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Skill Level

3+ hours







CareerGuide’s ‘ Upskilling MasterClass Certification Course  is a 5+ hours, self-paced online professional course with lifetime access. This will help provide you with curriculum with the help of different Case Studies, Scenarios, FAQs & Quizzes. The program has everything to make you an effective professional.

How this course helps you

This Course includes

Enroll Now 5,000  ₹ 500 only

Learning Path

  1. Continuous Learning & Upskilling for Working Professionals

  2. Quiz – Continuous Learning & Upskilling for Working Professionals

  3. Preview Career Growth is Equal to Money Goal SHeet pdf

  4. Quiz – Preview Career Growth is Equal to Money Goal.

  5. Worksheet – Goal Setting Sheet
  1. Top Online Learning Platforms

  2. Udemy – Online Courses- Learn Anything, On Your Schedule.

  3. Quiz – Top Online Learning Platforms.
  1. Preview Competitive Exams for Professionals

  2. Competitive Exam Creative Careers

  3. MBA Entrance Exam

  4. Government Entrance Exams
  1. Importance of Hobbies – Weekend Careers for Working professionals

  2. 10 Web Series For Working Professional.
    1. 120 Days Activities Checklist for Career Growth for Professionals

    2. Checklist : Calculate ROI and Opportunity Cost and BreakEven Cost for Your Upskilling Programs
Quiz – Calculate ROI and Opportunity Cost and BreakEven Cost for Your Upskilling Programs.

What people are saying

Are You Ready To Start?

Why Upskilling is Needed

30 M

Jobs will require upskilled workforce in next 5 years


of Jobs will be lost by 2030 if workforce don’t upskill themselves


New jobs require technology & automation & hence need of upskilling

Instructor of Upskilling MasterClass

Surabhi Dewra

Founder of CareerGuide, Entrepreneur

Surabhi Dewra

Surabhi Dewra is one of the leading Indian women entrepreneurs. She has been featured amongst the top 25 powerful women in India and has received a lot of other awards including the recent ‘50 Fabulous Global Edutech Leader’ award & 40 Under 40 Education Leader award by Business World .

Surabhi makes regular appearances on national and international TV and Print media to discuss Career, Education, Women in Leadership and Economy related topics. She is on the panel of various Government of India Ministry bodies to setup policy framework around Career Guidance and Counselling in the country.

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