College is an important investment. Whether you are starting for the first time or going back after a long pause, there are plenty of ways that online college can help you advance your career. Some employers only offer promotions to people with degrees. While they are often willing to hire entry-level people without degrees, in order to qualify for management positions, you might need a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree.
The great thing about technology is that you can now get this education 100% online. An online college is a powerful tool because it means that you no longer need to have a gap in your career to go back to school. Here’s how online college can help you advance your career.
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Take Only The Courses You Need Most
When you need just a class or two, taking online college courses is the perfect option. When people go to college for the first time, they usually take every class they need for a degree. When you’re trying to do courses to advance your career, you usually just need a couple. Whether it’s a course in business, leadership, or a computer class, online college can open more career opportunities for people who need them.

Get a New Certification
Want to advance your career? Get certified in something. New certifications qualify you to do higher-level jobs and to take on new responsibilities at work. Computer-based and tech certifications are in high demand. Additionally, there are HR and finance certifications that can give you a boost as well. Look at your career goals to determine if a certificate would help you achieve more.
Pursue an Advanced Degree
Education is important. Online college can help you pursue an advanced degree. Whether you’re in education, social work, or the healthcare industry, there are many ways that an advanced degree will help you achieve your career goals. For those in nursing, for instance, an advanced degree as a nurse practitioner can help you care for patients in different ways. It expands your career options and can help you take on leadership roles.

Meet People in Your Industry
Online college courses introduce you to new people. By taking classes you’ll get to meet people you wouldn’t have otherwise. It’s a networking opportunity and beyond just the benefits of taking the class itself, these new connections can prove to be critical in helping you advance your career. You could get assigned a project with someone who works for a company that you’d like to get your foot in the door with. You could meet management from other companies who are looking to hire people like you.
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Impress Your Boss
You never know if you would be able to impress your boss by taking on a challenging course and doing a great job. It is especially important if you can take what you learn and apply it to your role. If you’ve been looking for a promotion, use your college classes as an opportunity to impress your boss. Make sure he or she knows that you are studying hard. Do a great job at work and you could see that promotion in your future.

Gain New Skills and Knowledge
Learning new topics helps you gain new skills and knowledge. Online courses give you the opportunity to learn new technology and apply new skills. You’ll need good time management to juggle work, home, and your online classes. You’ll develop better judgment skills and be able to make better decisions. Through your coursework, you gain new knowledge and understanding. You’ll improve your memory and your focus. All these skills can help you in your life and to take your career to new heights.
Taking online classes can benefit your career in multiple ways. You can get certifications that can qualify you for new tasks. You’ll develop soft skills that make you better at your job. You can get advanced degrees and give yourself more opportunities for leadership and upper-level roles within your company. Additionally, you might discover that some of the people in your classes are in the same industry that you are. Those connections may help you find future employment at companies that you want to work for.