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Philosophy is sometimes called the mother of all other sciences. Studying philosophy helps you develop the logical and critical thinking skills that apply to every field and profession. In this article, we will look at the top Universities in the US where you can study Philosophy, according to the widely acknowledged QS University rankings.

1. New York University (NYU)

New York University Department of Philosophy offers B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in Philosophy, as well as a minor in Philosophy and a joint major in a language. The main topics of the courses offered by the department include Epistemology,History of Philosophy, Logic, Metaphysics, Moral and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Logic and Philosophy Mathematics, and Philosophy of Mind.

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he acceptance rate at the department is less than 3%, which denotes very high competition. 33% of the total 44,474 students studying at this best colleges for philosophy in america  hail from foreign countries iQuanta Top rating institute for CAT preparation?

2. Rutgers University-New Brunswick

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Department of Philosophy at the Rutgers University functions under the school of Arts and Sciences in the university. The acceptance rate of the department ranges between 2-3%. 17% of the total 44,264 students studying at this university are from foreign countries.

3. University Of Pittsburgh

Department of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburg offers courses including majors in Philosophy- Intensive Track, BA, and Philosophy – Standard Track, Bam and Philosophy minor. The department mostly concentrates on Programs in Classics, Philosophy, and Ancient Science. 11% of the total 26,761 students studying at this university are from foreign countries.

Q:What should I consider when choosing a philosophy program in the US?

When choosing a philosophy program in the US, some factors to consider may include:

  1. Faculty: Look for programs with faculty members who are experts in your area of interest, and who have a strong reputation in the field.
  2. Curriculum: Consider the courses offered and whether they align with your academic interests and career goals.
  3. Resources: Look for programs with adequate resources, such as libraries, research facilities, and funding opportunities.
  4. Location: Consider the location of the program and whether it aligns with your personal preferences and academic interests.
  5. Networking opportunities: Look for programs that offer opportunities to network with other scholars in your field and to gain practical experience in the field.

Q:What are some of the career opportunities for philosophy graduates?

Philosophy graduates can pursue a wide range of career paths, including:

  1. Academia: Teaching and conducting research at colleges and universities.
  2. Law: Pursuing a law degree and working as an attorney or legal consultant.
  3. Business: Pursuing a career in business, such as management, consulting, or marketing.
  4. Journalism: Writing and reporting on philosophical topics for news outlets and publications.
  5. Public service: Working in government, non-profits, or public policy organizations.
  6. Medicine and healthcare: Pursuing a career in medical ethics, bioethics, or healthcare policy.
  7. Arts and entertainment: Pursuing a career in creative writing, filmmaking, or other artistic endeavors.

4. Harvard University


Department of Philosophy at the Harvard University offers courses ranging from Early Modern Philosophy, Philosophy of Logic, Ethics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, Philosophy of Probability, Existentialism, and History of Philosophy. 25% of the total 21,261 students studying at this university are from foreign countries.

5. Princeton University

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The department of philosophy at Princeton University covers the full range of areas studied in the Analytic Philosophy department: Logic and Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mind and Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Value Theory, and History of Philosophy, including both early modern and ancient. 23% of the total 8,091 students studying at this university hail from foreign countries.

6. University Of Notre Dame


Department of Philosophy at Notre Dame is the largest University in the United States and offers in-depth knowledge in philosophy and its history. It also houses The Center for the Aristotelian Tradition, Center for the Philosophy of Religion, Maritain Center, Medieval Institute, Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, and The Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values. 12% of the total 12,149 students studying at this university are from foreign countries.

7. Yale University

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The  Yale  Philosophy   Department  provides a list of courses in various traditions of P0hilosophy, with a major focus and a well-established reputation in the History of Philosophy, Ethics, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Art as well as other important areas. 20% of total of 12,910 students studying at this university are from foreign countries.

8. University Of California, Berkeley (UCB)


The Philosophy Department of the University of California is located at the Moses Hall, near the Campanile on the main UC Berkeley campus. The main topics of research that interest to the department include Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Logic, Ethics, the History of Philosophy, and the Philosophy of Science. 17% of the total of 39,918 students studying at this university hails from foreign countries.

9. Stanford University

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The Department of Philosophy at the Stanford University offers very rich programs in Logic, Philosophy of Science, Action Theory, Ethics, and Political Philosophy, Language, Mind and Epistemology, and the History of Philosophy — especially Ancient philosophy and Kant studies. The major programs offered include Major in Philosophy, Combined Major in Philosophy and Religious Studies, and Minor in Philosophy. 23% of the total 16,223 students studying at this university are from foreign countries.

10. University Of Chicago


The Department of Philosophy at the University of Chicago offers programs mainly in the Western Philosophical Tradition, committed to teaching a wide range of courses on the major topics of Analytic Philosophy, History of Philosophy, and Continental Philosophy. 31% of the total 14,292 students studying at this university are from foreign countries.

11. Columbia University

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Department of Philosophy at the Columbia University provides the opportunity for pursuing advanced study in a wide range of philosophical subjects and methods—systematic, analytic, and historical. The department is also home to the Distinguished Journal of Philosophy. 39% of the total 27,384 students studying at this university hail from foreign countries.

12. University Of Southern California


The School of Philosophy at the University of Southern California offers courses in most areas of Philosophy, including Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Logic, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Art, Social, Legal, and Political Philosophy, as well as the History of Philosophy, both ancient and modern. 23% of the total 41,953 students studying at this university hail from foreign countries.

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