Signs that you don’t top their priority list

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Do you often wonder whether you have a place on their priority list? Have you ever felt that their actions and words have no relationship? Do you ever feel that you don’t top their priority list in spite of them saying that you do belong to that place? Well, there are so many questions that can arise in our minds when we doubt matters related to the priority list in which we deserve to belong. See, we all know that actions definitely speak louder than words but when both differ from each other, the confusion tends to begin. So if you are one of them who is confused regarding the same then please consider that this article is written for you and please read it till the end in order to clear all your confusions. So today I’ll share a few signs that may reveal or make you realize that you don’t top their priority list. So here we go –

list of priority

Are they always late?

There are always late, isn’t it? And when you ask them they always end up making excuses or may even convince you regarding the fact that they will probably come late in the future too. They may have told you earlier that they won’t be late, but in the end, they are always late. This is a clear sign that your presence or absence doesn’t matter to them.

You are the one to always initiate a plan to meet –

They may have told you that you matter the most in their lives. But when it comes to meeting up, it’s you who always takes the initiative. And when you ask them the reason, they always have some excuses to convince you. Remember one thing, a person who considers you as one of the most important people in their priority list then they will obviously try to find ways to meet up with you. If not, then it’s a clear sign that they don’t prioritize you.

list of priority

They never crave for your company alone –

By this statement, I mean to say is that they never ask you out alone, instead, they always tend to ask you for a group hangout. Well, there are a lot of people who love to hang out in groups. But there’s a simple difference that may you to notice the main thing. When you top someone’s priority list then they will give you the utmost attention in spite of hanging out in a group or may at least try, but when someone doesn’t prioritize you then they simply won’t care about what you feel and will give the utmost attention to whom they want to. Look, try to understand something very clearly, when they don’t care about you, it won’t bother them if you feel alone in a group. Even if you ask them to hang out with you alone, they may go with you, but try to make you realize that they miss their group. And they only want to hang out with you alone when they want physical intimacy from you.

They repeat the same mistakes –

You find it relatable? I feel sorry for you if you find it relatable. Remember one thing my dear, if hurting you intentionally doesn’t hurt them, then your presence never mattered to them. You may have had infinite conversations with infinite apologies from their side but in the end, they make the same mistake. That’s because it’s their choice to do so. So I guess that it’s high time for you to let them take you for granted. Trust me, they would never change. They may react if you point out their mistakes but won’t ever try to value your feelings. So if you find this relatable then let me tell you that it has already become toxic. So the best way to deal with it is to stop holding such a bonding. It may hurt initially, but it would be less painful than holding it for long in spite of knowing that it’s progressing towards the end.

list of priority

They play the role of a victim –

When you finally point out their mistakes and ask them to make a solution to it, they start playing the role of a victim. They will eventually convince you every time that there must be some problem for which they had to do so. You may have a lot of questions in your mind but will not be able to ask regarding the same because they have somehow been successful in convincing you. So you see, that’s how they win.

So these were few major signs that may help you to find out whether you top their priority list or your presence doesn’t really matter to them. I hope you found this helpful to read. If you find it relatable then please take the right decision now.

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