Ivy League Colleges

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Ivy League consists of eight members. Following are the members of the Ivy League: Yale University, Dartmouth College, Columbia University, Brown University, Cornell University, Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Harvard University. Ivy League colleges denote selectivity in admissions, social elitism, and high academic standards. Here is an article on Ivy League.

It was established in 1954 and is also referred to as The Ancient Eight. It is an American collegiate athletic conference comprising of the above eight research universities in the Northeastern United States. These universities are of private type. Ivy League schools and colleges are seen as some of the most prestigious universities in the world. Study Abroad.

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Admission And Prestige Of Ivy League Colleges

The overall admission rates in these Ivy League colleges are less than 10%. These schools demand higher academic excellence and also are much more expensive than any private universities. Ivy League colleges also provide adequate financial aid in the form of scholarships. It is difficult to get into these colleges but once someone gets into it, these colleges are known to strongly help their students in their professional careers. It admits students from all over the world but it is believed that these colleges discriminate against Asian students. These schools are consistently ranked highly by several university rankings. All the eight universities of Ivy League are ranked within the top 15 in the country by The Wall Street Journal.

Culture And Extracurricular Activities

Ivy League colleges are known for providing the path for the emergence of new fashion trends such as Ivy League and preppy are such styles that are commonly associated with the culture of Ivy League colleges. J. Press and Brooks Brothers are often associated with the Ivy League dress manner which became popular in the 1950s and is associated with a style of mem’s dress. Preppy styles are represented by J. Press and it started from around 1912. J. Press and Brooks Brothers had stored on campuses of Ivy League universities since they emerged as the pioneers of the peppy culture. Even to date, these styles are popular in Ivy League colleges as well as throughout the United States and across the world. These are known as ‘Traditional American Style’ and ‘Classical American Style’.

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Some Interesting Facts About Ivy League Colleges

Though as an athletic conference, the Ivy League officially began in 1954 it is much more than just college athletics. Nowadays, Ivy League is often being associated with a high-quality education, renowned universities, and having an extremely competitive environment. These are also the oldest universities with some universities such as the Cornell University going back to the colonial era. Ivies boast enormous billion-dollar endowments in the form of donations and assets each year.
Every United States President since the 1980s holds an Ivy League degree, and every current member of the Supreme Court attended an Ivy League law school. Study Abroad.

Following were the rankings are given to Ivy League Universities by the U.S. News and World Report:

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  • Princeton at number 1,
  • Harvard at number 2,
  • Columbia and Yale at number 3,
  • The University of Pennsylvania at number 6,
  • Dartmouth at number 12,
  • Brown University at number 14 and
  • Cornell University at number 17.

Some of the notable alumni of Ivy Leagues includes Michelle and Barak Obama, Jeff Bezos, dozens of Nobel laureates, winners of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, and winners of the Nobel Prize.
Ivy Leagues are becoming socially, ethnically, and economically diverse these days due to high financial aid provided by these colleges yet these colleges are known to discriminate against Asian students. There are various causes related to discrimination against Asian students. For example, in 2020, Harvard University discriminated against the Asian-American applicant in the selection process. It is disheartening to know that such universities which are known for such high standards of academic excellence still practices racial and gender discrimination. While these universities excel in many aspects, it is important to realize the need for propagating equality and this type of action should be looked down upon.

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