MTS Syllabus 2023

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MTS Syllabus 2023: The MTS examination, conducted by organizations such as the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) in India, generally comprises four main subject areas: General Intelligence & Reasoning, Numerical Aptitude, General English, and General Awareness. In the General Intelligence & Reasoning section, candidates can expect questions that test their logical and analytical thinking, as well as problem-solving skills. Numerical Aptitude includes basic mathematical concepts, arithmetic, and quantitative aptitude.

The General English section assesses language skills, covering topics like grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. General Awareness encompasses current affairs, general knowledge, and questions related to the world and national events. In addition to these core subjects, there may be regional language papers in some cases. To prepare effectively for the MTS examination, candidates should consult the official notification and syllabus provided by the relevant examining authority for precise and up-to-date details.

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SSC MTS Syllabus 2023

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023: Candidates can check the SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 here for the SSC MTS Tier 1 Exam 2023 which is scheduled to be held from 1st to 29th September 2023 (as per SSC Exam Calendar). The SSC MTS Exam 2023 is a computer-based test (CBT) and the duration of Paper 1 is 90 minutes. The exam is conducted in two sessions, Session 1 and Session 2.

Candidates can read this article to get in-depth information regarding the SSC MTS 2023 Exam. Candidates who are preparing for the upcoming SSC MTS Exam 2023 for which the notification will be released on 30th June 2023 should also go through this article to get the details of the SSC MTS Syllabus and start preparing for the exam.

SSC MTS Syllabus

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has notified the SSC MTS Exam date 2023. The SSC MTS Exam is scheduled to be conducted from 1st to 29th September 2023 (as per SSC Exam Calendar). It is of utmost importance that the candidates go through the SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 to start preparation.

The SSC MTS Syllabus consists of One paper divided into two sessions. SSC MTS Paper 1 Syllabus consists of 4 sections: Reasoning Ability, Numerical Aptitude, English Language, and General Awareness. Go through the complete SSC MTS Syllabus and kick-start your preparation for SSC MTS 2023.

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023-Overview

Candidates who wish to appear in the SSC MTS 2023 must be well aware of the SSC MTS Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023. Here we have tabulated below the details of SSC MTS Syllabus 2023

Conducting BodyStaff Selection Commission
PostMTS/Havaldar Post
Exam Date1st to 29th September 2023
Selection Process– Computer Based Test
 – Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/Physical Standard Test (PST) (only for the post of Havaldar)
Negative Marking– Session 1: No negative marking
 – Session 2: 1 mark
No. of Questions90
Maximum Marks270


This table provides a concise summary of the SS

SSC MTS Exam Pattern 2023

The SSC MTS Exam Pattern 2023 for Paper I includes a Computer-Based Examination in 15 languages, conducted in two mandatory sessions, Session-I and Session II. Not attempting either session will lead to disqualification. While Session-I has no negative marking, Session II incurs a penalty of 1 mark for each wrong answer. Extra time is provided for visually handicapped candidates, and the marks obtained are normalized for fairness in evaluation.

The SSC MTS 2023 Paper I will be conducted in 15 different languages except for the English section.
Computer-Based Examination will be conducted in 2 Sessions.
Session-I and Session-II both will be mandatory to be attempted.
Not attempting any session will disqualify the candidate.
There will be a negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer in Session 2 while there will be no negative marking in Session 1.

Session 1:

SubjectNo of QuestionsMarksDuration
Numerical and Mathematical Ability206045 minutes
Reasoning Ability and Problem-Solving2060 

Session 2


SubjectNo of QuestionsMarksDuration
General Awareness257545 minutes
English Language and Comprehension2575 

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 for Paper 1

This year, the commission is reaching to conduct the SSC MTS 2023 Exam with a modern design including as it were CBE and no Tier-2 Exam. The SSC MTS Syllabus CBE has moreover been changed and isolated into two sessions. The Staff Determination Commission will hold a competitive examination for the enlistment of Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff (in Pay Level-1 as per Pay Framework of 7th Pay Commission), a Common Central Benefit Gather ‘C’ Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial post in different Services/ Divisions/ Workplaces of the Government of India and different Protected Bodies/ Statutory Bodies/ Tribunals, etc. Know more approximately SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 from this article.

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 for English

Candidates can find the SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 for English in the table given below. The basic kind of English will be asked in the Exam, which consists of Grammar, Vocabulary, Idioms, Phrases, Fill in the Blanks, Comprehension, etc. Refer the table for more in-depth topic details.

1. Spot the ErrorIdentifying and correcting grammatical errors in sentences.
2. Fill in the BlanksCompleting sentences with the appropriate words or phrases.
3. SynonymsFinding words with similar meanings to the given word.
4. AntonymsIdentifying words with opposite meanings to the given word.
5. Spelling/Detecting Mis-Spelled WordsIdentifying and correcting misspelled words in sentences.
6. Idioms & PhrasesUnderstanding and using idiomatic expressions in context.
7. One-Word SubstitutionReplacing a group of words with a single word.
8. Improvement of SentencesEnhancing the structure and correctness of sentences.
9. Comprehension PassageReading and understanding a given passage or text, followed by answering questions based on it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ans. SSC MTS Exam 2023 will be conducted from 2nd May-19th May 2023 and 13th – 20th June 2023.

Ans. There is no negative marking in session 1 of Paper 1 while there is a negative marking of mark 1 in Session 2.

SSC MTS Paper I will have four sections: General English, General Intelligence and Reasoning, Numerical Aptitude, and General Awareness.

Ans. SSC MTS Exam Paper 1 is MCQ-based and will be conducted online.


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