MP SI Syllabus : Subject – wise Topic and Preparation

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The Madhya Pradesh Sub Inspector (MP SI Syllabus) exam is a prestigious and competitive examination conducted by the Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) for the recruitment of Sub Inspectors in the Madhya Pradesh Police Department. The exam assesses candidates on various subjects to ensure they possess the necessary knowledge and skills for the role of a Sub Inspector (MP SI Syllabus).

The MP SI syllabus covers a broad range of topics, including General Knowledge, Mathematics, Reasoning Ability, Science and Technology, General Hindi, and General English. Each section is designed to test different aspects of a candidate’s abilities, from analytical skills and logical reasoning to language proficiency and awareness of current affairs

General Knowledge and General Awareness


Key Points

Indian History

1. Ancient Civilizations (Indus Valley, Vedic Period)
 2. Major Dynasties (Maurya, Gupta, Mughal)
 3. Freedom Struggle (1857 Revolt, Non-Cooperation Movement)
 4. Important Personalities (Gandhi, Nehru, Bhagat Singh)
 5. Socio-Religious Reforms (Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Vivekananda)
 6. Post-Independence Events (Partition, Reorganization of States)

Indian Geography

1. Physical Features (Himalayas, Indo-Gangetic Plains)
 2. Rivers and Water Bodies (Ganga, Brahmaputra, Indian Ocean)
 3. Climate Zones (Tropical, Arid, Monsoon)
 4. Natural Resources (Minerals, Forests)
 5. Agricultural Patterns (Crops, Irrigation)
 6. Major Cities and States (Capital Cities, Important Locations)

Indian Polity

1. Constitution of India (Preamble, Fundamental Rights)
 2. Structure of Government (Union, State, Local)
 3. Parliament (Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha)
 4. Judiciary (Supreme Court, High Courts)
 5. Panchayati Raj Institutions (Rural and Urban Governance)
 6. Political Parties and Elections (Major Parties, Election Commission)

Indian Economy

1. Basic Economic Concepts (GDP, Inflation, Fiscal Policy)
 2. Economic Planning (Five Year Plans, NITI Aayog)
 3. Sectors of Economy (Agriculture, Industry, Services)
 4. Financial Institutions (RBI, SEBI, Banks)
 5. Economic Reforms (Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization)
 6. Current Economic Issues (Unemployment, Poverty)

Current Affairs

1. National Events (Government Initiatives, Policies)
(National and2. International Events (Global Summits, Treaties)
International)3. Sports (Major Tournaments, Achievements)
 4. Awards and Honors (Nobel, Padma Awards)
 5. Important Appointments (New Positions in Government, Institutions)
 6. Science and Technology (Recent Developments, Innovations)

Static GK

1. Important Days and Dates (National, International)
 2. National Symbols (Flag, Emblem, Anthem)
 3. Famous Personalities (Leaders, Scientists, Artists)
 4. Major Organizations (UN, WHO, IMF)
 5. Significant Places (Monuments, Heritage Sites)
 6. Miscellaneous Facts (Books, Authors, Discoveries)

Mathematics of MP SI Syllabus


Key Points

Number System

1. Classification of Numbers (Natural, Whole, Integers, Rational, Irrational)
 2. Divisibility Rules
 3. Prime Numbers, Factors, and Multiples
 4. HCF and LCM
 5. Decimal and Fractional Numbers
 6. Basic Operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division)


1. Algebraic Expressions and Identities
 2. Linear Equations in One and Two Variables
 3. Quadratic Equations
 4. Polynomials
 5. Progressions (Arithmetic and Geometric)
 6. Binomial Theorem


1. Basic Geometric Shapes and Properties (Triangles, Circles, Quadrilaterals)
 2. Congruence and Similarity of Triangles
 3. Properties of Angles and Lines (Parallel, Perpendicular)
 4. Theorems on Circles (Tangent, Secant)
 5. Coordinate Geometry (Distance Formula, Section Formula)
 6. Geometric Constructions


1. Trigonometric Ratios and Identities (Sine, Cosine, Tangent)
 2. Trigonometric Equations
 3. Heights and Distances (Problems Involving Angles of Elevation and Depression)
 4. Trigonometric Functions of Sum and Difference of Angles
 5. Properties of Triangles (Law of Sines, Law of Cosines)
 6. Graphs of Trigonometric Functions


1. Area and Perimeter of Plane Figures (Triangles, Rectangles, Circles)
 2. Surface Area and Volume of Solids (Cubes, Cuboids, Cylinders, Spheres)
 3. Properties of Parallelograms and Trapezoids
 4. Conversion of Units of Measurement
 5. Applications in Real Life (Construction, Design)
 6. Problems on Mixed Shapes


1. Collection and Presentation of Data (Tables, Graphs, Charts)
 2. Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode)
 3. Measures of Dispersion (Range, Variance, Standard Deviation)
 4. Probability Basics
 5. Correlation and Regression
 6. Interpretation of Data and Data Analysis


1. Time and Work
 2. Time, Speed, and Distance
 3. Ratio and Proportion
 4. Percentage
 5. Profit and Loss
 6. Simple and Compound Interest

Reasoning Ability of MP SI Syllabus

Reasoning Ability

The Reasoning Ability segment assessments a candidate`s logical thinking, analytical skills, and problem-fixing abilities. It consists of a number of questions designed to evaluate one-of-a-kind factors of reasoning.

Verbal Reasoning

Verbal Reasoning evaluates a candidate’s cappotential to apprehend and motive the use of principles framed in phrases. Key regions include:


Identifying relationships among pairs of phrases and locating a phrase that has a comparable courting to a given phrase pair.


Deciphering codes and styles wherein phrases or numbers are written to decide the authentic message.


Logical reasoning issues that contain deducing conclusions from given premises.

Logical Sequence:

Arranging a hard and fast of activities, actions, or statements in a logical order primarily based totally on given conditions.

Non-Verbal Reasoning

Non-Verbal Reasoning includes studying visible statistics and fixing issues the use of visible reasoning. Key regions include:


Identifying styles and finishing a chain of figures or images.
Pattern Completion: Finding the lacking a part of a sample or figuring out a discern that completes a given sample.

Mirror Images:

Determining the replicate photograph of a given discern or sample.

Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning assesses a candidate’s cappotential to suppose logically and resolve issues systematically. Key regions include:


Solving complicated issues concerning association, selection, and logical deduction.

Seating Arrangements:

Determining the association of human beings or items primarily based totally on given conditions.
Blood Relations: Solving issues associated with familial relationships and figuring out the connection among one-of-a-kind own circle of relatives members.

Analytical Reasoning

Analytical Reasoning assessments the cappotential to investigate statistics and resolve issues primarily based totally on logical reasoning. Key regions include:

Data Sufficiency:

Determining whether or not the given information is enough to reply a query or resolve a problem.
Statements and Conclusions: Analyzing statements and figuring out if positive conclusions logically comply with from the given statements.

Cause-Effect Reasoning:

Identifying reason and impact relationships among activities or actions.

Science and Technology of MP SI Syllabus


Key Points


1. Laws of Motion (Newton’s Laws, Force, Momentum)
 2. Work, Energy, and Power (Kinetic and Potential Energy)
 3. Heat and Thermodynamics (Temperature, Heat Transfer)
 4. Light (Reflection, Refraction, Lenses, Mirrors)
 5. Electricity and Magnetism (Ohm’s Law, Circuits, Magnetic Fields)
 6. Sound (Wave Properties, Speed of Sound, Doppler Effect)


1. Atomic Structure (Atoms, Molecules, Electron Configuration)
 2. Chemical Reactions (Types of Reactions, Balancing Equations)
 3. Acids, Bases, and Salts (pH Scale, Neutralization)
 4. Periodic Table (Groups, Periods, Properties of Elements)
 5. Organic Chemistry (Hydrocarbons, Functional Groups)
 6. Chemical Bonding (Ionic, Covalent, Metallic Bonds)


1. Cell Structure and Function (Organelles, Cell Division)
 2. Human Anatomy and Physiology (Systems of the Body)
 3. Genetics (DNA, Genes, Mendelian Inheritance)
 4. Ecology and Environment (Ecosystems, Biodiversity)
 5. Plant Biology (Photosynthesis, Plant Reproduction)
 6. Diseases and Health (Common Diseases, Vaccines)
Basic Concepts of Computer Science1. Computer Hardware (Components, Functions)
 2. Computer Software (Types of Software, Operating Systems)
 3. Internet and Networking (Basic Concepts, Protocols)
 4. Programming Basics (Languages, Logic, Algorithms)
 5. Data Storage and Management (Databases, Cloud Storage)
 6. Cybersecurity (Threats, Protection Measures)
Recent Developments in Science and Technology1. Recent Discoveries in Physics (Quantum Computing, Particle Physics)
 2. Advances in Chemistry (New Materials, Chemical Synthesis)
 3. Breakthroughs in Biology (CRISPR, Gene Editing)
 4. Innovations in Technology (AI, Machine Learning, IoT)
 5. Environmental Science (Renewable Energy, Climate Change Solutions)
 6. Medical Advances (Telemedicine, New Treatments, Vaccines)

General English of MP SI Syllabus


  • Parts of speech: Understand and pick out nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc.
  • Sentence structure: Learn approximately subject-verb settlement, stressful usage, and sentence types (simple, compound, complex).
  • Punctuation: Master using commas, semicolons, colons, and apostrophes.
  • Articles and determiners:Know a way to use “a/an/the” and different determiners successfully.
  • Pronouns: Understand pronoun-antecedent settlement and the appropriate use of pronouns.
  • Sentence correction: Practice figuring out and correcting not unusual place grammatical errors.


  • Synonyms and Antonyms: Expand your vocabulary with the aid of using studying phrases with comparable and contrary meanings.
  • Idioms and Phrases: Understand usually used expressions and their meanings.
  • Word Formation: Study prefixes, suffixes, and root phrases to recognize phrase origins and meanings.
  • Contextual Vocabulary: Learn how phrases extrade which means primarily based totally on context and usage.
  • Analogies: Practice know-how relationships among pairs of phrases.
  • Word Usage: Use phrases successfully in sentences, being attentive to nuances and connotations.


  • Reading Strategies: Learn a way to skim and experiment texts for primary thoughts and details.
    Understanding Tone: Identify the author`s mind-set and reason in a passage.
  • Inference: Draw conclusions and make predictions primarily based totally on statistics presented.
  • Vocabulary in Context: Use context clues to decide the which means of unexpected phrases.
  • Summarizing: Concisely seize the principle factors of a passage.
  • Critical Analysis: Evaluate arguments and pick out strengths and weaknesses in reasoning.

Essay Writing:

  • Structure: Master the introduction, frame paragraphs, and end format.
  • Thesis Statement: Learn to formulate a clean and concise primary idea.
  • Organization: Arrange thoughts logically and coherently inside paragraphs.
  • Argumentation: Support arguments with proof and examples.
  • Clarity and Style: Write truely and concisely, warding off ambiguity and repetition.
  • Editing and Proofreading: Revise essays for grammar, punctuation, and coherence.

Letter Writing:

  • Format: Understand formal and casual letter formats, along with addresses, salutations, and closings.
  • Tone: Adjust your writing fashion primarily based totally at the reason and recipient of the letter.
  • Content: Include applicable statistics, requests, or responses truely and courteously.
  • Language: Use suitable language and keep away from slang or overly formal expressions.
  • Conventions: Follow conventions for enterprise letters, private letters, and reliable correspondence.
  • Editing: Review letters for clarity, coherence, and correctness earlier than sending.

Current Affairs of MP SI Syllabus

National and International Events:

  • Major authorities rules and projects added recently.
  • Legislative adjustments or amendments in numerous sectors.
  • Significant monetary tendencies or reforms.
  • Updates on social welfare schemes and their impact.
  • Important country wide and global summits or conferences.
  • Key geopolitical tendencies and global relations.


  • Major tournaments and championships held recently.
    Performance of Indian athletes in global occasions.
  • Records damaged or milestones executed through athletes.
  • Changes in sports activities rules or federations in India.
  • Emerging sports activities traits or new wearing occasions.
  • Sports awards and recognitions obtained through Indian athletes.

Awards and Honors:

  • National awards along with Padma Awards, Bharat Ratna, and Arjuna Awards.
  • International awards obtained through Indians in numerous fields.
    Recognition for contributions in science, arts, literature, and social work.
  • Awards for excellence in fields like journalism, business, and environment.
  • Honors conferred through nation governments or global organizations.
  • Notable achievements in cultural protection and heritage.

Books and Authors:

  • Bestselling books in fiction, non-fiction, and numerous genres.
    Books authored through distinguished personalities or celebrities.
  • Literary awards like Booker Prize, Pulitzer Prize, and Sahitya Akademi Awards.
  • Biographies and autobiographies of influential figures launched recently.
  • Literary fairs and occasions celebrating books and authors.
    Translations of famous books into extraordinary languages and their impact.

MP Specific General Knowledge

History of Madhya Pradesh:

  • Ancient records inclusive of the Vedic duration and early civilizations withinside the region.
  • Medieval records masking dynasties just like the Paramaras, Gonds, and Bundelas.
  • Role of Madhya Pradesh (MP SI Syllabus) withinside the Indian freedom struggle.
  • Integration of princely states and formation of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Contributions of distinguished leaders from Madhya Pradesh (MP SI Syllabus)in countrywide movements.
  • Historical monuments and history webweb sites withinside the state.

Geography of Madhya Pradesh:

  • Physical geography inclusive of rivers like Narmada, Tapi, and Chambal.
  • Forest cowl and natural world sanctuaries including Kanha and Bandhavgarh.
  • Climate zones throughout specific areas of Madhya Pradesh(MP SI Syllabus).
  • Mineral sources and their importance to the state`s economy.
  • Agricultural styles and predominant vegetation grown withinside the state.
  • Industrial increase facilities and predominant transportation networks.

Culture and Traditions:

  • Traditional artwork paperwork and crafts like Gond artwork and Chanderi weaving.
  • Folk dances and tune fairs celebrated in Madhya Pradesh.
  • Cuisine and culinary traditions precise to the region.
  • Festivals including Khajuraho Dance Festival and Tansen Music Festival.
  • Languages spoken and cultural range amongst specific communities.
  • Religious range and pilgrimage facilities in Madhya Pradesh.

Important Personalities:

  • Freedom opponents from Madhya Pradesh including Rani Durgavati and Tantya Bhil.
  • Political leaders and reformers who fashioned the state’s records.
  • Literary figures and their contributions to Hindi and nearby literature.
  • Artists, musicians, and performers famend in Madhya Pradesh.
  • Scientists, educators, and social activists from the state.
  • Sports personalities who’ve delivered reputation to Madhya Pradesh (MP SI Syllabus) nationally and internationally.

Government Schemes and Initiatives:

  • Key welfare schemes aimed toward rural improvement and poverty alleviation.
  • Initiatives selling training and healthcare in rural areas.
  • Infrastructure tasks enhancing connectivity and concrete amenities.
  • Employment technology schemes and projects assisting entrepreneurship.
  • Environmental conservation applications and projects for sustainable improvement.
  • Digital projects and e-governance tasks reaping benefits residents of Madhya Pradesh.

Preparation Tips and Strategies

Time Management:


Create a Schedule: Plan your observe hours effectively, allocating time for every issue and topic.

Set Priorities: Focus on high-weightage subjects and regions wherein you want improvement.

Break Down Tasks: Divide your observe periods into smaller, potential duties to keep away from feeling overwhelmed.

Use a Timer: Set timers for observe periods and breaks to hold awareness and productivity.

Regular Review: Schedule normal evaluations to song your development and give a boost to studying.

Effective Study Plan:


Understand the Syllabus: Familiarize your self very well with the MP SI  syllabus and examination sample.

Set Realistic Goals: Set daily, weekly, and month-to-month observe dreams primarily based totally in your strengths and weaknesses.

Diversify Study Methods: Combine studying with energetic studying strategies like summarizing, thoughts mapping, and practising questions.

Allocate Time Wisely: Give extra time to tough topics at the same time as revising less difficult ones often to hold proficiency.

Stay Flexible: Adapt your observe plan as wanted primarily based totally on development and new statistics.

Practice and Revision Techniques:


Solve Previous Papers: Practice with preceding years` query papers to apprehend the examination sample and forms of questions.

Mock Tests: Take mock assessments often to simulate examination situations and enhance time management.

Topic-sensible Quizzes: Take topic-sensible quizzes to perceive susceptible regions and awareness on enhancing them.

Revision Timetable: Create a revision timetable for brief evaluations of all topics and subjects earlier than the examination.

Active Recall: Test your self through recalling statistics with out regarding notes or textbooks to beautify reminiscence retention.

Utilization of Resources (Books, Online Materials, Mock Tests):


Recommended Books: Refer to traditional textbooks and observe substances advocated for the MP SI examination syllabus.

Online Resources: Use legitimate websites, video tutorials, and academic apps for extra studying and practice.

Join Study Groups: Participate in on-line or offline observe agencies to talk about doubts, percentage resources, and live motivated.

Attend Coaching: Consider becoming a member of a education institute for established steerage and professional support.

Review Mock Tests: Analyze mock take a look at effects to perceive strengths and weaknesses, that specialize in enhancing susceptible regions.

Freqently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the MP SI Syllabus?

The MP SI Syllabus is conducted by the Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) for the recruitment of Sub Inspectors in the Madhya Pradesh Police Department. It assesses candidates on various subjects including General Knowledge, Mathematics, Reasoning Ability, Science and Technology, General English, and MP Specific General Knowledge.

Q2: What is the eligibility criteria for the MP SI Syllabus?

Candidates must typically have a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university to be eligible for the MP SI Syllabus. Additional physical standards and other criteria may apply, as specified by MPPEB.

Q3: How can I apply for the MP SI Syllabus?

Candidates can apply for the MP SI exam through the official website of MPPEB. The application process usually involves filling out an online application form, uploading required documents, and paying the application fee.

Q4: What is the exam pattern for the MP SI Syllabus?

The exam pattern generally consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) divided into sections such as General Knowledge, Mathematics, Reasoning Ability, Science and Technology, General English, and MP Specific General Knowledge. There may also be a physical efficiency test (PET) and a personal interview round.

Q5: How should I prepare for the MP SI Syllabus?

To prepare effectively for the MP SI Syllabus, create a study plan covering all subjects and topics in the syllabus. Focus on understanding concepts, solving practice questions, and revising regularly. Utilize standard textbooks, online resources, mock tests, and previous years’ question papers for comprehensive preparation.

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