10 Signs Professionals Need Career Counselling

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Being a professional doesn’t mean you don’t need career counselling. It becomes more important when you are bored with your current job, or you lack focus towards your career, and you haven’t advanced as you have planned in working professionals. By actively participating in career counselling sessions you can develop a better understanding of your career goals and needs. You will read about “10 signs professionals need  career counselling” in this blog.

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1. You Are Earning A Paycheck But Are Unhappy

If you are working in a company where you are not happy, you must definitely think about career counselling. The career counsellors at CareerGuide can help you draw a roadmap or plan your career to get into a job that is truly fulfilling for you. Counsellors at CareerGuide have years of expertise and once they assess your interests, skills, aptitude, goals and ideal workplace communication where you would like to work they can guide you to apply for jobs where you will be most productive and work happily.

2. You Haven’t Advanced As You Planned

If you are not having any growth in your current job then you must definitely think about changing your job and consider career counselling to find a job where you can find growth opportunities and promotions. Counsellors can help you identify opportunities to advance your career and figure out the flaws that are holding you back.

3. There Are Gaps In Your Resume

It can be a big disadvantage for those who have gaps in employment especially when it is because of not completing your targets on time or switch jobs frequently. This is an indicator to take career counselling. With the help of career counsellors, you can handle your employment gaps and make strategies to explain the employment gaps in a way that benefits you.

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4. You Don’t Trust Advice From Your Inner Circle

Your family and relatives always want the best for you but they are clueless about your likes and dislikes and the career plans you have. In the best possible cases, they may suggest you few career options that they are aware of, but this is about your career, and you should explore all the possible options before selecting a career path. With career counsellors from CareerGuide, you get unbiased advice from experts who have complete knowledge about all career options.

5. Lack Of Focus On Your Career Goals

There are times when it can be difficult to focus on your career goals, and you are getting distracted from your career path. It’s better to take career counselling. Your career goals should be detailed, measurable and attainable. Counsellors can help you refine your career goals and provide you with beneficial advice that can help you focus on your career goals.

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6. You Are Suffering From Career-Related Anxiety

Making suitable career choices is difficult when you are dealing with career-related anxiety and uncertainty. If you are getting anxious about your career plans then you should definitely consider career counselling. Career Counsellors will help you develop a better understanding of your career goals. They will ensure that your actions are positive and productive towards selecting the perfect career for you.

7. You Have Deviated From Your Initial Career Goals

There may be occasions when might feel distracted or deviated from your initial career goals. Not being able to achieve your goals might demotivate you and can become a barrier towards your progress. If you are unsure how to get back on track take career counselling sessions from CareerGuide. Our professional counsellors will help you with the best career based coaching and identify your flaws and provide you with a plan for getting back on track.

8. You Have No Idea What You Want To Do

If you are unsure about the career you want to pursue, and you are lacking work experience it’s better not to waste time any more and book a career counselling session.The counsellors will help you to identify the best career options for you after a Psychometric assessment, and also they will help you find the best jobs where you can apply to kick-start your career.

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9. Interview Nerves Are A Problem

Do you get nervous and anxious when it comes to giving interviews? This is a major concern because you get selected beard on your interview. You should definitely consider discussing this with a career counsellor. It’s demotivating when you know you have the capability to work but interview nerves are a problem that’s getting you rejected at job interviews. Counsellors can help provide you with strategies that you can apply right away, and it won’t be a matter of time, and you will be able to answer the questions asked by the interviewer. You can also check career clarity service.

10. You Want To Succeed In The Job You Have

Career counselling is not only about getting help for a job search, there is more to it. If you want to succeed in your current job you can take advice from career counsellors on how to excel in your job and get success faster. Counsellors at CareerGuide will help you succeed in your goals in more efficient ways and set up a trajectory of your career.

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11. Masterclass For Working Professionals

Masterclasses are advanced level courses that offer in-depth knowledge and practical skills in a specific field or discipline. These courses are designed to provide working professionals with the opportunity to enhance their skills and advance their careers. Masterclasses are becoming increasingly popular among professionals due to their practical and hands-on approach, providing a valuable learning experience to help them to excel in their fields. In this article, we will discuss the importance of Masterclass for working professionals.


If you feel stuck in your current positions, or if you are in-between roles and unsure of what you want to do next. Then you need career clarity service. CareerGuide brings Career Clarity Service for Working Professionals to overcome wide variety of work-related challenges. You’ll have better career clarity than most people if you actually understand what makes you tick and what your mission in life is. You will have a better understanding of what you need to do to pursue those careers in the future after a career session with a certified career counselor.

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