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Lata Shabd Roop : Sanskrit, Dvitīyā, Tṛtīyā, Chaturthī

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In Sanskrit grammar, information the diverse varieties of nouns, referred to as Shabd Roop, is vital for building correct and significant sentences. One such noun is `Lata’ (लता), which interprets to ‘creeper’ or ‘vine’ in English. ‘Lata’ belongs to the female gender and follows the ā-kārānta (finishing with ‘ā’) declension pattern. The one of a kind grammatical cases, or Vibhaktis, decide the position of the noun in a sentence—whether or not it acts because the subject, object, or indicates possession, amongst different functions. Learning of ‘Lata Shabd Roop’ allows in forming grammatically accurate sentences, as every case and number (singular, dual, plural) alters its form.

Vibhakti System in Sanskrit Grammar : Lata Shabd Roop

What is Vibhakti?

Vibhakti refers back to the grammatical instances in Sanskrit that imply the connection of a noun or pronoun with different phrases in a sentence.

Lata Shabd Overview

`Lata’ (लता) is a female noun in Sanskrit, meaning ‘creeper’ or ‘vine’, and follows the ā-kārānta declension pattern (phrases finishing in ‘ā’).

Prathamā Vibhakti (Nominative Case)

Singular: लता (Lata)
Dual: लते (Late)
Plural: लताः (Lataah)
This case shows the situation of the sentence.

Dvitīyā Vibhakti (Accusative Case)

Singular: लताम् (Latām)
Dual: लते (Late)
Plural: लताः (Lataah)
This case marks the direct item of the sentence.

Tṛtīyā Vibhakti (Instrumental Case)

Singular: लतया (Latayā)
Dual: लताभ्याम् (Latābhyām)
Plural: लताभिः (Latābhiḥ)
Used for ‘by’ or ‘with’.

Chaturthī Vibhakti (Dative Case)

Singular: लतायै (Latāyai)
Dual: लताभ्याम् (Latābhyām)
Plural: लताभ्यः (Latābhyaḥ)
Indicates ‘to’ or ‘for’ someone.

Pañcamī Vibhakti (Ablative Case)

Singular: लतायाः (Latāyāḥ)
Dual: लताभ्याम् (Latābhyām)
Plural: लताभ्यः (Latābhyaḥ)
Signifies ‘from’ or separation.

Ṣaṣṭhī Vibhakti (Genitive Case)

Singular: लतायाः (Latāyāḥ)
Dual: लतोः (Latoḥ)
Plural: लतानाम् (Latānām)
This case suggests possession, meaning ‘of’.

Saptamī Vibhakti (Locative Case)

Singular: लतायाम् (Latāyām)
Dual: लतोः (Latoḥ)
Plural: लतासु (Latāsu)
Used to suggest location, meaning ‘in’ or ‘on’.

Sambodhan Vibhakti (Vocative Case)

Singular: हे लते (He Late)
Dual: हे लते (He Late)
Plural: हे लताः (He Lataah)
Used for addressing or calling someone.


Lata Shabd Roop in Prathamā Vibhakti (Nominative Case)

Definition of Prathamā Vibhakti

Prathamā Vibhakti, or the Nominative case, identifies the concern of a sentence, indicating who’s acting the action.

Gender of Lata

`Lata’ (लता) is a female noun, which impacts its declension in numerous cases, such as the Nominative.

Singular Form

In the singular shape, ‘Lata’ is written as:

लता (Lata)

Dual Form

The twin shape is used whilst regarding creepers:

लते (Late)

Plural Form

The plural shape is used whilst regarding extra than creepers:

लताः (Lataah)

Usage in Sentences

The Nominative case is on the whole used to indicate the concern of the verb in a sentence. For example:

लता गच्छति। (Lata goes.)

Characteristics of Nominative Case

In the Nominative case, the noun does now no longer alternate primarily based totally on its position however stays the concern irrespective of different sentence elements.

Importance in Sentence Structure

The Prathamā Vibhakti is vital for setting up who or what’s acting the action, consequently clarifying the sentence`s meaning.

Examples of Nominative Usage

लता वृष्टिं प्राप्नोति। (The creeper gets rain.)
लते आलंबते। (The creepers are flourishing.)
लताः चंद्रमा यथा अस्ति। (The creepers are just like the moon.)


Understanding the bureaucracy of ‘Lata’ withinside the Prathamā Vibhakti is vital for building grammatically accurate sentences in Sanskrit, because it lays the inspiration for powerful communication.

Lata Shabd Roop in Dvitīyā Vibhakti (Accusative Case)

Definition of Dvitīyā Vibhakti

Dvitīyā Vibhakti, or the Accusative case, is used to signify the direct item of a verb, displaying what’s being acted upon withinside the sentence.

Gender of Lata

`Lata’ (लता) is a female noun, which impacts its paperwork in special cases, together with the Accusative.

Singular Form

In the singular shape, ‘Lata’ is written as:

लताम् (Latām)
This shape is used while a unmarried creeper is the item of the motion.

Dual Form

The twin shape is used while regarding creepers:

लते (Late)
This shows that the motion is being achieved on each creepers.

Plural Form

The plural shape is applied while regarding more than one creepers:

लताः (Lataah)
This indicates that the motion is directed closer to numerous creepers.

Usage in Sentences

The Dvitīyā Vibhakti is in most cases hired to indicate the item of the verb. For example:

गच्छ लताम्। (Go to the creeper.)

Characteristics of Accusative Case

In this case, the noun shape modifications to mirror its function because the direct item, distinguishing it from its Nominative shape.

Examples of Accusative Usage

अहं लताम् आलम्बयामि। (I am assisting the creeper.)
तू लते विक्रयते। (You are promoting the 2 creepers.)
सः लताः उपदिशति। (He is coaching the creepers.)

Importance in Sentence Structure

The Dvitīyā Vibhakti is vital for clarifying what or whom the motion is affecting, making sure the sentence conveys its meant meaning.

Lata Shabd Roop in Tṛtīyā Vibhakti (Instrumental Case)

तृतीय विभक्ति की परिभाषा
तृतीय विभक्ति, जिसे इन्स्ट्रुमेंटल केस भी कहते हैं, किसी कार्य के साधन या उपकरण को व्यक्त करती है, यानी यह बताती है कि क्रिया किसके द्वारा या किससे की जा रही है।

लता का लिंग
‘लता’ (लता) एक स्त्रीलिंग संज्ञा है, जो तृतीय विभक्ति में उसके रूप को प्रभावित करती है।

एकवचन रूप
एकवचन में ‘लता’ का रूप होता है:

लतया (Latayā)
यह रूप तब उपयोग होता है जब एक ही लता के द्वारा क्रिया का प्रदर्शन होता है।

द्विवचन रूप
द्विवचन में, जब दो लताओं का उल्लेख होता है:

लताभ्याम् (Latābhyām)
इसका अर्थ है कि क्रिया दो लताओं के द्वारा की जा रही है।

बहुवचन रूप
बहुवचन में, जब कई लताओं का उल्लेख होता है:

लताभिः (Latābhiḥ)
यह रूप दर्शाता है कि कई लताएं क्रिया का साधन हैं।

वाक्य में उपयोग
तृतीय विभक्ति का उपयोग साधन या उपकरण को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है। उदाहरण:

लतया वृक्षं आलंबयामि। (मैं लता द्वारा वृक्ष को सहारा देता हूँ।)

इन्स्ट्रुमेंटल केस के विशेषताएँ
इस केस में संज्ञा का रूप इस बात को स्पष्ट करता है कि क्रिया किसके माध्यम से की जा रही है, जिससे वाक्य का अर्थ स्पष्ट होता है।

उदाहरणों का महत्व
तृतीय विभक्ति का सही उपयोग वाक्यों में क्रिया के साधन को स्पष्ट करता है, जिससे संप्रेषण में स्पष्टता आती है।

उदाहरण वाक्य

लतया पानी मिलाया। (पानी लता के द्वारा मिलाया गया।)

तू लताभ्याम् क्रीड़ा करो। (तुम दो लताओं के साथ खेलो।)

लताभिः चंदनं सुगंधितम् अस्ति। (कई लताएं सुगंधित चंदन हैं।)

‘लता’ के तृतीय विभक्ति रूप को समझना संस्कृत में सही और स्पष्ट वाक्य बनाने के लिए आवश्यक है, जिससे हम अपने विचारों को सटीकता से व्यक्त कर सकें।

Lata Shabd Roop in Chaturthī Vibhakti (Dative Case)

Definition of Chaturthī Vibhakti

Chaturthī Vibhakti, or the Dative case, is used to signify the oblique item of a verb, displaying to whom or for whom the motion is done.

Gender of Lata

`Lata’ (लता) is a female noun, and its shape withinside the Dative case displays this gender.

Singular Form

In the singular shape, ‘Lata’ is written as:

लतायै (Latāyai)
This shape is used while the motion is directed closer to a unmarried creeper.

Dual Form

The twin shape is used while relating to creepers:

लताभ्याम् (Latābhyām)
This suggests that the motion is meant for each creepers.

Plural Form

The plural shape is used while relating to a couple of creepers:

लताभ्यः (Latābhyaḥ)
This indicates that the motion is directed closer to numerous creepers.

Usage in Sentences

The Chaturthī Vibhakti is normally used to indicate to whom or for whom the motion is performed. For example:

लतायै पुष्पं ददामि। (I supply a flower to the creeper.)

Characteristics of Dative Case

In this case, the noun shape adjustments to signify its position because the oblique item, distinguishing it from its Nominative shape.

Examples of Dative Usage

मम मित्राय लतायै वृत्तिं पठामि। (I examine a letter for my pal Lata.)
तू लताभ्याम् फलानि ददाति। (You supply end result to the 2 creepers.)
सः लताभ्यः उपदेशं करोति। (He offers recommendation to the creepers.)

Importance in Sentence Structure

The Chaturthī Vibhakti is important for clarifying to whom or for whom the motion is directed, making sure the sentence conveys its meant that means accurately.

Lata Shabd Roop in Pañcamī Vibhakti (Ablative Case)

Definition of Pañcamī Vibhakti

Pañcamī Vibhakti, additionally referred to as the Ablative case, is used to signify separation or origin. It solutions the questions “from whom?” or “from what?”

Gender of Lata

The noun `Lata’ (लता) is feminine, and this gender impacts its paperwork withinside the Ablative case.

Singular Form

In the singular shape, ‘Lata’ is expressed as:

लतायाः (Latāyāḥ)
This shape shows that some thing is coming or originating from a unmarried creeper.

Dual Form

When relating to creepers, the twin shape is used:

लताभ्याम् (Latābhyām)
This shows the supply or separation associated with each creepers.

Plural Form

The plural shape is used for a couple of creepers:

लताभ्यः (Latābhyaḥ)
This indicates that the movement is related to numerous creepers.

Usage in Sentences

The Pañcamī Vibhakti is frequently hired to specific the supply or factor of origin. For example:

लतायाः पत्त्राणि पतन्ति। (The leaves fall from the creeper.)

Characteristics of Ablative Case

In this case, the shape of the noun modifications to suggest its position because the supply or origin, distinguishing it from its paperwork in different cases.

Examples of Ablative Usage

लतायाः रसः स्वादु अस्ति। (The juice is good from the creeper.)
सः लताभ्याम् फलं अपश्यत। (He noticed the fruit from the 2 creepers.)
तू लताभ्यः तृणं ग्रहीतव्यम्। (You have to take the grass from the creepers.)

Importance in Sentence Structure

The Pañcamī Vibhakti is vital for clarifying the supply or factor of separation in a sentence, improving the general readability of communication.

Lata Shabd Roop in Ṣaṣṭhī Vibhakti (Genitive Case)

Definition of Ṣaṣṭhī Vibhakti

Ṣaṣṭhī Vibhakti, or the Genitive case, is used to suggest ownership or dating, answering the question “whose?”

Gender of Lata

The noun `Lata’ (लता) is feminine, which influences its shape withinside the Genitive case.

Singular Form

In the singular shape, ‘Lata’ is expressed as:

लतायाः (Latāyāḥ)
This shape shows that some thing belongs to or is associated with a unmarried creeper.

Dual Form

When relating to creepers, the twin shape is used:

लताभ्याम् (Latābhyām)
This shows ownership or relation to each creepers.

Plural Form

The plural shape is used for more than one creepers:

लतानां (Latānāṃ)
This suggests that some thing belongs to or pertains to numerous creepers.

Usage in Sentences

The Ṣaṣṭhī Vibhakti is by and large hired to explicit possession or relation. For example:

लतायाः फूलं सुगंधितं अस्ति। (The flower of the creeper is fragrant.)

Characteristics of Genitive Case

In this case, the shape of the noun modifications to indicate its position in indicating ownership, differentiating it from its paperwork in different cases.

Examples of Genitive Usage

लतायाः पत्त्राणि हरितानि। (The leaves of the creeper are green.)
सः लताभ्याम् फलानि क्रीणाति। (He buys end result of the 2 creepers.)
तस्याः लतानां रूपं मनोहरं अस्ति। (The look of the creepers is beautiful.)

Importance in Sentence Structure

The Ṣaṣṭhī Vibhakti is important for clarifying ownership or dating in a sentence, improving the general readability and meaning.

Lata Shabd Roop in Saptamī Vibhakti (Locative Case)

Definition of Saptamī Vibhakti

Saptamī Vibhakti, or the Locative case, is used to suggest area or role, answering the question “where?”

Gender of Lata

The noun `Lata’ (लता) is feminine, which affects its shape withinside the Locative case.

Singular Form

In the singular shape, ‘Lata’ is expressed as:

लतायाम् (Latāyām)
This shape suggests that some thing is located or occurring on or at a unmarried creeper.

Dual Form

When relating to creepers, the twin shape is used:

लताभ्याम् (Latābhyām)
This suggests area or role associated with each creepers.

Plural Form

The plural shape is applied for a couple of creepers:

लतासु (Latāsu)
This suggests that some thing is located or happening amongst numerous creepers.

Usage in Sentences

The Saptamī Vibhakti is on the whole hired to explicit area. For example:

लतायाम् पुष्पं अस्ति। (There is a flower at the creeper.)

Characteristics of Locative Case

In this case, the shape of the noun modifications to suggest its function in specifying the area, distinguishing it from its bureaucracy in different cases.

Examples of Locative Usage

लतायाम् चक्षुर्वृत्तिः अस्ति। (There is a round motion at the creeper.)
तू लताभ्याम् फलं निरीक्ष्यसि। (You will see the fruit on the 2 creepers.)
सः लतासु मधुराणि गात्राणि गृहीत्वा गच्छति। (He is going taking candy end result from the creepers.)

Importance in Sentence Structure

The Saptamī Vibhakti is critical for clarifying area or role in a sentence, improving the general readability and which means of the statement.

Freqently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Lata Shabd Roop?

Lata Shabd Roop refers to the different forms of the word “Lata” (लता) in Sanskrit based on grammatical cases.

2. What are the main Vibhaktis in Sanskrit?

The main Vibhaktis (cases) in Sanskrit include Prathamā (Nominative), Dvitīyā (Accusative), Tṛtīyā (Instrumental), Chaturthī (Dative), Pañcamī (Ablative), Ṣaṣṭhī (Genitive), and Saptamī (Locative).

3. What is the significance of Vibhakti?

Vibhakti is crucial for understanding the role of nouns in a sentence, indicating relationships such as possession, location, or the subject of the action.

4. How does Lata change in the Dvitīyā Vibhakti?

In the Dvitīyā Vibhakti, “Lata” becomes लताम् (Latām) in singular, लताभ्याम् (Latābhyām) in dual, and लताः (Latāḥ) in plural.

5. What is the plural form in Ṣaṣṭhī Vibhakti?

In Ṣaṣṭhī Vibhakti, the plural form is लतानां (Latānāṃ), indicating possession by multiple creepers.

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