Resume Preperation from Scratch
  • Linkedin Profile Creation and Review
  • Interview Preperation
  • Scholarship Guidance
  • Visa Application Assistance

Profile Building Service

₹50,000 - ₹1,50,000
  • 1-3 year Association with fortnight calls and activities
  • End of the Activity you will get your Personal Website
  • Wiki for your Accomplishment to Showcase to the World

Overview of Education System of Australia

Study Abroad In Australia 1

Admission Requirements to Study Abroad in Australia

Study Abroad In Australia 1

Top Universities and College of Australia

Australian National University
University of Melbourne
University of New South Wales
University of Queensland
University of Sydney

Monash University

University of Western Australia
University of Adelaide
University of Technology
Western Sydney University

Steps to Apply to Study Abroad in Australia

Choose to Study Abroad in Australia

Decide Course & Institution


Check Entry Requirements & Visa


Apply for the Course


Receive your Offer Letter & I-20


Decide your Final University


Apply for your Visa


Book your Accom.& Flights

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