REET Syllabus

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REET Syllabus: “REET” refers to the “Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers.” It is an important competitive examination in the Indian state of Rajasthan that is conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER) to determine the eligibility of candidates for teaching positions in primary and upper primary schools within the state.

The REET examination assesses the candidates’ knowledge and teaching abilities in various subjects, and it is a crucial step for those aspiring to become teachers in Rajasthan. To qualify for this examination, candidates must prepare rigorously and possess a sound understanding of subjects such as mathematics, science, social studies, language, and environmental studies, depending on the level for which they are applying (i.e., Level 1 for primary classes or Level 2 for upper primary classes).

Iim Indore Cutoff (19)

Introduction to REET

The Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET) is a crucial teacher eligibility test conducted in Rajasthan to evaluate the eligibility of candidates for teaching positions in primary and upper primary schools. The examination aims to assess the knowledge, competencies, and teaching skills of aspiring teachers.

REET Exam Levels

The REET exam is divided into two levels, each catering to different classes of students:

  • Level 1: For teaching classes 1 to 5.
  • Level 2: For teaching classes 6 to 8.

Let’s explore the syllabus for each level in detail:

REET (Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers) Syllabus

REET is an important teacher eligibility test in the state of Rajasthan, India. It is conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER) to determine the eligibility of candidates for teaching positions in primary and upper primary schools in the state. The REET syllabus is designed to test the knowledge and competencies of candidates in various subject areas. The examination is divided into two levels: Level 1 (for teaching classes 1 to 5) and Level 2 (for teaching classes 6 to 8). Let’s explore the REET syllabus in detail for both levels.

REET Level 1 Syllabus (Classes 1 to 5)

The Level 1 REET exam is for candidates who wish to teach students in classes 1 to 5. This level assesses the candidates’ proficiency in several subjects. The syllabus for Level 1 includes the following subjects and topics:

  1. Child Development and Pedagogy:

    • Child Development: Concept of development and growth, influence of environment, socialization, and child-centered education.
    • Learning: Theories of learning, motivation, and factors affecting learning.
    • Teaching-Learning Process: Various teaching methods, classroom management, and assessment.
    • Understanding Diverse Learners: Addressing the needs of children with special needs, disadvantaged groups, and learning difficulties.
    • Assessment: Continuous and comprehensive evaluation, tools and techniques of evaluation, and understanding the importance of evaluation.

Language I (Hindi/Sanskrit/Urdu/Punjabi/Gujarati/Sindhi)

    • Comprehension
    • Pedagogy of Language Development
  1. Language II (English):

    • Comprehension
    • Pedagogy of Language Development
  2. Mathematics:

    • Numbers
    • Geometry
    • Shapes and Spatial Understanding
    • Measurement
    • Data Handling
    • Patterns
    • Pedagogical Issues
  3. Environmental Studies:

    • Family
    • Food and Shelter
    • Water
    • Travel
    • Things We Make and Do
    • Pedagogical Issues

REET Level 2 Syllabus (Classes 6 to 8)

The Level 2 REET exam is for candidates who wish to teach students in classes 6 to 8. It assesses candidates’ proficiency in specific subjects and their ability to teach those subjects effectively. The syllabus for Level 2 includes the following subjects and topics:

  1. Child Development and Pedagogy:

    • Child Development (Elementary School Child)
    • Learning and Pedagogy
  2. Language I (Hindi/Sanskrit/Urdu/Punjabi/Gujarati/Sindhi):

    • Comprehension
    • Pedagogy of Language Development
  3. Language II (English):

    • Comprehension
    • Pedagogy of Language Development
  4. Mathematics and Science (For Mathematics and Science teachers):

    • Number System
    • Algebra
    • Geometry
    • Mensuration
    • Data Handling
    • Pedagogical Issues
  5. Social Studies/Social Science (For Social Studies teachers):

    • History
    • Geography
    • Social and Political Life
    • Pedagogical Issues

It’s important to note that candidates appearing for Level 2 can choose either the Mathematics and Science paper or the Social Studies/Social Science paper, depending on their desired subject specialization.

General Information About REET Syllabus

The REET syllabus is designed to assess the knowledge and teaching skills of candidates to ensure they are well-prepared to teach students in the specified classes.

The syllabus for both levels includes topics related to child development and pedagogy, which focus on understanding the psychological and educational needs of children.

Language papers assess candidates’ language comprehension skills and their ability to teach language effectively.

For Level 2, candidates must choose between Mathematics and Science or Social Studies/Social Science, depending on their preferred teaching specialization.

The pedagogical issues included in the syllabus emphasize effective teaching methods, classroom management, and evaluation techniques.

The REET syllabus is subject to periodic updates, and candidates should refer to the official REET website or notification for the most current information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The REET syllabus is a set of subjects and topics that candidates are required to study for the REET examination. It covers various aspects of child development, language proficiency, subject-specific knowledge, and pedagogy to evaluate the eligibility of candidates for teaching positions in Rajasthan.

The REET syllabus is divided into two levels: Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 is for teaching classes 1 to 5, and Level 2 is for teaching classes 6 to 8. Each level has specific subject areas and topics that candidates must study.

The Level 1 REET syllabus includes:

  • Child Development and Pedagogy
  • Language I (Hindi/Sanskrit/Urdu/Punjabi/Gujarati/Sindhi)
  • Language II (English)
  • Mathematics
  • Environmental Studies

The Level 2 REET syllabus includes:

  • Child Development and Pedagogy
  • Language I (Hindi/Sanskrit/Urdu/Punjabi/Gujarati/Sindhi)
  • Language II (English)
  • Mathematics and Science (for Mathematics and Science teachers)
  • Social Studies/Social Science (for Social Studies teachers)

Yes, Level 2 candidates have the option to choose either the Mathematics and Science paper or the Social Studies/Social Science paper based on their preferred teaching specialization.

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