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DSSSB TGT Science Syllabus : Exam Pattern, General Science

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The DSSSB (Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board) conducts recruitment exams for various teaching positions in Delhi. One of the key positions is the TGT (Trained Graduate Teacher) in Science. The TGT Science exam is designed to assess candidates’ knowledge and skills in teaching science at the secondary school level.

The TGT Science syllabus is comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics from fundamental concepts in science to practical applications. It aims to evaluate a candidate’s understanding of various scientific principles, their ability to teach these concepts effectively, and their aptitude for problem-solving and analytical thinking.

Exam Pattern of DSSSB TGT Science Syllabus


1. Mode of Examination

  • The DSSSB TGT Science exam is usually conducted in a Computer-Based Test (CBT) format.

2. Type of Questions

  • The exam consists of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).

3. Sections and Distribution

A. General Awareness

  • Content: Questions related to current affairs, general knowledge, and important events.
  • Number of Questions: Approximately 20-25 questions.
  • Duration: 20-25 minutes.

B. General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability

  • Content: Questions to test logical reasoning, problem-solving abilities, and analytical skills.
  • Number of Questions: Approximately 20-25 questions.
  • Duration: 20-25 minutes.

C. Arithmetic and Numerical Ability

  • Content: Questions related to basic mathematics, calculations, and numerical problems.
  • Number of Questions: Approximately 10-15 questions.
  • Duration: 10-15 minutes.

D. Language Proficiency (English and Hindi)

  • Content: Questions to test proficiency in English and Hindi, including grammar, comprehension, and vocabulary.
  • Number of Questions: Approximately 20-25 questions (combined for both languages).
  • Duration: 20-25 minutes.

E. Subject Knowledge (Science)

  • Content: Questions related to Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. This section tests understanding of scientific concepts, theories, and practical applications.
  • Number of Questions: Approximately 60-70 questions.
  • Duration: 60-70 minutes.

4. Total Marks and Duration

  • Total Marks: Usually 200-300 marks (depending on the specific recruitment).
  • Total Duration: 2-2.5 hours (120-150 minutes).

5. Negative Marking

  • There may be negative marking for incorrect answers, generally a deduction of 0.25 marks per wrong answer.

6. Minimum Qualifying Marks

  • Candidates must secure a minimum qualifying score to be considered for the next stage of the selection process or for the final appointment.

General Science of DSSSB TGT Science Syllabus


General Science Syllabus

1. Physics

  • Kinematics: Motion in one and two dimensions, speed, velocity, and acceleration.
  • Dynamics: Newton’s laws of motion, force, and friction.
  • Work, Energy, and Power: Work-energy theorem, types of energy, and power.
  • Waves and Oscillations: Properties of waves, sound waves, and simple harmonic motion.
  • Optics: Reflection, refraction, lenses, and mirrors.
  • Electromagnetism: Electric current, Ohm’s law, magnetic fields, and electromagnetism.

2. Chemistry

  • Basic Concepts: Atoms, molecules, and chemical reactions.
  • Periodic Table: Groups, periods, and properties of elements.
  • Chemical Bonding: Ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds.
  • Acids, Bases, and Salts: Properties, reactions, and pH scale.
  • Organic Chemistry: Hydrocarbons, functional groups, and basic reactions.
  • Environmental Chemistry: Pollution, green chemistry, and sustainable practices.

3. Biology

  • Cell Biology: Cell structure, functions, and cell division (mitosis and meiosis).
  • Human Anatomy: Major organ systems (digestive, respiratory, circulatory, etc.) and their functions.
  • Plant Biology: Plant structure, photosynthesis, and plant reproduction.
  • Genetics and Evolution: Mendelian genetics, genetic disorders, and theories of evolution.
  • Ecology: Ecosystems, food chains, and environmental conservation.
  • Health and Diseases: Common diseases, immunity, and health practices.

Detailed DSSSB TGT Science Syllabus for Physics


Detailed Syllabus for Physics

1. Mechanics

  1. Kinematics: Motion in one dimension (speed, velocity, acceleration), equations of motion, and free fall.
  2. Projectile Motion: Motion of objects under the influence of gravity, horizontal and vertical components, and trajectories.
  3. Newton’s Laws of Motion: First, second, and third laws, applications, and examples.
  4. Friction: Types of friction (static, kinetic), factors affecting friction, and applications.
  5. Work and Energy: Work done by a force, kinetic and potential energy, conservation of energy.
  6. Power: Definition, calculation, and relation to work and energy.
  7. Circular Motion: Centripetal force, acceleration, and velocity in circular paths.

2. Thermodynamics

  1. Temperature and Heat: Concepts of temperature, heat transfer methods (conduction, convection, radiation).
  2. Thermal Expansion: Linear, area, and volume expansion of solids and liquids.
  3. Laws of Thermodynamics: First law (conservation of energy), second law (entropy), and third law (absolute zero).
  4. Heat Engines: Efficiency, Carnot engine, and practical applications.
  5. Thermodynamic Processes: Isothermal, adiabatic, isobaric, and isochoric processes.
  6. Phase Changes: Melting, boiling, sublimation, and latent heat.
  7. Heat Transfer: Modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection, radiation) and their applications.

3. Optics

  1. Reflection: Laws of reflection, plane mirrors, and spherical mirrors (concave and convex).
  2. Refraction: Laws of refraction, Snell’s law, and refractive index.
  3. Lenses: Types of lenses (convex and concave), lens formula, and magnification.
  4. Optical Instruments: Simple microscope, compound microscope, and telescope.
  5. Interference: Principle of superposition, Young’s double-slit experiment.
  6. Diffraction: Diffraction of light, diffraction grating.
  7. Polarization: Polarization of light, applications, and polarization by reflection.

4. Electromagnetism

  1. Electric Charge and Field: Coulomb’s law, electric field intensity, and electric potential.
  2. Electric Current: Ohm’s law, resistance, series and parallel circuits.
  3. Magnetic Fields: Magnetic force, magnetic fields due to current-carrying conductors, and magnetic flux.
  4. Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, and self and mutual induction.
  5. Alternating Current (AC): AC circuits, reactance, and impedance.
  6. Electromagnetic Waves: Basic properties, spectrum (radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays).
  7. Electromagnetic Devices: Transformers, electric motors, and generators.

Detailed DSSSB TGT Science Syllabus for Chemistry


Detailed Syllabus for Chemistry

1. Basic Concepts in Chemistry

  1. Atomic Structure: Structure of atoms, subatomic particles (protons, neutrons, electrons), and atomic models.
  2. Periodic Table: Classification of elements, periodic trends (atomic size, ionization energy, electron affinity).
  3. Chemical Bonding: Types of bonds (ionic, covalent, metallic), bond formation, and properties of compounds.
  4. Mole Concept: Avogadro’s number, molar mass, and calculations involving moles.
  5. Stoichiometry: Balancing chemical equations, mole ratios, and calculation of reactants and products.
  6. States of Matter: Solid, liquid, gas, and the changes between states (phase transitions).
  7. Solutions: Concentration terms (molarity, molality), solubility, and factors affecting solubility.

2. Chemical Reactions and Equations

  1. Types of Reactions: Synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, and combustion.
  2. Balancing Equations: Methods for balancing chemical equations, stoichiometric calculations.
  3. Reaction Rates: Factors affecting the rate of reactions (temperature, concentration, catalysts).
  4. Equilibrium: Concept of dynamic equilibrium, Le Chatelier’s principle.
  5. Acid-Base Reactions: Definition, properties of acids and bases, neutralization reactions.
  6. Redox Reactions: Oxidation and reduction, balancing redox equations, and applications.
  7. Chemical Thermodynamics: Heat changes in reactions, exothermic and endothermic reactions.

3. Organic Chemistry

  1. Hydrocarbons: Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and their properties, nomenclature, and reactions.
  2. Functional Groups: Alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, and esters.
  3. Isomerism: Types of isomerism (structural, geometric, optical), and examples.
  4. Reaction Mechanisms: Basic concepts of reaction mechanisms, electrophilic and nucleophilic reactions.
  5. Organic Synthesis: Simple methods for synthesizing organic compounds, including polymerization.
  6. Aromatic Compounds: Structure and properties of benzene, aromaticity, and reactions of aromatic compounds.
  7. Biomolecules: Structure and functions of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.

4. Inorganic Chemistry

  1. Periodic Properties: Group-wise properties of elements (alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, noble gases).
  2. Coordination Compounds: Ligands, coordination number, and properties of coordination complexes.
  3. Transition Metals: Properties, oxidation states, and coordination chemistry of transition metals.
  4. Qualitative Analysis: Methods for detecting and identifying cations and anions in a mixture.
  5. Chemical Bonding in Coordination Compounds: Werner’s theory, valence bond theory, and crystal field theory.
  6. p-Block Elements: Properties and reactions of elements in groups 13 to 18 (including oxides and hydrides).
  7. Redox Chemistry: Redox potentials, balancing redox equations, and practical applications.

Detailed DSSSB TGT Science Syllabus for Biology


Detailed Syllabus for Biology

1. Cell Biology

  1. Cell Structure: Basic cell components (nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosomes, etc.) and their functions.
  2. Cell Membrane: Structure (fluid mosaic model), functions, and mechanisms of transport (diffusion, osmosis, active transport).
  3. Cell Division: Mitosis (stages, significance) and meiosis (stages, significance, differences between mitosis and meiosis).
  4. Genetic Material: Structure and function of DNA and RNA, central dogma of molecular biology (transcription, translation).
  5. Cellular Respiration: Overview of aerobic and anaerobic respiration, stages (glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain).
  6. Photosynthesis: Process of photosynthesis, light-dependent and light-independent reactions (Calvin cycle).
  7. Cell Cycle and Regulation: Phases of the cell cycle, control mechanisms, and significance of cell cycle regulation.

2. Human Anatomy and Physiology

  1. Digestive System: Structure and function of the digestive tract, digestive processes, and absorption of nutrients.
  2. Respiratory System: Anatomy of the respiratory system, process of respiration, gas exchange, and regulation of breathing.
  3. Circulatory System: Structure of the heart, blood vessels, blood circulation, and cardiac cycle.
  4. Nervous System: Structure of the central and peripheral nervous systems, neuron structure and function, reflex actions.
  5. Endocrine System: Major glands (pituitary, thyroid, adrenal), hormones, and their functions in regulation.
  6. Reproductive System: Male and female reproductive anatomy, reproductive processes, and hormonal regulation of reproduction.
  7. Excretory System: Structure and function of kidneys, urine formation, and regulation of water and electrolyte balance.

3. Ecology and Environment

  1. Ecosystems: Components of ecosystems (biotic and abiotic factors), energy flow, food chains, and food webs.
  2. Biomes: Major types of biomes (forest, desert, grassland, tundra) and their characteristics.
  3. Population Dynamics: Population growth patterns, factors affecting population size, and carrying capacity.
  4. Environmental Pollution: Types of pollution (air, water, soil), sources, effects, and control measures.
  5. Conservation: Biodiversity conservation, endangered species, and conservation strategies (protected areas, wildlife corridors).
  6. Climate Change: Causes and effects of climate change, greenhouse gases, and impact on ecosystems and biodiversity.
  7. Human Impact: Effects of human activities on the environment, sustainable practices, and environmental management.

Mathematics and Reasoning Ability of DSSSB TGT Science Syllabus


Mathematics and Reasoning Ability

1. Basic Mathematics

  1. Arithmetic Operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of numbers (integers, fractions, and decimals).
  2. Algebra: Basic algebraic expressions, solving linear equations, quadratic equations, and algebraic identities.
  3. Geometry: Properties and types of geometric shapes (triangles, circles, quadrilaterals), area, perimeter, and volume calculations.
  4. Mensuration: Calculations involving surface area and volume of solids (cubes, cuboids, cylinders, spheres).
  5. Ratio and Proportion: Understanding ratios, proportions, and their applications in solving problems.
  6. Percentage: Calculations involving percentages, percentage increase/decrease, and applications in real-life scenarios.
  7. Statistics: Basic concepts of mean, median, mode, and interpretation of data from graphs and charts.

2. Logical Reasoning

  1. Analogies: Identifying relationships between pairs of words or numbers and finding similar relationships.
  2. Series Completion: Identifying patterns in number series, letter series, and completing missing elements in the series.
  3. Syllogisms: Understanding logical relationships and drawing conclusions from given premises.
  4. Blood Relations: Solving problems related to familial relationships and determining relationships using given information.
  5. Direction Sense: Determining directions and distances based on given instructions and solving problems related to direction.
  6. Coding-Decoding: Solving problems where letters or numbers are coded in a particular way and decoding the information.
  7. Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning: Solving puzzles, analogy questions, and pattern recognition tasks that test both verbal and non-verbal reasoning skills.

General Awareness of DSSSB TGT Science Syllabus


General Awareness

1. Current Affairs

  1. National News: Major events and developments in national politics, economy, sports, and social issues.
  2. International News: Key global events, international relations, and significant world affairs.
  3. Economic Affairs: Updates on economic policies, financial markets, budget announcements, and major economic changes.
  4. Science and Technology: Recent advancements, innovations, and significant scientific discoveries and technological developments.
  5. Sports: Major sports events, tournaments, achievements of athletes, and updates from various sports disciplines.
  6. Awards and Honors: Recent winners of prestigious awards, honors, and recognitions in various fields.
  7. Important Appointments: Key appointments and resignations of important officials, leaders, and heads of organizations.

2. History and Culture

  1. Ancient History: Major civilizations (Indus Valley, Vedic Age), important dynasties, and significant historical events.
  2. Medieval History: Key empires and rulers (Delhi Sultanate, Mughal Empire), major battles, and socio-cultural developments.
  3. Modern History: Freedom struggle, key figures (Gandhi, Nehru, Patel), important events leading to independence, and post-independence developments.
  4. Cultural Heritage: Traditional art forms, architecture, festivals, and cultural practices of different regions.
  5. Famous Personalities: Contributions and achievements of prominent historical and contemporary figures in various fields.
  6. Historical Monuments: Important historical sites, monuments, and their significance in history and culture.
  7. Literature and Philosophy: Major literary works, philosophical movements, and influential writers and thinkers.

3. Geography and Environment

  1. Physical Geography: Major landforms (mountains, plains, plateaus), rivers, climate zones, and natural resources.
  2. Human Geography: Population distribution, urbanization, and settlement patterns.
  3. World Geography: Continents, countries, capitals, major cities, and significant geographical features.
  4. Environmental Issues: Pollution (air, water, soil), climate change, deforestation, and conservation efforts.
  5. Natural Disasters: Types of natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, cyclones), their causes, and impact.
  6. Ecological Balance: Ecosystems, food chains, biodiversity, and the importance of environmental conservation.
  7. Sustainable Development: Concepts of sustainability, green practices, and initiatives for environmental protection and sustainable living.

Pedagogy and Teaching Methods of DSSSB TGT Science Syllabus


Pedagogy and Teaching Methods

1. Principles of Teaching Science

  1. Understanding Learners: Assessing students’ prior knowledge, learning styles, and developmental stages to tailor teaching methods effectively.
  2. Constructivist Approach: Encouraging students to construct their own understanding and knowledge through hands-on activities and inquiry-based learning.
  3. Active Learning: Using interactive methods such as experiments, group discussions, and problem-solving tasks to engage students actively in the learning process.
  4. Conceptual Clarity: Ensuring students grasp fundamental scientific concepts and principles before moving to more advanced topics.
  5. Inquiry-Based Learning: Promoting scientific inquiry by encouraging students to ask questions, conduct experiments, and draw conclusions based on evidence.
  6. Differentiated Instruction: Adapting teaching strategies to meet the diverse needs and abilities of students, including varying levels of support and challenge.
  7. Assessment and Feedback: Using formative and summative assessments to gauge student understanding, providing constructive feedback, and using assessment data to inform instruction.

2. Classroom Management

  1. Establishing Rules and Procedures: Setting clear expectations for behavior, classroom routines, and procedures to create a structured learning environment.
  2. Building a Positive Learning Environment: Fostering a respectful and supportive classroom atmosphere where students feel safe to participate and express themselves.
  3. Behavior Management: Implementing strategies for managing and addressing disruptive behavior, including positive reinforcement, consequences, and conflict resolution techniques.
  4. Engaging Students: Using strategies to maintain student interest and motivation, such as varied teaching methods, interactive activities, and relevant content.
  5. Time Management: Effectively planning and organizing lesson time, including transitions between activities and managing the pace of instruction.
  6. Inclusive Practices: Ensuring that teaching methods and materials are accessible and inclusive for all students, including those with special needs or diverse backgrounds.
  7. Effective Communication: Using clear and effective communication skills to convey instructions, provide feedback, and interact with students and parents.

Freqently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What subjects are covered in the DSSSB TGT Science syllabus?

Ans: The syllabus covers Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

Q2: How is the Physics section divided in the syllabus?

Ans: The Physics section includes Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Optics, and Electromagnetism.

Q3: What are the key topics in Chemistry for the DSSSB TGT Science exam?

Ans: Key topics include Basic Concepts in Chemistry, Chemical Reactions and Equations, Organic Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry.

Q4: What does the Biology syllabus entail?

Ans: The Biology syllabus includes Cell Biology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, and Ecology and Environment.

Q5: How is the exam structured?

Ans: The exam consists of multiple-choice questions covering General Science, General Awareness, Mathematics, and Reasoning Ability.

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