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A strong resume is crucial for getting noticed by potential employers and securing job interviews. It should be well-organized, easy to read, and tailored to the job you are applying for. To create a strong resume, start by carefully reading the job posting and identifying the most important qualifications and skills required for the position. Then, make sure to highlight these qualifications and skills prominently in your resume. Here is an article on 10 tips  for writing a strong resume.

Use clear and concise language, and avoid using jargon or complex language that might confuse the reader. Start your resume with a strong objective or summary statement that gives the reader a quick overview of your qualifications and what you can bring to the position. Use bullet points to highlight your achievements and experiences, and make sure to quantify them using numbers and percentages whenever possible. Know More Details On Career Guidance For Graduates and Post Graduates.

Start With The Right Format

Chronological: For college students with minimal work experience, a chronological format is usually not the best choice. This format is perfect if you want to present an in-depth work history. Choosing this format will highlight the students’ lack of experience.

Functional: College students could often use functional resume formats, which emphasize the skills and downplays the chronological work history. This could be a big mistake—hiring managers know this format is used by job seekers trying to hide something. Functional resumes don’t work effectively with application tracking systems as well.

Combination or hybrid: A combination resume allows you to demonstrate your most marketable qualifications and skills while still documenting the professional experience. Know More Details On HOW TO BUILD AN IMPRESSIVE PROFILE MASTERCLASS.

Use Professional Words

Actions verbs help give a more professional touch to the resume. When describing your achievements, use words like led, researched, created, etc to portray your experiences more professionally. Know More Details On PROFILE BUILDING SERVICE.

Highlight The Most Relevant Experiences And Skills

What are the most relevant experiences and skills for the job you’re applying for? The most effective resumes are aimed at highlighting the skills that match the job profile. While you’re in college, gain as much experience as you can through internships and talking to some successful people in your field of interest. This is a valuable opportunity for you to ascertain your future in a certain career and understand what that niche requires. Know More Details On CERTIFICATION COURSE – WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION.

Start With The Summary Of Your Qualifications

Incorporate a summary that articulates your qualifications, with an essence of you as a person, and the reasons why you should be given an opportunity. Through your resume communicate the worth you will bring to the table and how your skills will help a corporation achieve its goals. To make it more effective, it’s important to incorporate your qualifications to back up your case

Carefully Edit And Proofread

Proofread your resume carefully before sending it. A clean, error-free resume will make you professional and responsible. Ask someone in your family or your friend to read the resume for you. Think about the talents and experiences required for the work you would like to apply for. Include any internships or jobs where you developed these qualities you have listed in the resume. Even if your work experiences aren’t directly related, find ways to highlight your experiences that are relevant to the work you would like to do. More details on working  professionals services.

Overcome Poor Academics

What if your academic performance was not great? In this case, focus more on the internships, you did and any new qualities you acquired in the past few years.

Include Extracurricular Activities

This can include clubs you were a part of, part-time jobs, volunteer work, or community service. All of these activities can show your skills and highlight your personality.

Include Your Successes

When you write about some experience, try to add any accomplishments or successes you achieved in that particular job or role. Employers are looking for candidates who can get positive results for their companies, so these aspects will greatly elevate your chances of being selected for an interview.

Include Leadership Experience

Have you ever been appointed as the leader of a club, or been a captain on your sports team? Make sure you list these experiences, as they show your ability to manage a team. Know More Details On CAREER CLARITY SERVICE.

Share Samples Of Your Work

Your perfect resume will be worthless if it doesn’t entice your potential employers to hunt for more information about you and your work. Include a link to your portfolio, LinkedIn page, or your personal webpage, where you have showcased all the recommendations and samples of your work. Know More Details On LINKEDIN MASTERCLASS FOR COLLLEGE STUDENTS.


In today’s job market, LinkedIn and a well-crafted resume are crucial tools for job seekers. LinkedIn is a social media platform that allows individuals to create a professional profile that highlights their skills, experience, and education. It also provides a platform for networking and job searching. A resume is a document that summarizes a person’s education, work experience, and skills. A well-written resume can open the door to new career opportunities. However, creating an effective LinkedIn profile and crafting a compelling resume can be a challenge. This is where LinkedIn and resume review services come in. Know more details on resume creation & review.


If you feel stuck in your current positions, or if you are in-between roles and unsure of what you want to do next. Then you need career clarity service. CareerGuide brings Career Clarity Service for Working Professionals to overcome wide variety of work-related challenges. You’ll have better career clarity than most people if you actually understand what makes you tick and what your mission in life is. You will have a better understanding of what you need to do to pursue those careers in the future after a career session with a certified career counselor.

FAQS About Tips For Writing a CV

Q. What is the ideal length for a resume?

A.  Ideally, a resume should be one to two pages long. However, it can vary based on your experience and the industry. Focus on including relevant and impactful information, while keeping it concise and easy to read.

Q. Should I include a summary or objective statement on my resume?

A. Including a summary or objective statement is optional but can be beneficial. A summary provides a brief overview of your qualifications and career goals, while an objective statement focuses on the specific job you’re applying for. Use these statements to capture the reader’s attention and highlight your strengths.

Q. Should I include references on my resume?

A. It’s generally not necessary to include references on your resume. Instead, have a separate document with a list of references ready, and provide them when specifically requested by the employer. Focus on making your resume concise and highlighting your qualifications.

Q. Should I include a cover letter with my resume?

A. It’s generally recommended to include a cover letter, especially when the job application specifically requests one. A cover letter allows you to expand on your qualifications, express your interest in the position, and provide additional context to your resume.

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