How Will Be Your Career After Studying at OP Jindal Global University?

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A lot of students, while pursuing degree or diploma, do consider to get admission in a well known and reputed college/ university so that after graduation, their resumés would be decorated by the university’s name and they think just because of that association they will, fairly easily, get plenty of job opportunities. Well, too bad, that’s not how exactly the case is. You also need to have matching skills for the same. And the college’s contribution in enhancing and inculcating those skills is what actually matters to help you land the job of your dreams. Check this article to know more about placements and career after studying in OP Jindal Global University.

In this article, we will try to speculate what trajectories your career might take after studying in OP Jindal Global University. So let’s get to it. 

University’s placement cell is quite engaging 

OP Jindal Global University Placements and career

OP Jindal Global University runs a rather successful placement cell to help its students to reach full potential. Office of Career Services (OCS) quite soulfully assists students to bridge the gap between being a great student and being a great employee. Right from the get-go, OP Jindal Global University’s students are made familiar about the importance and services of the Office of Career Services. OCS guides the students to realise their fields of interest, explore deeper into these fields, to experience and understand how things work in real-life settings, to prepare them for particular types of jobs and formulate practical career plans. OP Jindal Global University and OCS perfectly understand that mere academic excellence won’t help students to reach their aims and goals, they also need to be well-groomed with proper business etiquettes in order to conquer the world outside. A college’s placement cell is as essential a part of the course as any other and OP Jindal Global University meets the need more than adequately.

Office of Career Services meticulously assist students right from the basics of writing resumes and CVs correctly, writing a suitable cover letter, how to answer in basic interviews and group discussions, what sort of questions would ne asked in interviews and GDs and other interview related etiquettes,  career counselling students so that their interests and skills match their career prospects. OCS even carries out mock group discussions and interviews to familiarize the students with the whole interviewing process and how to ideally approach it.  Thus, the students would not be overwhelmed or intimidated by the real world outside. While this all comes under preparatory efforts to get the students industry ready, there are other initiatives too that are taken by OCS for students’ benefits. 

Top Placement Companies

OP Jindal Global University Placements and career

Such as actively looking out for opportunities and invite companies that suits the student’s interests and that matches their potentials and aspirations. OCS also conducts internship drives and job fairs, both, on campus and off campus. Overall, these efforts taken by the Office of Career Services culminate into a great and smooth transition of a student into the world outside. So much so that, OCS has almost always had a placement percentage above 90%, meaning of all the students who applied for placements, most of them were accepted with average or more than average package. Among the reputed companies that come to OP Jindal Global University includes Flipkart, Axis Bank, HCL Technologies, Ministry of Law and Justice, Amer Group and a lot more. Usually, the average package varies every year depending on available vacancies, companies and the field of work. Since, the last few years, it’s been fluctuating between 13 – 15 LPA.

If you don’t wish to go through the placement cell and have other ambitions such as to grow a business or work in-house, then the college guides you through it, too. 

It has a strong alumni network

OP Jindal Global University Placements and career


Another thing OP Jindal Global University is known for, is its strong and wide spreading alumni network. OP Jindal Global University’s alumni have left their mark in some of the most famous firms and have their presence in almost all sectors. This virtue has enabled them to mentor and encourage current batches into a solid work force, ready to take over the world. They largely cover sectors like educational, legal and business development, information technology, media & communications and so on. The alumni of OP Jindal Global University maintain the culture and standard inculcated in them by the University while working in their respective sectors. 



As much as the University’s name will speak for itself on your resume, OP Jindal Global University ensures that when you graduate, you not only become a knowledgeable professional but also, one who knows the workings of the world. If you had any doubts about your career prospect after studying in OP Jindal Global University, then we hope this article assures you that you will have a bright future after graduating from OP Jindal Global University.

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