NEET Syllabus 2024: Overview

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NEET Syllabus 2024: The NEET syllabus for the year 2024 primarily comprises the core concepts of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. In the Physics section, students can expect topics such as Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Optics, Electricity, and Magnetism, among others. The Chemistry section includes topics like Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry, covering subjects like chemical reactions, the periodic table, and organic compounds. However, the most substantial portion of the NEET syllabus is dedicated to Biology, with two sections: Zoology and Botany. It covers aspects of human anatomy and physiology, genetics, ecology, plant diversity, and more. Notably, the Biology section is crucial for medical and dental aspirants.

Additionally, the syllabus is based on the NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) curriculum for Class 11 and 12, and candidates are advised to study these textbooks thoroughly. NEET is known for its stringent evaluation, and a comprehensive understanding of the syllabus is essential for success in the examination, as it serves as a gateway to prestigious medical and dental colleges across the country. Candidates should also stay updated with the official NEET website and relevant notifications for any changes or updates to the syllabus.

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NEET Syllabus 2024, 2025 Overview

The NEET syllabus comprises of majorly three fundamental subjects: Material science, Science and Chemistry. The NEET 2024 syllabus will stay nearly the same as the past year, the NEET 2023. Thus the understudies must familiarize themselves with the exam design and educational programs.

Additionally, the NEET syllabus is anticipated to primarily center on progressed and essential subjects from 11th and 12th-grade Material science, Science, and Chemistry.

NEET 2024 Syllabus

The NEET 2024 syllabus has been announced by the agency for all the subjects. The candidates should refer to the official syllabus to know about the subjects that will be relevant to the exam. The candidates should refer to the syllabus PDF to know about the topics which are relevant to the exam.

NTA NEET Syllabus 2024

NTA NEET syllabus should always be considered to prepare for the examination. The syllabus of the exam is prescribed by the NMC and has to be followed by the candidates. The topics for the exam are asked from both classes 11th and 12th. Candidates have to download the NTA NEET syllabus PDF from the official website.

NEET Syllabus 2024 in Hindi

नेशनल टेस्टिंग एजेंसी ने आधिकारिक वेबसाइट, पर NEET 2024 पाठ्यक्रम की घोषणा की है। जो उम्मीदवार NEET 2024 की तैयारी कर रहे हैं, उन्हें आधिकारिक पाठ्यक्रम देखना चाहिए। इससे नवीनतम पाठ्यक्रम और अपडेट से अवगत रहने में मदद मिलती है और अच्छा स्कोर करने की संभावना भी बढ़ जाती है।

नियमों के अनुसार, NEET पाठ्यक्रम 2024 में कक्षा 11वीं और कक्षा 12वीं दोनों से प्रश्न होते हैं। इसके अलावा, उम्मीदवारों को विषयवार सिलेबस वेटेज का भी उल्लेख करना चाहिए। इस तरह, कोई भी उन विषयों की तैयारी कर सकता है जो वास्तव में परीक्षा के लिए महत्वपूर्ण हैं और उच्च अंक प्राप्त करने में मदद कर सकते हैं।

NEET Syllabus 2024 Classwise Biology

NEET Syllabus 2024 Classwise Biology
Class 11thClass 12th
Diversity in Living WorldReproduction
Movement Neural control & coordination and LocomotionHuman Welfare and Biology
Structural Organization in Animals and PlantGenetics and Evolution
Animal KingdomFluids, body, and Circulation
Plant PhysiologyBiotechnology and its Applications
Human PhysiologyEnvironment and Ecology
Digestion and AbsorptionBiotechnology Principles
Structural organization of animalsReproductive Health
Excretory products and their eliminationEvolution
Exchange of GasesDiseases and Human Health

NEET Syllabus 2024 Classwise For Physics

NEET Syllabus 2024 Classwise For Physics
Class 11thClass 12th
Physical World and MeasurementNature of Physical Law
Heat, Work and Internal EnergyConductors
Work, Power, and EnergyCurrent Electricity
KinematicsElectric Charges and their Conservation Electric Dipole
Properties of Bulk Matter Bulk modulusElectromagnetic Spectrum and Electromagnetics Waves
Gravitation Kepler’s law of Planetary Motion The Universal Law of GravitationAlternating Currents and Electromagnetic Induction.
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
  • Permanent Magnets
  • Magnetic effects of current and Magnetism
  • AC Generator and Transformer
  • Concept of Magnetic Field
Static and Kinetic FrictionCarbon Resistors Kirchhoff’s Laws and Simple Applications
Laws of MotionAtoms and Nuclei
Critical VelocityDual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Speed VelocityElectronic Devices
Oscillation and WavesOptics Optical Instruments Wave Optics

NEET Syllabus 2024 Chemistry

Chemistry as a subject is comparatively considered as an easy one. Therefore, candidates can achieve excellent results if they study the NEET Chemistry syllabus well before the exam.

NEET Syllabus 2024 Classwise For Chemistry

NEET Syllabus 2023 Classwise For Chemistry
Class 11thClass 12th
Some Basic Concepts of ChemistrySolid state
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesElectrochemistry
Structure of AtomSolutions
Molecular Structure and Chemical BondingChemical Kinetics
States of Matter: Liquids and GassesSurface Chemistry
ThermodynamicsGeneral Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
Ionic bond Covalent bondp-Block Elements
Redox ReactionsD and f Block Elements
HydrogenCoordination Compounds
Laws of chemical combinationHaloalkanes and Haloarenes
s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)Chemical and Physical property of primary alcohol Phenols, Alcohols, and Ethers
Some p-Block ElementsAldehydes, Ketones & Carboxylic Acids
Equilibrium Equilibrium in Physical and Chemical ProcessOrganic Compounds Containing: Nitrogen, Amines, and Cyanides and Isocyanides
HydrocarbonsBiomolecules or Organic Compounds contains Nitrogen
Environmental Chemistry
  • Biomolecules, Polymers And Chemistry in Everyday Life
  • Aldehydes, Carboxylic Acids, and Ketones
Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and TechniquesChemistry in Everyday Life
ElectronegativityBand theory of metals
Atomic numberElevation of boiling point
Isobars and IsotopesCleansing agents such as soaps and detergents



NEET Syllabus Important Topics To Cover For NEET 2024-25

All three major subjects: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics and their every chapter, are equally crucial for the upcoming NEET 2024 examination. However, after analysing the NEET 2023 examination paper, here is a list of a few introductory chapters asked frequently and can be marked as crucial while preparing.

NEET Syllabus Important Topics
OpticsElectrochemistryHuman Physiology
Work, Energy, and PowerChemical KineticsPlant Physiology
Modern PhysicsEquilibriumEcology
Rotational MotionHydrocarbonsGenetics
Heat and ThermodynamicsS, P, D, and F-Block ElementsEvolution
Laws of MotionMolecular Structure and Chemical bondingCell Structure and their function
Magnetism and Current ElectricityAtomic StructuresBiotechnology
KinematicsAldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
Electrostatics and SemiconductorsCoordination Compounds

Since the chapters can be lengthy, here is a compiled list of the topics students need to focus on more while making notes and studying for the NEET 2024.

NEET Syllabus Important Topics
Electron ConfigurationOhm’s LawPlants
Charles S LawMirrorsPhotosynthesis
Aufbau PrincipleElectromagnetic waves and Electromagnetic inductionHuman Heart
Mole ConceptTypes of Lens and Reflection of LightRespiration and Alimentary Canal
Atomic numbers along with symbols and 118 ElementsAngular MomentumHuman Digestive System
Periodic Classification of ElementsPoisson’s RatioCell Prokaryotic Cell and Eukaryotic Cell
Hund’s RuleUnits of Force and Conversion of UnitsAlgae
Oxidation and ReductionVelocity and WavesTaxonomy

The NCERT books are the best source. Experts recommend them to begin your examination preparations. However, students may refer to additional books to learn and grasp complicated concepts better.

Also, one should keep practising the previous year’s exam paper. This increases speed for the actual examination and immensely helps candidates become familiar with the NEET 2024 exam pattern.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has confirmed that there will be no reduction in the syllabus for the upcoming NEET 2024 exam. The NEET 2024 syllabus will remain the same as in previous years, encompassing all the necessary subjects and topics.

Each subject holds significant importance in the NEET 2024 exam, and it is crucial to dedicate ample time and effort to study all the chapters thoroughly. Additionally, practising the previous year’s question papers can provide a better understanding of the exam pattern and frequently asked topics.

Yes, NCERT books are highly recommended by subject experts and previous NEET toppers as a starting point for NEET 2024 preparation. Candidates should thoroughly review all the chapters and topics outlined in the NEET syllabus to build a strong foundation.

The NEET exam consists of three main subjects: Biology (A combination of Botany & Zoology), Chemistry and Physics. As per the NEET 2023 exam pattern, 200 multiple-choice, objective-type questions covered these subjects. The upcoming NEET 2024 is expected to follow a similar exam pattern.

As per the NEET syllabus, there will be topics and chapters from three subjects, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. 

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