Biology Viva Questions Class 12 Download PDF

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Biology Viva Questions Class 12 Download PDF :Welcome to an critical issue of Class 12 Biology research: the Viva Voce. As college students embark on their journey via the captivating realm of Biology, they come upon now not simplest theoretical know-how however also realistic applications that beautify their knowledge. One such crucial thing is the Biology Viva Voce, an oral examination designed to assess students’ comprehension, realistic competencies, and ability to articulate organic principles efficiently.


Introduction: Biology Viva Questions Class 12

The Viva Voce in Biology Class 12 under the  serves as a platform wherein college students show off their knowledge of diverse topics ranging from cell biology to genetics, evolution, and biotechnology. It is an possibility for students to illustrate their know-how via verbal explanations, diagrams, and practical demonstrations.

In this blog, we delve into the world of Biology Viva Questions for Class 12, exploring key subjects and ability questions that scholars might also come across all through their realistic tests. Whether you are preparing for upcoming checks or in reality curious approximately the sorts of questions asked, this weblog aims to provide insights and guidance to help you excel in your Biology Viva Voce.


Preparing for the Biology Viva Voce calls for a radical expertise of key standards, practical abilties in accomplishing experiments, and the capacity to articulate findings surely. Through verbal factors, diagrams, and palms-on demonstrations, students showcase their skillability in numerous topics which includes cell biology, genetics, evolution, and biotechnology.

For college students, the Viva Voce revel in in Class 12 Biology is not pretty much passing an examination but additionally approximately gaining self assurance in their understanding and capabilities. It prepares them for destiny educational interests and careers in fields consisting of remedy, biotechnology, environmental technological know-how, and research.

As you hold your adventure in Biology Class 12, take into account that the Viva Voce is an opportunity to illustrate your  for the difficulty and your willpower to studying. Embrace the venture, have a look at diligently, and approach each query with interest and exuberance.

We hope this weblog has provided treasured insights and guidance to help you excel for your Biology Viva Voce. Wishing you fulfillment for your academic endeavors and a deeper appreciation for the wonders of organic sciences!

Download :Biology Viva Questions Class 12

Syllabus :Biology practical Class 12

1. Identification and Study of Specimens:

  • Microscopy: Preparation of temporary mounts and observation of slides (e.g., onion peel, human cheek cells) under the microscope.
  • Study of Specimens: Identification and study of specimens such as Spirogyra, Agaricus, and Rhizopus.

2. Physiology Experiments:

  • Study of Plant Physiology: Experiments related to water absorption, transpiration, photosynthesis, and respiration in plants.
  • Study of Animal Physiology: Experiments related to the respiratory system (e.g., studying the rate of respiration in different organisms using a respirometer).

3. Genetics and Biotechnology:

  • Demonstration of Genetic Principles: Verification of Mendelian laws using mono and dihybrid crosses.
  • Biotechnology Experiments: Techniques such as DNA isolation, gel electrophoresis, and PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction).

4. Ecology and Environment:

  • Field Studies: Collection and identification of common plants and animals from local ecosystems.
  • Study of Ecological Parameters: Measurement and analysis of abiotic factors (e.g., pH, temperature) in a given habitat.

5. Bioinformatics:

  • Introduction to Bioinformatics: Basic exercises involving the use of bioinformatics tools for sequence alignment or data analysis.

6. Project Work:

  • Project Presentation: Students may be required to undertake a project related to any aspect of biology, conduct experiments, gather data, analyze results, and present their findings.

Exam pattern and duration Biology practicals Class 12

TopicMarks Distribution
Major Experiment5
Minor Experiment4
Preparation of Slides5
Practical Record and Viva-Voce4
Investigatory Project, Project Record, and Viva Voce5
Total Marks30

1. Duration:

  • Total Hours: The Biology practical sessions are usually conducted over several days, totaling approximately 4-5 hours spread across multiple sessions.

2. Session Breakdown:

  • Session Duration: Each practical session generally lasts for about 2-3 hours, depending on the complexity and number of experiments planned for that session.
  • Number of Sessions: Practical exams are typically conducted over multiple sessions to cover different topics and experiments comprehensively.

3. Practical Schedule:

  • Day-wise Schedule: Schools or examination centers schedule practical exams on specific days, ensuring adequate time for preparation, conducting experiments, and completing assessments.
  • Timing: Practical sessions may be scheduled in the morning or afternoon, depending on the availability of laboratory facilities and student convenience.

4. Practical Record Submission:

  • Completion Timeline: Students are required to complete their practical records, including observations, diagrams, and conclusions, within a specified timeline after each practical session.
  • Submission Deadline: Practical records are usually submitted to the examiner or teacher for evaluation shortly after the completion of all practical sessions.

significance : Biology Viva Questions Class 12

  1. Comprehensive Understanding: Viva Voce checks require students to articulate their expertise verbally, demonstrating a deep knowledge of biological ideas past memorization. This promotes an intensive know-how of theories, ideas, and their practical packages.
  2. Critical Thinking and Analysis: Viva Questions regularly probe students’ capacity to investigate experimental outcomes, interpret records, and draw logical conclusions. This fosters important questioning abilties, supporting students expand the potential to suppose scientifically and make informed judgments.
  3. Practical Application: By discussing experimental methodologies, observations, and conclusions, students have interaction in sensible utility of theoretical understanding. This bridges the gap between school room getting to know and real-international software, getting ready them for destiny scientific endeavors.
  4. Communication Skills: Viva Voce exams decorate students’ communique competencies as they articulate complicated ideas genuinely and effectively. This is critical not most effective for academic success but additionally for professional improvement in fields wherein clean verbal exchange of clinical findings is vital.
  5. Assessment of Practical Skills: Viva Questions assess college students’ practical abilities, consisting of their capacity to carry out experiments accurately, handle laboratory system, and report observations meticulously. This holistic evaluation guarantees that scholars are proficient in each theoretical knowledge and realistic utility.

Tips Good preparation : Class 12 Biology

  1. Understand the Exam Pattern: Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, question types, and marking scheme by thoroughly analyzing the sample paper.
  2. Time Management: Practice solving the sample paper within the allotted time frame to improve your time management skills. Divide your time wisely among different sections or question types.
  3. Focus on Weak Areas: Identify your weak areas or topics where you make mistakes while solving the sample paper. Allocate more time to revise and practice these topics to strengthen your understanding.
  4. Analyze Mistakes: After solving the sample paper, carefully analyze your mistakes. Understand why you made errors and learn from them to avoid repeating them in the actual exam.
  5. Practice Regularly: Make solving sample papers a regular part of your study routine. Regular practice will help you become familiar with different question formats and build confidence in your abilities.
  6. Simulate Exam Conditions: Attempt the sample paper under exam-like conditions, such as timing yourself and avoiding distractions. This will help you get accustomed to the pressure of the actual exam.

FAQs on Biology Viva Questions Class 12

1. What is a Biology Viva Voce in Class 12?

A Biology Viva Voce is an oral examination performed as a part of practical checks in Class 12. It entails questioning college students on various biological principles, experimental methodologies, observations, and interpretations.
2. What is the cause of a Biology Viva Voce?

The most important cause of a Biology Viva Voce is to evaluate students’ information of biological standards, their potential to apply theoretical know-how in practical scenarios, and their proficiency in experimental strategies and scientific reasoning.

3. How are Biology Viva Questions established?

Biology Viva Questions are structured to cowl a huge variety of subjects from the Class 12 syllabus, inclusive of cell biology, genetics, evolution, biotechnology, ecology, and environmental technological know-how. Questions may vary in complexity and may encompass theoretical standards, experimental setups, observations, and evaluation.

4.How much weightage do Biology Viva Voce assessments carry in Class 12 exams?

The weightage of Biology Viva Voce assessments may vary, but they typically contribute significantly to the overall practical assessment marks. Students’ performance in Viva Voce, along with practical records and project work, collectively determine their practical exam scores.

5. Can I use diagrams or visual aids during a Biology Viva Voce?

Yes, you can use diagrams or visual aids to support your explanations during a Biology Viva Voce. Clear and labeled diagrams often enhance understanding and help illustrate complex biological concepts effectively.

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