Deleted Syllabus of Class 10 CBSE 2022-23

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The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has deleted a significant portion of the syllabus for Class 10 students in the 2022-23 academic year. This has been done to reduce the burden on students and to give them more time to focus on the core concepts. The CBSE has stated that the deleted topics are either repetitive or less important and that students will still be able to learn the essential concepts of each subject.

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The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has deleted a significant portion of the syllabus for Class 10 students in the 2022-23 academic year. This has been done to reduce the burden on students and to give them more time to focus on the core concepts. The CBSE has stated that the deleted topics are either repetitive or less important and that students will still be able to learn the essential concepts of each subject.

Deleted Topics

The following is a list of the topics that have been deleted from the CBSE Class 10 syllabus for 2022-23, along with the subject in which they were previously covered:

SubjectDeleted Topics
ScienceChapter 15: Our Environment
ScienceChapter 16: Management of Natural Resources
Social ScienceChapter 2: The Mughal Courts
Social ScienceChapter 3: The British Raj and the Indian Response
Social ScienceChapter 4: Making of Global World
MathematicsChapter 7: Coordinate Geometry
MathematicsChapter 14: Statistics
EnglishPoetry: “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
EnglishDrama: “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare


The CBSE has provided the following explanations for why each topic has been deleted from the syllabus:

  • Science: Chapter 15: Our Environment is repetitive of topics covered in other chapters, such as Chapter 8: Reproduction and Development and Chapter 10: Life Processes. Chapter 16: Management of Natural Resources is considered to be less important than other chapters in the science syllabus.
  • Social Science: Chapter 2: The Mughal Courts is considered to be less important than other chapters in the social science syllabus. Chapter 3: The British Raj and the Indian Response and Chapter 4: Making of Global World have been reduced to focus on the core concepts of the British colonial period, the Indian response, and globalization.
  • Mathematics: Chapter 7: Coordinate Geometry is considered to be more challenging and less important than other chapters in the mathematics syllabus. Chapter 14: Statistics has been reduced to focus on the core concepts of statistics and data interpretation.
  • English: The poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is considered to be less accessible to students than other poems in the English syllabus. The play “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare is considered to be more challenging and less important than other plays in the English syllabus.

Impact on Students

The deletion of these topics from the CBSE Class 10 syllabus will have a number of impacts on students. First, it will reduce the burden on students and give them more time to focus on the core concepts. Second, it will allow students to explore their interests in more depth. Third, it will prepare students for the challenges of the future, as the world is constantly changing and new skills and knowledge are constantly being required.

Tips for Students

Students who are preparing for the CBSE Class 10 exams in 2022-23 should focus on the core concepts of each subject. They should also solve as many practice problems as possible. It is important to note that the deleted topics will not be asked in the exams.


The deletion of a significant portion of the syllabus for Class 10 students in the 2022-23 academic year is a positive development. It will reduce the burden on students, give them more time to focus on the core concepts, and prepare them for the challenges of the future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The CBSE has deleted a portion of the syllabus for Class 10 students in 2022-23 to reduce the burden on students and give them more time to focus on the core concepts. The CBSE has stated that the deleted topics are either repetitive or less important and that students will still be able to learn the essential concepts of each subject.

The following topics have been deleted from the Class 10 CBSE syllabus for 2022-23:

  • Science: Chapter 15: Our Environment, Chapter 16: Management of Natural Resources
  • Social Science: Chapter 2: The Mughal Courts, Chapter 3: The British Raj and the Indian Response (reduced to focus on core concepts), Chapter 4: Making of Global World (reduced to focus on core concepts)
  • Mathematics: Chapter 7: Coordinate Geometry, Chapter 14: Statistics (reduced to focus on core concepts)
  • English: Poetry: “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, Drama: “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare

No, the deleted topics will not be asked in the Class 10 CBSE exams in 2022-23.

Students who are preparing for the Class 10 CBSE exams in 2022-23 should focus on the core concepts of each subject. They should also solve as many practice problems as possible.

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