ILETS Speaking Vocabulary

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It is vital to have a great run of ILETS Speaking Vocabulary lexicon in arrange to perform well within the test. This will assist you to precise yourself clearly and precisely, and to reply the examiner’s questions in a comprehensive and instructive way. You can learn IELTS Speaking vocabulary by reading widely, watching English-language TV shows and movies, and talking to native English speakers. You can also find many useful resources online and in libraries.

How to Use IELTS Speaking Vocabulary Effectively


To utilize ILETS Speaking Vocabulary lexicon successfully, you ought to:

  • Utilize a assortment of words and expressions to maintain a strategic distance from sounding tedious. For illustration, rather than saying “good” all the time, you may say “fabulous”, “incredible”, or “brilliant”.
  • Utilize the proper word for the setting. For case, in the event that you’re talking around a troublesome errand, you may say “challenging” or “requesting”.
  • Use collocations, which are words that are regularly utilized together. For illustration, rather than saying “I like to travel”, you may say “I appreciate traveling the world” or “I adore investigating modern societies”.
  • Utilize expressions and expressions, which can make your discourse more curiously and locks in. For case, rather than saying “I was tired”, you may say “I was depleted” or “I was dead on my feet”.

Here are a few extra tips for utilizing ILETS Speaking Vocabulary lexicon viably:

  • Utilize expressive dialect. Rather than saying “I went to a stop”, you’ll say “I went to a excellent stop with rich green trees and a shimmering wellspring”.
  • Utilize particular cases. Rather than saying “I had a great time on my get-away”, you’ll say “I had a incredible time on my vacation since I went swimming, hiking, and touring”.
  • Utilize connecting words and expressions to put through your thoughts. For example, you’ll say “In expansion to being a wonderful city, Paris is additionally a really notable city”.
  • Utilize complex sentence structures. Rather than saying “I like to play football and I like to observe football”, you may say “I appreciate playing and observing football”.
  • Utilize formal dialect suitably, particularly for Portion 3 of the IELTS talking test. For case, rather than saying “I think that’s a great thought“, you may say “I agree together with your evaluation”.

Common IELTS Speaking Topics and Vocabulary

Here are some common ILETS Speaking Vocabulary:


  • People and relationships
  • Education and work
  • Travel and holidays
  • Home and family
  • Free time and activities
  • Current affairs and the environment


People and relationships

  • friend
  • family member
  • colleague
  • neighbor
  • acquaintance
  • stranger
  • kind
  • generous
  • helpful
  • reliable
  • trustworthy
  • outgoing
  • shy
  • reserved
  • confident
  • intelligent
  • humorous

You’ll learn more around ILETS Speaking Vocabulary subjects and lexicon by perusing online assets, observing IELTS planning recordings, and taking hone tests.

Here are a few cases of how to utilize common IELTS talking lexicon in a discussion:

  • “I’m exceptionally fortunate to have such a steady family and group of companions.”
  • “I’m truly curious about considering computer science at college.”
  • “I as of late had a work meet and I think it went well.”
  • “I’m arranging a trip to Thailand following year.”
  • “I cherish playing football and ball in my free time.”
  • “I’m concerned around the climate emergency and I think we ought to do more to ensure the environment.”

By utilizing common IELTS talking lexicon in your discussions, you’ll progress your familiarity and precision, and make a great impression on the inspector.

Academic IELTS Speaking Vocabulary for Students

Academic ILETS Speaking Vocabulary for students includes words and phrases that are commonly used in academic contexts, such as:

  • Assessment: evaluation, appraisal, judgment, critique
  • Argument: claim, evidence, support, refutation
  • Analysis: examination, investigation, interpretation, evaluation
  • Cause and effect: consequence, influence, impact, result
  • Comparison and contrast: similarity, difference, contrast, juxtaposition
  • Definition: explanation, description, clarification
  • Discussion: debate, argument, analysis, evaluation
  • Example: illustration, instance, case study

In addition to these general academic vocabulary words and phrases, students should also be familiar with vocabulary that is specific to their field of study. For example, a student studying engineering would need to be familiar with words such as “circuit”, “diagram”, and “formula”.

Here are some examples of how to use academic ILETS Speaking Vocabulary in a conversation:

  • “The professor’s assessment of my essay was very insightful.”
  • “The student presented a well-argued case for his hypothesis.”
  • “The researcher’s analysis of the data was very thorough.”
  • “The two approaches to solving the problem have different advantages and disadvantages.”
  • “The author’s main idea is that the government should do more to support education.”
  • “I agree with the opinion that climate change is a serious problem.”
  • “The scientist’s proof of the theory was very convincing.”

General IELTS Speaking Vocabulary for Everyday Use

Common ILETS Speaking Vocabulary lexicon for ordinary utilize incorporates words and expressions that are commonly utilized in regular discussions. This lexicon can be utilized in a assortment of settings, such as talking to companions, family, colleagues, and outsiders.

Here may be a test of common ILETS Speaking Vocabulary lexicon for regular utilize:

  • Welcome and goodbyes: hi, farewell, great morning, great evening, great evening, decent to meet you, it was pleasant talking to you’ve, got a decent day
  • Social phrases: please, thank you, you’re welcome, pardon me, too bad, I’m too bad to bother you, are doing you intellect?
  • Inquiring and replying questions: what, where, when, why, how, can you if you don’t mind, do you know, I do not know
  • Communicating suppositions and inclinations: I like, I do not like, I cherish, I abhor, I concur, I oppose this idea, I think, I accept, I favor, I’d or maybe
  • Depicting individuals, places, and things: huge, little, tall, brief, youthful, ancient, upbeat, pitiful, irate, lovely, revolting, scrumptious, unpleasant, curiously, boring, costly, cheap

Here are a few cases of how to utilize common ILETS Speaking Vocabulary lexicon in a discussion:

  • “Hi, how are you nowadays?”
  • “Thank you for your offer assistance.”
  • “Can you if you don’t mind let me know where the washroom is?”
  • “I concur with you.”
  • “I favor to eat at domestic than go out to eateries.”
  • “My companion is tall and lean with brown hair and blue eyes.”
  • “The city is exceptionally excellent, with numerous ancient buildings and parks.”
  • “I had a tasty supper at the eatery final night.”

Idioms and Expressions for IELTS Speaking

Figures of speech and expressions are a awesome way to create your ILETS Speaking Vocabulary more curiously and engaging. They can moreover assist you to precise yourself more precisely and strikingly.

Here are a few common idioms and expressions that you simply can utilize in IELTS talking:

  • A chunk of cake: something that’s exceptionally simple to do
  • Break a leg: a great good fortune wish
  • Taken a toll an arm and a leg: to be exceptionally costly
  • Get your act together: to begin behaving in a more organized and proficient way
  • Hit the nail on the head: to say something that’s precisely right
  • Murder two fowls with one stone: to attain two things by doing a single activity
  • Let the cat out of the pack: to uncover a mystery

Here are a few cases of how to utilize expressions and expressions in ILETS Speaking Vocabulary:

  • “Passing the IELTS test isn’t a chunk of cake, but it is unquestionably conceivable with difficult work and devotion.”
  • “I’m truly apprehensive almost my IELTS talking test, but my companions and family have been telling me to break a leg.”
  • “Learning English may be a long and costly handle. It costs an arm and a leg to require IELTS planning courses.”
  • “I’ve been truly disorganized recently, but I ought to get my act together before my IELTS test.”
  • “My educator hit the nail on the head when she said that I got to hone talking English more frequently.”
  • “I’m attending to attempt to murder two feathered creatures with one stone by considering for my IELTS test and planning for my work meet at the same time.”

Collocations for IELTS Speaking

Collocations are words that are as often as possible utilized together. They are a normal portion of the English dialect, and utilizing them in your ILETS Speaking Vocabulary can make your discourse sound more familiar and bona fide.

Here are a few cases of common collocations for IELTS talking:

  • Descriptive word + thing: solid coffee, overwhelming rain, shinning thought, great work, huge issue
  • Thing + thing: container of tea, piece of cake, beam of trust, drop of water, streak of light
  • Verb + thing: do investigate, type in an paper, grant a introduction, take a break, fathom a issue
  • Qualifier + descriptive word: profoundly interested, exceptionally energized, amazingly tired, especially troublesome, very great
  • Verb + prepositional state: concur on something, contend almost something, depend on something, center on something, get ready for something

Here are a few illustrations of how to utilize collocations in IELTS talking:

  • Rather than saying “I like coffee”, say “I like strong coffee”.
  • Rather than saying “It was sprinkling a lot”, say “It was down-pouring intensely”.
  • Rather than saying “I had a great thought”, say “I had a shinning thought”.
  • Rather than saying “You did a great work”, say “You did a phenomenal work“.
  • Rather than saying “There’s a huge issue”, say “There’s a major issue”.
  • Rather than saying “I need a container of tea”, say “I need a glass of dark tea”.
  • Rather than saying “It was simple”, say “It was a bit of cake”.
  • Rather than saying “I am cheerful”, say “I have a beam of trust”.
  • Rather than saying “I require a few water”, say “I require a drop of water”.
  • Rather than saying “I saw a light”, say “I saw a streak of light”.
  • Rather than saying “I am considering”, say “I am doing investigate”.

Frequently Asked Question

The IELTS Speaking test is approximately 11 to 14 minutes long.

The average IELTS Speaking score is 6.5.

The required band score for the IELTS exam varies depending on the institution or organization that you are applying to. However, a band score of 6.0 or higher is generally considered to be a good score.

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